import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from cosense3d.modules.losses import BaseLoss
[docs]def relu_evidence(y):
return F.relu(y)
[docs]def exp_evidence(y):
return torch.exp(torch.clamp(y, -6, 6))
[docs]def softplus_evidence(y):
return F.softplus(y)
[docs]def kl_divergence(alpha, num_classes):
device = alpha.device
ones = torch.ones([1, num_classes], dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
sum_alpha = torch.sum(alpha, dim=1, keepdim=True)
first_term = (
- torch.lgamma(alpha).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
# + torch.lgamma(ones).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
- torch.lgamma(ones.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True))
second_term = (
(alpha - ones)
.mul(torch.digamma(alpha) - torch.digamma(sum_alpha))
.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
kl = first_term + second_term
return kl
[docs]def loglikelihood_loss(y, alpha):
S = torch.sum(alpha, dim=1, keepdim=True)
loglikelihood_err = torch.sum((y - (alpha / S)) ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True)
loglikelihood_var = torch.sum(
alpha * (S - alpha) / (S * S * (S + 1)), dim=1, keepdim=True
loglikelihood = loglikelihood_err + loglikelihood_var
return loglikelihood
[docs]def mse_loss(y, alpha, epoch_num, num_classes, annealing_step):
loglikelihood = loglikelihood_loss(y, alpha)
annealing_coef = torch.min(
torch.tensor(1.0, dtype=torch.float32),
torch.tensor(epoch_num / annealing_step, dtype=torch.float32),
kl_alpha = (alpha - 1) * (1 - y) + 1
kl_div = annealing_coef * kl_divergence(kl_alpha, num_classes)
return loglikelihood + kl_div
[docs]def edl_mse_loss(preds, tgt, n_cls, temp, annealing_step, model_label='edl'):
Calculate evidential loss
:param model_label: (str) a name to distinguish edl loss of different modules
:param preds: (N, n_cls) the logits of each class
:param tgt: (N,) labels with values from 0...(n_cls - 1) or (N, n_cls)
:param n_cls: (int) number of classes, including background
:param temp: current temperature for annealing of KL Divergence term of the loss
:param annealing_step: maximum annealing step
evidence = relu_evidence(preds)
if len(tgt.shape) == 1:
cared = tgt >= 0
evidence = evidence[cared]
tgt = tgt[cared]
tgt_onehot = F.one_hot(tgt.long(), n_cls).float()
elif len(tgt.shape) == 2 and tgt.shape[1] > 1:
cared = (tgt >= 0).all(dim=-1)
evidence = evidence[cared]
tgt_onehot = tgt[cared]
raise NotImplementedError
alpha = evidence + 1
loss = mse_loss(tgt_onehot, alpha, temp, n_cls, annealing_step).mean()
ss = evidence.detach()
tt = tgt_onehot.detach()
acc = (torch.argmax(ss, dim=1) == torch.argmax(tt, dim=1)).sum() / len(tt) * 100
loss_dict = {
f'{model_label}_loss': loss,
f'{model_label}_ac': acc,
# Uncomment to log recall of all classes
# for cls in [1, 2]:
# loss_dict[f'acc{cls}'] = torch.logical_and(
# torch.argmax(ss, dim=1) == cls, tt == cls).sum() \
# / max((tt == cls).sum(), 1) * 100
return loss_dict
[docs]def evidence_to_conf_unc(evidence, edl=True):
if edl:
# used edl loss
alpha = evidence + 1
S = torch.sum(alpha, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
conf = torch.div(alpha, S)
K = evidence.shape[-1]
unc = torch.div(K, S)
# conf = torch.sqrt(conf * (1 - unc))
unc = unc.squeeze(dim=-1)
# use entropy as uncertainty
entropy = -evidence * torch.log2(evidence)
unc = entropy.sum(dim=-1)
# conf = torch.sqrt(evidence * (1 - unc.unsqueeze(-1)))
conf = evidence
return conf, unc
[docs]def pred_to_conf_unc(preds, activation='relu', edl=True):
if callable(activation):
evidence = activation(preds)
elif activation == 'relu':
evidence = relu_evidence(preds)
elif activation == 'exp':
evidence = exp_evidence(preds)
elif activation == 'sigmoid':
evidence = preds.sigmoid()
elif activation == 'softmax':
evidence = preds.softmax(dim=-1)
evidence = preds
if edl:
alpha = evidence + 1
S = torch.sum(alpha, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
conf = torch.div(alpha, S)
K = evidence.shape[-1]
unc = torch.div(K, S)
# conf = torch.sqrt(conf * (1 - unc))
unc = unc.squeeze(dim=-1)
# use entropy as uncertainty
entropy = -evidence * torch.log2(evidence)
unc = entropy.sum(dim=-1)
# conf = torch.sqrt(evidence * (1 - unc.unsqueeze(-1)))
conf = evidence
return conf, unc
[docs]class EDLLoss(BaseLoss):
def __init__(self,
n_cls: int,
annealing_step: int,
Evidential loss.
:param n_cls: number of classes, including background.
:param annealing_step: maximum temperature annealing step for KL regularization of EDL loss .
:param kwargs:
self.n_cls = n_cls
self.annealing_step = annealing_step
if self.activation == 'relu':
self.activation = relu_evidence
elif self.activation == 'exp':
self.activation = exp_evidence
self.activation = None
[docs] def loss(self, preds, tgt, temp, n_cls_override=None):
if self.activation is None:
evidence = preds
evidence = self.activation(preds)
if len(tgt.shape) == 1:
cared = tgt >= 0
evidence = evidence[cared]
tgt = tgt[cared]
tgt_onehot = F.one_hot(tgt.long(), self.n_cls).float()
elif len(tgt.shape) == 2 and tgt.shape[1] > 1:
cared = (tgt >= 0).all(dim=-1)
evidence = evidence[cared]
tgt_onehot = tgt[cared]
raise NotImplementedError
alpha = evidence + 1
n_cls = self.n_cls if n_cls_override is None else n_cls_override
loss = mse_loss(tgt_onehot, alpha, temp, n_cls, self.annealing_step)
return loss