import math
import torch
from torch import nn
from cosense3d.modules import build_module
[docs]class ForwardRunner(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, shared_modules, data_manager, dist=False, chunk_size=24, **kwargs):
self.lidar_range = torch.tensor(data_manager.lidar_range)
self.data_manager = data_manager
self.dist = dist
# if the fwd items of a module exits the GPU capacity, run them in several mini batches
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
module_dict = {}
self.module_keys = []
for k, v in shared_modules.items():
if 'type' not in v:
v['dist'] = dist
module = build_module(v)
if module.freeze:
module_dict[k] = module
self.shared_modules = nn.ModuleDict(module_dict)
[docs] def to_gpu(self, gpu_id):
for n, m in self.shared_modules.items():
sync_func = m.to_gpu(gpu_id)
if sync_func is not None:
self.shared_modules[n] = sync_func(m)
[docs] def gather_cav_ids(self, tasks):
return [t[0] for t in tasks]
[docs] def forward(self, tasks, with_grad=True, **kwargs):
if with_grad:
self._forward(tasks, **kwargs)
with torch.no_grad():
self._forward(tasks, **kwargs)
def _forward(self, tasks, **kwargs):
for task_name, task_list in tasks.items():
module = getattr(self.shared_modules, task_name)
task_ids = self.gather_cav_ids(task_list)
n_task = len(task_ids)
s = self.chunk_size
if n_task > s and 0 < n_task % s < 4:
s = int(math.ceil(n_task / math.ceil(n_task / s)))
chunks = [task_ids[i:i + s] for i in range(0, len(task_ids), s)]
res = {k: [] for k in module.scatter_keys}
for tids in chunks:
data = self.data_manager.gather(tids, module.gather_keys)
cur_res = module(*data, **kwargs)
for k in module.scatter_keys:
self.data_manager.scatter(task_ids, res)
[docs] def loss(self, tasks, **kwargs):
loss_dict = {}
loss = 0
for task_name, task_list in tasks.items():
module = getattr(self.shared_modules, task_name)
if module.freeze:
cav_ids = self.gather_cav_ids(task_list)
data = self.data_manager.gather(cav_ids, module.scatter_keys + module.gt_keys)
ldict = module.loss(*data, **kwargs)
for k, v in ldict.items():
prefix = task_name.replace('_head', '')
loss_dict[f'{prefix}.{k}'] = v
loss = loss + v
loss_dict['total_loss'] = loss
return loss, loss_dict
[docs] def frame_loss(self, tasks, **kwargs):
loss_dict = {}
for task_name, task_list in tasks.items():
module = getattr(self.shared_modules, task_name)
if module.freeze:
cav_ids = self.gather_cav_ids(task_list)
data = self.data_manager.gather(cav_ids, module.scatter_keys + module.gt_keys)
ldict = module.loss(*data, **kwargs)
for k, v in ldict.items():
prefix = task_name.replace('_head', '')
loss_dict[f'{prefix}.{k}'] = v
return loss_dict