import copy
import glob
import os
import pickle
import random
import torch
import tqdm
import yaml
import numpy as np
from cosense3d.utils.misc import load_json, save_json
from cosense3d.utils import pclib
from cosense3d.ops.utils import points_in_boxes_cpu
from cosense3d.dataset.toolkit import register_pcds
type_sustech2cosense = {
'Car': '',
'Van': 'vehicle.van',
'Truck': 'vehicle.truck',
'Bus': 'vehicle.bus',
'Tram': 'vehicle.tram',
'Unknown': 'unknown',
'BicycleRider': 'vehicle.cyclist',
'Bicyclerider': 'vehicle.cyclist',
'MotorcyleRider': 'vehicle.motorcycle',
'Pedestrian': 'human.pedestrian',
'HumanSitting': 'human.sitting',
'Scooterrider': 'vehicle.scooter'
type_cosense2sustech = {
v: k for k, v in type_sustech2cosense.items()
csColors = {
'': [0, 215, 255], #0
'vehicle.van': [246, 250, 112], #1
'vehicle.truck': [255, 132, 0], #2
'vehicle.bus': [0, 223, 162], #3
'vehicle.tram': [0, 121, 255], #4
'vehicle.motorcycle': [255, 0, 96], #5
'vehicle.cyclist': [244, 35, 232], #6
'vehicle.scooter': [227, 132, 255], #7
'vehicle.other': [180, 254, 152], #8
'human.pedestrian': [220, 20, 60], #9
'human.wheelchair': [134, 93, 255], #10
'human.sitting': [56, 229, 77], #11
'static.trafficcone': [255, 0, 0], #12
'static.barrowlist': [255, 50, 0], #13
'vehicle.tricyclist': [255, 50, 50], #14
'unknown': [255, 255, 255],
[docs]class CoSenseDataConverter:
'', #0
'vehicle.van', #1
'vehicle.truck', #2
'vehicle.bus', #3
'vehicle.tram', #4
'vehicle.motorcycle', #5
'vehicle.cyclist', #6
'vehicle.scooter', #7
'vehicle.other', #8
'human.pedestrian', #9
'human.wheelchair', #10
'human.sitting', #11
'static.trafficcone', #12
'static.barrowlist', #13
'vehicle.tricyclist', #13
'unknown', #14
OBJ_ID2NAME = {i: n for i, n in enumerate(OBJ_LIST)}
OBJ_NAME2ID = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(OBJ_LIST)}
def __init__(self, data_path, meta_path, mode='all'):
self.data_path = data_path
self.meta_path = meta_path
self.meta = self.load_meta(meta_path, mode)
[docs] def update_from_sustech(self, sustech_path):
for scenario, sdict in self.meta.items():
for frame, fdict in sdict.items():
new_label_file = os.path.join(
scenario, 'label',
frame + '.json'
objects = self.obj_from_sustech(new_label_file)
# TODO the transformation from local to global
self.meta[scenario][frame]['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = objects
save_json(sdict, os.path.join(self.meta_path, f"{scenario}.json"))
[docs] def to_sustech(self, out_dir=None):
# make out dirs
out_dir = os.path.join(self.data_path, '..', 'sustech_fmt') \
if out_dir is None else out_dir
for s, sdict in self.meta.items():
scenario_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, s)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(scenario_dir, 'lidar'), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(scenario_dir, 'label'), exist_ok=True)
for f, fdict in tqdm.tqdm(sdict.items()):
bbx_global_center = np.array(fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'])
# bbx_global_corner = boxes_to_corners_3d(bbx_global_center[:, 2:])
lidars = []
for a, adict in fdict['agents'].items():
for l, ldict in adict['lidar'].items():
lidar_pose = ldict['pose']
filename = ldict['filename'].replace('\\', '/')
# TODO rotate points and bbxs
pcd = pclib.load_pcd(os.path.join(self.data_path, filename))
points = np.concatenate([pcd['xyz'], pcd['intensity'].reshape(-1, 1)], axis=-1)
lidars = np.concatenate(lidars, axis=0)
lidars.tofile(os.path.join(out_dir, scenario_dir, 'lidar', f"{f}.bin"))
# write label file
os.path.join(out_dir, scenario_dir, 'label', f"{f}.json")
[docs] def to_opv2v(self, out_dir=None):
