Source code for cosense3d.dataset.pipeline.loading

import os, random, copy
import glob
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from plyfile import PlyData
import cv2

from cosense3d.utils.pclib import pose_to_transformation
from cosense3d.utils.pcdio import point_cloud_from_path
from cosense3d.utils.misc import load_json

[docs]class LoadLidarPoints: def __init__(self, coop_mode=True, load_attributes=['xyz', 'intensity'], time_offset=0): self.coop_mode = coop_mode self.load_attributes = load_attributes self.time_offset = time_offset
[docs] def read_pcd(self, pts_filename): pcd = point_cloud_from_path(pts_filename) points = np.stack([pcd.pc_data[x] for x in 'xyz'], axis=-1) lidar_dict = {'xyz': points} if 'intensity' in pcd.fields: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd.pc_data['intensity'] if 'timestamp' in pcd.fields: lidar_dict['time'] = pcd.pc_data['timestamp'] return lidar_dict
def _load_points(self, pts_filename): """ Load point clouds data form file. Parameters ---------- pcd_file : str The pcd file that contains the point cloud. return_o3d: bool Default returns numpy array, set True to return pcd as o3d PointCloud object Returns ------- lidar_dict: xyz: pcd_np | pcd : np.ndarray | o3d.geometry.PointCloud The lidar xyz coordinates in numpy format, shape:(n, 3); intensity: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,); label: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,); time: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,); ray: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,); """ lidar_dict = {} ext = os.path.splitext(pts_filename)[-1] if ext == '.pcd': # we do not use to avoid conflict with PyQt5 lidar_dict = self.read_pcd(pts_filename) # pcd = # xyz = np.asarray(pcd.points, dtype=np.float32) # lidar_dict['xyz'] = xyz # # we save the intensity in the first channel # intensity = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(pcd.colors)[:, 0], -1) # if len(intensity) == len(xyz): # lidar_dict['intensity'] = intensity elif ext == '.bin': pcd_np = np.fromfile(pts_filename, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4) lidar_dict['xyz'] = pcd_np[:, :3] # check attribute of last column, # num of unique labels for the datasets in this projects is less than 50, # unique intensities is normally larger then 50 if len(np.unique(pcd_np[:, -1])) < 50: lidar_dict['label'] = pcd_np[:, -1] elif pcd_np[:, -1].max() > 1: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd_np[:, -1] / 255 else: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd_np[:, -1] elif ext == '.ply': ply = data = ply['vertex'] properties = [ for prop in] data = {name: np.array(data[name]) for name in properties} xyz = np.stack([data.pop(x) for x in 'xyz'], axis=1) lidar_dict['xyz'] = xyz lidar_dict.update(data) else: raise NotImplementedError # reshape for cat for k, v in lidar_dict.items(): if v.ndim == 1: lidar_dict[k] = v.reshape(-1, 1) return lidar_dict def _load_single(self, pts_filename, timestamp=0): lidar_dict = self._load_points(pts_filename) if 'intensity' in self.load_attributes and 'intensity' not in lidar_dict: lidar_dict['intensity'] = np.ones_like(lidar_dict['xyz'][:, :1]) if 'time' in self.load_attributes: if 'time' in lidar_dict: lidar_dict['time'] -= self.time_offset else: lidar_dict['time'] = np.zeros_like(lidar_dict['xyz'][:, :1]) + (timestamp - self.time_offset) if 'distance' in self.load_attributes: lidar_dict['distance'] = np.linalg.norm(lidar_dict['xyz'][:, :2], axis=1, keepdims=True) if 'cosine' in self.load_attributes: lidar_dict['cosine'] = np.cos(np.arctan2(lidar_dict['xyz'][:, 1:2], lidar_dict['xyz'][:, 0:1])) if 'sine' in self.load_attributes: