Source code for cosense3d.agents.viewer.output_viewer

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from cosense3d.utils.vislib import draw_points_boxes_plt


[docs]class MplCanvas(FigureCanvasQTAgg): def __init__(self, data_keys, width=5, height=4, dpi=100, title='plot', nrows=1, ncols=1): fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) self.axes = fig.subplots(nrows, ncols) self.data_keys = data_keys super(MplCanvas, self).__init__(fig)
[docs] def update_title(self, scenario, frame, cav_id): self.axes.set_title(f"{scenario[cav_id]}.{frame[cav_id]}")
[docs]class BEVSparseCanvas(MplCanvas): def __init__(self, lidar_range=None, s=4, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert len(self.data_keys) >=1, ('1st key should be pred bev map, ' '2nd key (optional) should be gt bev map.') self.lidar_range = lidar_range self.s = s self.pred_key = self.data_keys[0] self.gt_key = None if len(self.data_keys) > 1: self.gt_key = self.data_keys[1]
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): if self.pred_key not in data: return for cav_id, data_dict in data[self.pred_key].items(): if 'ctr' in data_dict: centers = data_dict['ctr'].cpu().numpy() elif 'ref_pts' in data_dict: centers = data_dict['ref_pts'].cpu().numpy() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'only ctr or ref_pts are supported.') conf = data_dict['conf'][:, 1:].detach().max(dim=-1).values.cpu().numpy() self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_title(f"{data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") self.scatter = self.axes.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=conf, s=self.s, vmin=0, vmax=1) # self.scatter.set_array(conf) # self.scatter.set_offsets(centers) if self.gt_key is not None: gt_boxes = list(data[self.gt_key][cav_id].values()) gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9]] self.axes = draw_points_boxes_plt( self.lidar_range, boxes_gt=gt_boxes, ax=self.axes, return_ax=True ) self.draw() break
[docs]class DetectionScoreMap(MplCanvas): def __init__(self, lidar_range=None, s=4, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.lidar_range = lidar_range self.s = s self.pred_key = self.data_keys[0] # self.gt_key = self.data_keys[1]
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): if self.pred_key not in data: return for cav_id, det_dict in data[self.pred_key].items(): assert 'ctr' in det_dict and 'scr' in det_dict centers = det_dict['ctr'].cpu().numpy() conf = det_dict['scr'].cpu().numpy() self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_title(f"{data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") self.scatter = self.axes.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=conf, s=self.s, vmin=0, vmax=1) # self.scatter.set_array(conf) # self.scatter.set_offsets(centers) self.draw() break
[docs]class BEVDenseCanvas(MplCanvas): def __init__(self, lidar_range=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert len(self.data_keys) == 2, '1st key should be pred bev map, 2nd key should be gt bev map.' self.lidar_range = lidar_range self.pred_key = self.data_keys[0] self.gt_key = self.data_keys[1]
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): if self.pred_key not in data and self.gt_key not in data: return gt_bev = data.get(self.gt_key, False) for cav_id, pred_bev in data[self.pred_key].items(): self.axes[0].clear() self.axes[1].clear() self.axes[0].set_title(f"Pred: {data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") self.axes[1].set_title(f"GT: {data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") self.axes[0].imshow(pred_bev[..., 1]) if gt_bev: self.axes[1].imshow(gt_bev[cav_id]) self.draw() break
[docs]class SparseDetectionCanvas(MplCanvas): def __init__(self, lidar_range=None, topk_ctr=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.lidar_range = lidar_range self.topk_ctr = topk_ctr self.pred_key = self.data_keys[0] self.gt_key = self.data_keys[1]
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): if self.pred_key not in data: return for cav_id, det_dict in data[self.pred_key].items(): self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_title(f"{data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") # plot points for points in data['points'].values(): draw_points_boxes_plt( pc_range=self.lidar_range, points=points, ax=self.axes, # return_ax=True ) # plot centers if 'ctr' in det_dict: centers = det_dict['ctr'].detach().cpu().numpy() if self.topk_ctr > 0: topk_inds = det_dict['scr'].topk(self.topk_ctr).indices conf = det_dict['scr'][topk_inds] centers = centers[topk_inds] elif 'conf' in det_dict: conf = det_dict['conf'][:, 0, 1].detach().cpu().numpy() mask = conf > 0.5 centers = centers[mask] conf = conf[mask] self.axes.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=conf, s=1, vmin=0, vmax=1) # plot pcds and boxes gt_boxes = list(data[self.gt_key][cav_id].values()) gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9]] pred_boxes = det_dict['box'].detach().cpu().numpy() draw_points_boxes_plt( pc_range=self.lidar_range, boxes_pred=pred_boxes, boxes_gt=gt_boxes, ax=self.axes, # return_ax=True ) self.draw() break
[docs]class DetectionCanvas(MplCanvas): def __init__(self, lidar_range=None, topk_ctr=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.lidar_range = lidar_range self.topk_ctr = topk_ctr self.pred_key = self.data_keys[0] self.gt_key = self.data_keys[1]
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): if self.pred_key not in data: return for cav_id, det_dict in data[self.pred_key].items(): self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_title(f"{data['scenario'][cav_id]}.{data['frame'][cav_id]}") # plot points for points in data['points'].values(): draw_points_boxes_plt( pc_range=self.lidar_range, points=points, ax=self.axes, # return_ax=True ) # plot centers if 'ctr' in det_dict: if self.topk_ctr > 0: topk_inds = det_dict['scr'].topk(self.topk_ctr).indices scr = det_dict['scr'][topk_inds].detach().cpu().numpy() centers = det_dict['ctr'][topk_inds].detach().cpu().numpy() else: centers = det_dict['ctr'].detach().cpu().numpy() if 'scr' in det_dict: scr = det_dict['scr'].detach().cpu().numpy() elif 'conf' in det_dict: scr = det_dict['conf'][:, 0, 1].detach().cpu().numpy() else: break mask = scr > 0.5 centers = centers[mask] scr = scr[mask] self.axes.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=scr, s=.1, vmin=0, vmax=1) # plot pcds and boxes gt_boxes = list(data[self.gt_key][cav_id].values()) gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9]] if 'preds' in det_dict: det_dict = det_dict['preds'] pred_boxes = det_dict['box'].detach().cpu().numpy() draw_points_boxes_plt( pc_range=self.lidar_range, boxes_pred=pred_boxes, boxes_gt=gt_boxes, ax=self.axes, # return_ax=True ) self.draw() break
[docs]class OutputViewer(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, plots, parent=None): super(OutputViewer, self).__init__(parent) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.gather_data_keys = [] self.plots = [] for p in plots: plot = globals()[p['title']](**p) layout.addWidget(plot) self.plots.append(plot) self.gather_data_keys = self.gather_data_keys + plot.data_keys self.gather_data_keys = list(set(self.gather_data_keys))
[docs] def refresh(self, data, **kwargs): for plot in self.plots: plot.refresh(data)