# make out dirs
out_dir = os.path.join(self.data_path, '..', 'opv2v_fmt') \
if out_dir is None else out_dir
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
for s, sdict in self.meta.items():
scenario_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, s)
os.makedirs(scenario_dir, exist_ok=True)
for f, fdict in tqdm.tqdm(sdict.items()):
bbx_global_center = np.array(fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'])
# bbx_global_corner = boxes_to_corners_3d(bbx_global_center[:, 2:])
for a, adict in fdict['agents'].items():
agent_dir = os.path.join(scenario_dir, a)
if not os.path.exists(agent_dir):
for l, ldict in adict['lidar'].items():
lidar_pose = ldict['pose']
filename = ldict['filename'].replace('\\', '/')
# TODO rotate points and bbxs
os.path.join(self.data_path, filename),
os.path.join(agent_dir, f + '.bin')
# write label file
self.obj_to_opv2v(bbx_global_center, lidar_pose,
os.path.join(agent_dir, f + '.yaml'))
[docs] def to_kitti(self, out_dir=None):
from cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.kitti import type_cosense2kitti
split = {
# 'train': ['measurement4_0'],
# 'val': ['measurement4_1'],
'test': sorted(self.meta.keys()),
# make out dirs
out_dir = os.path.join(self.data_path, '..', 'kitti_test') \
if out_dir is None else out_dir
os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, 'ImageSets'), exist_ok=True)
for dir_name in ['velodyne', 'image_2', 'label_2', 'calib']:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, 'training', dir_name), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, 'validating', dir_name), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, 'testing', dir_name), exist_ok=True)
# create split files
for sp, seqs in split.items():
with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'ImageSets', f"{sp}.txt"), 'w') as fh:
frames = []
for seq in seqs:
cur_frames = sorted(self.meta[seq].keys())
cur_frames = [seq.split('_')[0][-1] + f[1:] for f in cur_frames]
for s, sdict in self.meta.items():
if s not in split[sp] or int(s.split('_')[1]) < 10:
print(sp, s)
scenario_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, s)
cur_split = {'train': 'training', 'val': 'validating', 'test': 'testing'}[sp]
# os.makedirs(scenario_dir, exist_ok=True)
# sdict = {k: sdict[k] for k in sorted(list(sdict.keys()))[:10]}
for f, fdict in tqdm.tqdm(sdict.items()):
##### save lidar ######
points = []
for ai, adict in fdict['agents'].items():
for li, ldict in adict['lidar'].items():
lidar_file = os.path.join(self.data_path, ldict['filename'])
np.fromfile(lidar_file, np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
points = np.concatenate(points, axis=0)
lidar_out_file = os.path.join(
out_dir, cur_split, 'velodyne', f"{s.split('_')[0][-1] + f[1:]}.bin"
######## save label #######
label = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
label_out_file = os.path.join(
out_dir, cur_split, 'label_2', f"{s.split('_')[0][-1] + f[1:]}.txt"
with open(label_out_file, 'w') as fh:
for l in label:
# kitti label format
cosense_type = self.OBJ_ID2NAME[l[1]]
type = [type_cosense2kitti[cosense_type]]
trancated = ['0']
occluded = ['0']
alpha = [f"{np.arctan2(l[3], l[2]):.2f}"]
bbox = ['0'] * 4
dimensions = [f"{l[x]:.2f}" for x in [7, 6, 5]] # hwl
l[4] -= l[7] / 2
location = [f"{l[x]:.2f}" for x in [2, 3, 4]] # in cam coor
rotation_y = [f"{-l[10] - np.pi/2:.2f}"]
ls = type + trancated + occluded + alpha + bbox + dimensions +\
location + rotation_y
line = " ".join(ls)
[docs] def obj_from_sustech(self, label_file):
if not os.path.exists(label_file):
return []
objs = load_json(label_file)
bboxes = []
for obj_dict in objs:
obj_id = obj_dict['obj_id']