lidar_dict['sine'] = np.sin(np.arctan2(lidar_dict['xyz'][:, 1:2], lidar_dict['xyz'][:, 0:1])) points = np.concatenate( [lidar_dict[attri] for attri in self.load_attributes], axis=-1) return points def __call__(self, data_dict): if self.coop_mode: points = [] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: adict = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ai] filename = os.path.join(data_dict['data_path'], adict['lidar']['0']['filename']) points.append(self._load_single(filename, adict['lidar']['0']['time'])) else: ego_id = data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['ego_id'] ego_dict = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ego_id] filename = os.path.join(data_dict['data_path'], ego_dict['lidar']['0']['filename']) points = self._load_single(filename) data_dict['points'] = points data_dict['points_attributes'] = self.load_attributes return data_dict
[docs]class LoadMultiViewImg: def __init__(self, bgr2rgb=False, to_float32=False, max_num_img=None, img_filter_keys=None): self.bgr2rgb = bgr2rgb self.to_float32 = to_float32 self.max_num_img = max_num_img self.img_filter_keys = img_filter_keys def __call__(self, data_dict): agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] chosen_cams = OrderedDict() img = [] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue adict = agents[ai] chosen_cams[ai] = [] # get image info num_cam = 0 if self.max_num_img is not None and self.max_num_img < len(adict['camera']): selected = random.sample(list(adict['camera'].keys()), k=self.max_num_img) cam_dicts = {ci: adict['camera'][ci] for ci in selected} else: cam_dicts = copy.copy(adict['camera']) for ci, cdict in cam_dicts.items(): # One lidar frame might have several images, only take the 1st one filename = cdict['filenames'][0] if self.img_filter_keys is not None and \ len([1 for k in self.img_filter_keys if k in filename]) == 0: continue num_cam += 1 chosen_cams[ai].append(ci) img_file = os.path.join(data_dict['data_path'], filename) I = cv2.imread(img_file) if self.bgr2rgb: I = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img.append(I) # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views) img = np.stack(img, axis=0) if self.to_float32: img = img.astype(np.float32) data_dict['img'] = img data_dict['chosen_cams'] = chosen_cams return data_dict
[docs]class LoadAnnotations: def __init__(self, load2d=False, load_cam_param=False, load3d_local=False, load3d_global=False, load_global_time=False, load3d_pred=False, min_num_pts=0, with_velocity=False, class_agnostic_3d=True, time_offset=0, loc_err=None): self.load2d = load2d self.load_cam_param = load_cam_param self.load3d_local = load3d_local self.load3d_global = load3d_global self.load3d_pred = load3d_pred self.load_global_time = load_global_time self.min_num_pts = min_num_pts self.with_velocity = with_velocity self.class_agnostic_3d = class_agnostic_3d self.time_offset = time_offset self.loc_err = np.array(loc_err) if loc_err is not None else None # x, y, r def __call__(self, data_dict): self._load_essential(data_dict) if self.load2d: data_dict = self._load_anno2d(data_dict) elif self.load_cam_param: data_dict = self._load_cam_param(data_dict) if self.load3d_local: data_dict = self._load_anno3d_local(data_dict) if self.load3d_global: data_dict = self._load_anno3d_global(data_dict) if self.load_global_time: data_dict = self._load_global_time(data_dict) if self.load3d_pred: data_dict = self._load_anno3d_pred(data_dict) return data_dict def _add_loc_err(self, pose, loc_err): pose_ = copy.deepcopy(pose) if self.loc_err is not None: loc_err = np.random.randn(3) * self.loc_err