obj_type = obj_dict['obj_type']
position = obj_dict['psr']['position']
rotation = obj_dict['psr']['rotation']
scale = obj_dict['psr']['scale']
cosense_type_name = type_sustech2cosense[obj_type]
obj_type_id = self.OBJ_NAME2ID[cosense_type_name]
bbx_center = [
return bboxes
[docs] def obj_to_sustech(self, cosense_objs, sustech_file):
sustech_objs = []
if len(cosense_objs.shape) == 0:
save_json(sustech_objs, sustech_file)
for obj in cosense_objs:
obj_type = type_cosense2sustech[
'obj_id': obj[0],
'obj_type': obj_type,
'psr': {
'position': {
'x': obj[2],
'y': obj[3],
'z': obj[4]
'scale': {
'x': obj[5],
'y': obj[6],
'z': obj[7]
'rotation': {
'x': obj[8],
'y': obj[9],
'z': obj[10]
save_json(sustech_objs, sustech_file)
[docs] def obj_to_opv2v(self, bbxs, pose, out_file, timestamp=None):
vehicles = {}
# only keep car, van, bus, truck
bbxs = bbxs[bbxs[:, 1] < 4]
for bbx in bbxs:
obj_id = int(bbx[0])
obj_type = int(bbx[1])
# process the information to the opv2v format
location = bbx[2:5]
angle = bbx[[8, 10, 9]] / np.pi * 180
angle[[0, 2]] *= -1
extent = bbx[5:8] / 2
vehicles[int(obj_id)] = {
'angle': angle.tolist(),
'center': [0.0] * 3,
'extent': extent.tolist(),
'location': location.tolist(),
'speed': 0,
'type': obj_type
if isinstance(pose, np.ndarray):
pose = pose.tolist()
yaml_dict = {
'lidar_pose': pose,
'true_ego_pos': pose,
'ego_speed': 0,
'vehicles': vehicles
if timestamp is not None:
# timestamp for ouster is corrected by subtracting a systematic time offset (0.35s)
yaml_dict['timestamp'] = float(timestamp)
with open(out_file, 'w') as fh:
yaml.dump(yaml_dict, fh, default_flow_style=False)
[docs] @staticmethod
def cal_vbbx_mean_dim(meta):
"""Calculate mean dimensions of four-wheel vehicles"""
dimensions = []
for s, sdict in meta.items():
for f, fdict in sdict.items():
bbx = np.array(fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'])
dimensions.append(bbx[bbx[:, 5] > 2, 5:8])
print(np.concatenate(dimensions, axis=0).mean(axis=0))
[docs] @staticmethod
def fdict_template():
return {
'agents': {
'0': {
'type': None,
'pose': [0.0] * 6,
'time': None, # timestamp for the current vehicle pose
'lidar': {
'0': {
'pose': [0.0] * 6,
'time': None, # timestamp for the current lidar triggering round
'filename': None
'camera': {}, # TODO API for cameras
# no cooperation needed, take lidar as global for each frame
'meta': {'bbx_center_global': []}
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_cam_to_fdict(fdict, agent_id, cam_id, filenames, intrinsic, extrinsic, **kwargs):
if agent_id not in fdict['agents']:
adict = CoSenseDataConverter.fdict_template()['agents'][0]
fdict['agents'][agent_id] = adict
'filenames': filenames,
'intrinsic': intrinsic,
'extrinsic': extrinsic
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['camera'][cam_id] = kwargs
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_frame_bbx(fdict, bbx):
fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = bbx
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_agent(fdict,
if agent_id not in fdict['agents']:
fdict['agents'][agent_id] = CoSenseDataConverter.fdict_template()['agents']['0']
if agent_type is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['type'] = agent_type
if agent_pose is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['pose'] = agent_pose
if agent_time is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['time'] = agent_time
for k, v in kwargs.items():
fdict['agents'][agent_id][k] = v
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_agent_lidar(fdict,
if agent_id not in fdict['agents']:
fdict['agents'][agent_id] = CoSenseDataConverter.fdict_template()['agents']['0']