pose_[0] = pose[0] + loc_err[0] pose_[1] = pose[1] + loc_err[1] pose_[5] = pose[5] + loc_err[2] return pose_ def _load_essential(self, data_dict): lidar_poses = [] lidar_poses_gt = [] vehicle_poses = [] timestampes = [] agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] loc_err = data_dict['loc_err'] ego_pose = agents[data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['ego_id']]['lidar']['0']['pose'] ego_pose = self._add_loc_err(ego_pose, loc_err[0]) ego_pose = pose_to_transformation(ego_pose) for i, ai in enumerate(data_dict['valid_agent_ids']): if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue adict = agents[ai] lidar_pose = self._add_loc_err(adict['lidar']['0']['pose'], loc_err=loc_err[i]) lidar_pose = pose_to_transformation(lidar_pose) lidar_poses.append(lidar_pose) if self.loc_err is not None or loc_err is not None: lidar_poses_gt.append(pose_to_transformation(adict['lidar']['0']['pose'])) vehicle_poses.append(adict['pose']) if adict['lidar']['0']['time'] is not None: # dairv2x timestampes.append(adict['lidar']['0']['time'] - self.time_offset) else: # opv2v # TODO update opv2v meta files with lidar timestamps timestampes.append(int(data_dict['frame']) * 0.1 - self.time_offset) data_dict.update({ 'lidar_poses': lidar_poses, 'ego_poses': ego_pose, 'timestamp': timestampes, 'vehicle_poses': vehicle_poses }) if len(lidar_poses) == len(lidar_poses_gt): data_dict['lidar_poses_gt'] = lidar_poses_gt return data_dict def _load_cam_param(self, data_dict): intrinsics = [] extrinsics = [] lidar2img = [] agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] chosen_cams = data_dict['chosen_cams'] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue adict = agents[ai] cam_ids = chosen_cams[ai] for ci in cam_ids: cdict = adict['camera'][ci] I4x4 = np.eye(4) I4x4[:3, :3] = np.array(cdict['intrinsic']) intrinsics.append(I4x4.astype(np.float32)) extrinsics.append(np.array(cdict['lidar2cam']).astype(np.float32)) lidar2img.append(self.get_lidar2img_transform( cdict['lidar2cam'], cdict['intrinsic']).astype(np.float32)) data_dict.update({ 'intrinsics': intrinsics, 'extrinsics': extrinsics, 'lidar2img': lidar2img, }) return data_dict def _load_anno2d(self, data_dict): intrinsics = [] extrinsics = [] lidar2img = [] bboxes2d = [] centers2d = [] depths = [] labels = [] agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] chosen_cams = data_dict['chosen_cams'] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue adict = agents[ai] cam_ids = chosen_cams[ai] for ci in cam_ids: cdict = adict['camera'][ci] I4x4 = np.eye(4) I4x4[:3, :3] = np.array(cdict['intrinsic']) intrinsics.append(I4x4.astype(np.float32)) extrinsics.append(np.array(cdict['lidar2cam']).astype(np.float32)) lidar2img.append(self.get_lidar2img_transform( cdict['lidar2cam'], cdict['intrinsic']).astype(np.float32)) cam_info = adict['camera'][ci] # num_lidar_pts = np.ones(len(gt_names)).astype(int) # valid_flag = np.ones(len(gt_names)).astype(bool) mask = np.array(cam_info['num_pts']) > self.min_num_pts bboxes2d.append(np.array(cam_info['bboxes2d']).astype(np.float32)[mask]) centers2d.append(np.array(cam_info['centers2d']).astype(np.float32)[mask]) depths.append(np.array(cam_info['depths']).astype(np.float32)[mask]) labels.append(np.zeros(mask.sum(), dtype=int)) data_dict.update({ 'intrinsics': intrinsics, 'extrinsics': extrinsics, 'lidar2img': lidar2img, 'bboxes2d': bboxes2d, 'centers2d': centers2d, 'depths2d': depths, 'labels2d': labels }) return data_dict def _load_anno3d_local(self, data_dict): local_bboxes_3d = [] local_labels_3d = [] local_boxes_3d_id = [] local_names = [] agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue adict = agents[ai] boxes = np.array(adict['gt_boxes']).reshape(-1, 11) if 'num_pts' not in adict: mask = np.ones_like(boxes[:, 0]).astype(bool) else: mask = np.array(adict['num_pts']) > self.min_num_pts if len(boxes) != len(mask): # TODO: update num pts in meta mask = np.ones_like(boxes[..., 0]).astype(bool) boxes = boxes[mask] local_boxes = boxes[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]].astype(np.float32) local_boxes_id = boxes[:, 0].astype(int) if self.class_agnostic_3d: local_labels = np.zeros(len(boxes), dtype=int) else: local_labels = boxes[:, 1].astype(int) if self.with_velocity: if 'velos' in adict: velos = np.array(adict['velos']).reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.float32) / 3.6 local_boxes = np.concatenate([local_boxes, velos[mask]], axis=-1) else: velos = np.zeros_like(local_boxes[:, :2]) local_boxes = np.concatenate([local_boxes, velos], axis=-1) local_bboxes_3d.append(local_boxes) local_labels_3d.append(local_labels) local_boxes_3d_id.append(local_boxes_id) assert np.all(local_labels == 0), "Num. cls > 1 not implemented." local_names.append(['car' for _ in local_labels]) data_dict.update({ 'local_bboxes_3d': local_bboxes_3d, 'local_labels_3d': local_labels_3d, 'local_bboxes_id': local_boxes_3d_id, 'local_names': local_names, }) return data_dict def _load_anno3d_global(self, data_dict): frame_meta = data_dict['sample_info']['meta'] boxes = np.array(frame_meta['bbx_center_global']) global_bboxes_3d = boxes[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]].astype(np.float32) global_bboxes_id = boxes[:, 0].astype(int) if self.class_agnostic_3d: global_labels_3d = np.zeros(len(boxes), dtype=int) else: global_labels_3d = boxes[:, 1].astype(int) if self.with_velocity: if 'bbx_velo_global' in frame_meta: global_velocity = np.array(frame_meta['bbx_velo_global']).astype(np.float32) / 3.6 else: global_velocity = np.zeros_like(global_bboxes_3d[:, :2]) global_bboxes_3d = np.concatenate([global_bboxes_3d, global_velocity], axis=-1) if 'num_pts' in frame_meta and self.min_num_pts > 0: global_box_num_pts = np.array(frame_meta['num_pts']) mask = global_box_num_pts > self.min_num_pts global_bboxes_3d = global_bboxes_3d[mask] global_labels_3d = global_labels_3d[mask] global_bboxes_id = global_bboxes_id[mask] # TODO: currently only support car global_names = ['car' for _ in global_labels_3d] data_dict.update({ 'global_bboxes_3d': global_bboxes_3d, 'global_labels_3d': global_labels_3d, 'global_bboxes_id': global_bboxes_id, 'global_names': global_names, }) return data_dict def _load_global_time(self, data_dict): frame_meta = data_dict['sample_info']['meta'] if 'global_bbox_time' in frame_meta: data_dict['global_time'] = frame_meta['global_bbox_time'][0] else: data_dict['global_time'] = data_dict['points'][0][:, -1].max() return data_dict def _load_anno3d_pred(self, data_dict): frames = sorted(list(data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['boxes_pred'].keys())) boxes_preds = [data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['boxes_pred'][f] for f in frames] data_dict['bboxes_3d_pred'] = np.array(boxes_preds) return data_dict
[docs] def get_lidar2img_transform(self, lidar2cam, intrinsic): if isinstance(lidar2cam, list): intrinsic = np.array(intrinsic) try: P = intrinsic @ lidar2cam[:3] except: print(intrinsic) print(lidar2cam) lidar2img = np.concatenate([P, lidar2cam[3:]], axis=0) return lidar2img