if lidar_pose is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['lidar'][lidar_id]['pose'] = lidar_pose
if lidar_time is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['lidar'][lidar_id]['time'] = lidar_time
if lidar_file is not None:
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['lidar'][lidar_id]['filename'] = lidar_file
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_agent_gt_boxes(fdict,
if agent_id not in fdict['agents']:
fdict['agents'][agent_id] = CoSenseDataConverter.fdict_template()['agents']['0']
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['gt_boxes'] = gt_boxes
[docs] @staticmethod
def remove_lidar_info(fdict, agent_id):
fdict['agents'][agent_id]['lidar'] = {}
[docs] @staticmethod
def supervison_full_to_sparse(meta_dict, out_path, lidar_range=None, det_r=None,
num_box_per_frame=None, num_box_total=None, label_ratio=None):
def select_box(bboxes, cls_idx, num):
bboxes = np.array(bboxes)
bboxes_car = bboxes[bboxes[:, 1] == cls_idx]
if lidar_range is not None:
mask = (bboxes_car[:, 2] > lidar_range[0]) & (bboxes_car[:, 2] < lidar_range[3]) & \
(bboxes_car[:, 3] > lidar_range[1]) & (bboxes_car[:, 3] < lidar_range[4]) & \
(bboxes_car[:, 4] > lidar_range[2]) & (bboxes_car[:, 4] < lidar_range[5])
mask = np.linalg.norm(bboxes_car[:, 2:4], axis=1) < det_r
bboxes_car = bboxes_car[mask]
if len(bboxes_car) == 0:
return None
choice = np.random.choice(np.array(len(bboxes_car)), num)
bboxes_car = bboxes_car[choice].reshape(num, 11).tolist()
return bboxes_car
if num_box_per_frame is not None:
for s, sdict in meta_dict.items():
sdict_out = copy.deepcopy(sdict)
for f, fdict in sdict.items():
bboxes = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
choice = select_box(bboxes, 0, 1)
if choice is None:
sdict_out[f]['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = choice
save_json(sdict_out, os.path.join(out_path, f'{s}.json'))
elif num_box_total is not None:
samples = []
# find frames with car labels
for s, sdict in meta_dict.items():
for f, fdict in sdict.items():
bboxes = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
classes = [int(b[1]) for b in bboxes]
if 0 in classes:
samples.append((s, f))
# select given number of frames
samples = random.choices(samples, k=num_box_total)
sdict_out = {}
for sample in samples:
fdict = copy.deepcopy(meta_dict[sample[0]][sample[1]])
bboxes = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = select_box(bboxes, 0, 1)
sdict_out[sample[1]] = fdict
save_json(sdict_out, os.path.join(out_path, 'train.json'))
with open(os.path.join(out_path, 'train.txt'), 'w') as fh:
[docs] @staticmethod
def global_boxes_to_local(meta_dict, data_path, meta_path):
samples = {i: {'box': [], 'points': []} for i in CoSenseDataConverter.OBJ_ID2NAME.keys()}
for s, sdict in meta_dict.items():
for f, fdict in tqdm.tqdm(meta_dict[s].items()):
global_boxes = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
global_boxes = np.array(global_boxes)
for a, adict in fdict['agents'].items():
for l, ldict in adict['lidar'].items():
lidar = pclib.load_pcd(os.path.join(data_path, ldict['filename']))
box_cls = global_boxes[:, 1]
res = points_in_boxes_cpu(lidar['xyz'], global_boxes[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]])
box_n_pts = res.sum(axis=1)
valid = box_n_pts > 10
boxes = global_boxes[valid]
box_cls = box_cls[valid]
pts_idx_of_boxes = res[valid]
CoSenseDataConverter.update_agent_gt_boxes(fdict, a, boxes.tolist())
for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
cls = box[1]
points = lidar['xyz'][pts_idx_of_boxes[i].astype(bool)]
intensity = lidar['intensity'][pts_idx_of_boxes[i].astype(bool)]
# transform box and points to box coodiante
points = points - box[2:5].reshape(1, 3)
# points will be modified during transformation, so make a copy here
new_points = np.copy(points)
st = np.sin(-box[-1])
ct = np.cos(-box[-1])
points[:, 0] = new_points[:, 0] * ct - new_points[:, 1] * st
points[:, 1] = new_points[:, 0] * st + new_points[:, 1] * ct
points = np.concatenate([points, intensity[:, None]], axis=1)
# from cosense3d.utils.vislib import draw_points_boxes_plt, plt
# box_vis = np.array([[0]*3 + box[5:8].tolist() + [0]])
# ax = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)).add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# draw_points_boxes_plt(
# ax=ax,
# pc_range=5,
# points=points,
# boxes_gt=box_vis,
# filename='/home/yuan/Downloads/tmp.png'
# )
save_json(sdict, os.path.join(meta_path, f'{s}.json'))
for sample_id, content in samples.items():
if len(content['box']) == 0:
sample_name = CoSenseDataConverter.OBJ_ID2NAME[sample_id]
with open(os.path.join(meta_path, f'{sample_name}.pickle'), 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(content, file)
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_global_bbox_velo(meta_dict, data_path, meta_path):
for s, sdict in meta_dict.items():
for f, fdict in sdict.items():
cur_global_boxes = fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']
# cur_global_boxes = {box[0]: box[1:] for box in cur_global_boxes}
velos = []
next_frame = f'{int(f) + 1:06d}'
last_frame = f'{int(f) - 1:06d}'
next_global_boxes = {}
prev_global_boxes = {}
if next_frame in sdict:
next_global_boxes = sdict[next_frame]['meta']['bbx_center_global']
next_global_boxes = {box[0]: box[1:] for box in next_global_boxes}
if last_frame in sdict:
prev_global_boxes = sdict[last_frame]['meta']['bbx_center_global']
prev_global_boxes = {box[0]: box[1:] for box in prev_global_boxes}
for box_ in cur_global_boxes:
box_id = box_[0]
box = box_[1:]
if box_id in next_global_boxes:
velo = [(next_global_boxes[box_id][1] - box[1]) * 10, # m/s
(next_global_boxes[box_id][2] - box[2]) * 10,]
elif box_id in prev_global_boxes:
velo = [(box[1] - prev_global_boxes[box_id][1]) * 10,
(box[2] - prev_global_boxes[box_id][2]) * 10]
velo = [0., 0.]
fdict['meta']['bbx_velo_global'] = velos
save_json(sdict, os.path.join(meta_path, f'{s}.json'))
[docs] @staticmethod
def draw_sample_distributions(meta_path):
Draw distribution of the number of observation points for each sample category.
:param meta_path: path contains pickle files of object samples
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(meta_path, '*.pickle'))
for f in files:
with open(f, 'rb') as file:
samples = pickle.load(file)
n_points = np.array([min(len(points), 500) for points in samples['points']])
plt.hist(n_points, bins=10, density=True, alpha=0.6, label=os.path.basename(f)[:-7])
# plt.legend()
plt.savefig(os.path.join(meta_path, f'{os.path.basename(f)[:-7]}.png'))
if __name__=="__main__":
cosense3d = CoSenseDataConverter(
# cosense3d.to_kitti("/koko/LUMPI/kitti_test")
# cosense3d.to_sustech("/koko/LUMPI/lumpi_selected_sustech")
# cosense3d.to_opv2v("/media/hdd/yuan/koko/data/LUMPI/opv2v_fmt")
# cosense3d.update_from_sustech("/koko/LUMPI/sustech_fmt")
# cosense.supervison_full_to_sparse(cosense.meta,
# '/koko/cosense3d/kitti-sparse-num534',
# lidar_range=[-100, -40, -3.5, 100, 40, 3],
# num_box_total=534)
# cosense.global_boxes_to_local(cosense.meta, cosense.data_path, cosense.meta_path)
# cosense.update_from_sustech('/koko/LUMPI/sustech_fmt')
# cosense.parse_global_bbox_velo(cosense.meta, cosense.data_path, cosense.meta_path)
# cosense.draw_sample_distributions(cosense.meta_path)