[docs]class LoadOPV2VBevMaps: def __init__(self, keys=None, use_global_map=True, ego_only=True, range=75): self.keys = keys self.use_global_map = use_global_map self.ego_only = ego_only self.range = range self.map_res = 0.2 self.map_size = int(self.range * 2 / self.map_res) pad = int(range / self.map_res) if self.use_global_map: self.keys = ['bevmap', 'bevmap_coor'] assets_path = f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../carla/assets" map_path = f"{assets_path}/maps/png" map_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(map_path, '*.png')) self.scene_maps = load_json(os.path.join(assets_path, 'scenario_town_map.json')) self.map_bounds = load_json(os.path.join(assets_path, 'map_bounds.json')) self.bevmaps = {} for mf in map_files: town = os.path.basename(mf).split('.')[0] bevmap = cv2.imread(mf) / 255. # bevmap = np.pad(bevmap, ((pad, pad), (pad, pad), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) self.bevmaps[town] = bevmap # grid coor template grid = np.ones((self.map_size, self.map_size)) inds = np.stack(np.where(grid)) xy = inds * 0.2 - self.range + 0.1 self.xy_pad = np.concatenate([xy, np.zeros_like(xy[:1]), np.ones_like(xy[:1])], axis=0) # carla has different coor system as cosense3d, T_corr: carla -> cosense3d self.T_corr = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) else: assert keys is not None and len(keys) > 0 def __call__(self, data_dict): path = os.path.join(data_dict['data_path'], data_dict['scenario']) ego_id = data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['ego_id'] load_dict = {} agents = data_dict['valid_agent_ids'] for ai in agents: if self.ego_only and ego_id != ai: for k in load_dict.keys(): load_dict[k].append(None) continue else: out = self.load_single(path, ai, data_dict) for k in out.keys(): if k not in load_dict: load_dict[k] = [] load_dict[k].append(out[k]) data_dict.update(load_dict) return data_dict
[docs] def load_single(self, path, ai, data_dict): # map1 = self.crop_map_for_pose(data_dict, ai)[0] # map2 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path, ai, f"{data_dict['frame']}_bev.png"))[..., 0] # map2 = np.array(map2, dtype=float) / 255. # map2[map2 > 0] = 1 # map2 = np.flip(map2, 0).copy() # bevmap = np.zeros((500, 500, 3)) # bevmap[..., 0] = map1 # bevmap[..., 1] = map2 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(bevmap) # # plt.close() out = {} if self.use_global_map: out['bevmap'], out['bevmap_coor'] = self.crop_map_for_pose(data_dict, ai) else: frame = data_dict['frame'] for k in self.keys: filename = os.path.join(path, ai, f"{frame}_{k}.png") bev_map = cv2.imread(filename)[..., 0] # bev_map = cv2.cvtColor(bev_map, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) bev_map = np.array(bev_map, dtype=float) / 255. bev_map[bev_map > 0] = 1 out[f'{k}map'] = np.flip(bev_map, 0).copy() out[f'{k}map_coor'] = [-self.range, - self.range] return out
[docs] def crop_map_for_pose(self, data_dict, ai): scenario = data_dict['scenario'] town = self.scene_maps[scenario] # lidar_pose = pose_to_transformation(data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ai]['lidar']['0']['pose']) lidar_pose = data_dict['lidar_poses'][data_dict['valid_agent_ids'].index(ai)] cur_map = self.bevmaps[town] sx, sy = cur_map.shape[:2] bound = self.map_bounds[town] # transform template bev points to world coordinates transform = self.T_corr @ lidar_pose xy_tf = transform @ self.xy_pad # calculate map indices of bev points xy_tf[0] -= bound[0] + 1.0 xy_tf[1] -= bound[1] + 1.0 map_inds = np.floor(xy_tf[:2] / 0.2) xs = np.clip(map_inds[0], 0, sx - 1).astype(int) ys = np.clip(map_inds[1], 0, sy - 1).astype(int) # retrieve cropped bev map from global map bevmap = cur_map[xs, ys].reshape(self.map_size, self.map_size, 3) # [::-1, ::-1] # # bound[0] -= self.range # # bound[1] -= self.range # offset_x = int((lidar_pose[0] - self.range - bound[0]) / self.map_res) # offset_y = int((lidar_pose[1] - self.range - bound[1]) / self.map_res) # # xmin = max(offset_x, 0) # xmax = min(offset_x + size, bevmap.shape[0] - 1) # ymin = max(offset_y, 0) # ymax = min(offset_y + size, bevmap.shape[1] - 1) # bevmap_crop = bevmap[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] # bevmap_coor = [bound[0] + xmin * self.map_res, bound[1] + ymin * self.map_res] if data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ai]['pose'][2] > 2: bevmap = bevmap[..., 1].astype(bool) else: bevmap = bevmap[..., :2].any(-1) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # points = data_dict['points'][0] # mask = bevmap.reshape(-1).astype(bool) # plt.plot(self.xy_pad[0, mask], self.xy_pad[1, mask], 'g.', markersize=1) # plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'b.', markersize=1) # # plt.close() return bevmap, [-self.range, - self.range]
[docs]class LoadCarlaRoadlineMaps: def __init__(self, ego_only=True, range=75): self.ego_only = ego_only self.range = range assets_path = f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../../carla/assets" map_path = f"{assets_path}/maps/roadline" map_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(map_path, '*.bin')) self.scene_maps = load_json(os.path.join(assets_path, 'scenario_town_map.json')) self.maps = {} for mf in map_files: town = os.path.basename(mf).split('.')[0] rlmap = np.fromfile(mf, dtype=float).reshape(-1, 2) # bevmap = np.pad(bevmap, ((pad, pad), (pad, pad), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) self.maps[town] = rlmap def __call__(self, data_dict): path = os.path.join(data_dict['data_path'], data_dict['scenario']) ego_id = data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['ego_id'] roadline = [] agents = data_dict['valid_agent_ids'] for ai in agents: if self.ego_only and ego_id != ai: out = None else: out = self.load_single(path, ai, data_dict) roadline.append(out) data_dict['roadline'] = roadline return data_dict
[docs] def load_single(self, path, ai, data_dict): scenario = data_dict['scenario'] town = self.scene_maps[scenario] # lidar_pose = pose_to_transformation(data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ai]['lidar']['0']['pose']) lidar_pose = data_dict['lidar_poses'][data_dict['valid_agent_ids'].index(ai)] cur_map = self.maps[town] mask = (cur_map[:, 0] > (lidar_pose[0, 3] - self.range)) & \ (cur_map[:, 0] < (lidar_pose[0, 3] + self.range)) & \ (cur_map[:, 1] > (lidar_pose[1, 3] - self.range)) & \ (cur_map[:, 1] < (lidar_pose[1, 3] + self.range)) roadline = cur_map[mask] # # visualize # lidar_file = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'][ai]['lidar']['0']['filename'] # lidar_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), lidar_file) # ply = # data = ply['vertex'] # properties = [ for prop in] # data = {name: np.array(data[name]) for name in properties} # pcd = np.stack([data.pop(x) for x in 'xyz'], axis=1) # pcd = lidar_pose @ np.concatenate([pcd, np.ones_like(pcd[:, :1])], axis=-1).T # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(roadline[:, 0], roadline[:, 1], 'g.', markersize=1) # plt.plot(pcd[0], pcd[1], 'r.', markersize=1) # # plt.close() return roadline
[docs]class LoadSparseBevTargetPoints: def __init__(self, num_points=3000, ego_only=False): self.num_points = num_points self.ego_only = ego_only def __call__(self, data_dict): bev_pts = [] agents = data_dict['sample_info']['agents'] ego_id = data_dict['sample_info']['meta']['ego_id'] for ai in data_dict['valid_agent_ids']: if ai not in agents: # previous agents might not in current frame when load sequential data continue if self.ego_only and ai != ego_id: bev_pts.append(np.empty((0, 3))) else: pass
[docs] def generate_sparse_bev_pts(self, pcd): pass