cosense3d.dataset.toolkit package
cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.cosense module
- class cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.cosense.CoSenseDataConverter(data_path, meta_path, mode='all')[source]
- OBJ_ID2NAME = {0: '', 1: 'vehicle.van', 2: 'vehicle.truck', 3: 'vehicle.bus', 4: 'vehicle.tram', 5: 'vehicle.motorcycle', 6: 'vehicle.cyclist', 7: 'vehicle.scooter', 8: 'vehicle.other', 9: 'human.pedestrian', 10: 'human.wheelchair', 11: 'human.sitting', 12: 'static.trafficcone', 13: 'static.barrowlist', 14: 'vehicle.tricyclist', 15: 'unknown'}
- OBJ_LIST = ['', 'vehicle.van', 'vehicle.truck', 'vehicle.bus', 'vehicle.tram', 'vehicle.motorcycle', 'vehicle.cyclist', 'vehicle.scooter', 'vehicle.other', 'human.pedestrian', 'human.wheelchair', 'human.sitting', 'static.trafficcone', 'static.barrowlist', 'vehicle.tricyclist', 'unknown']
- OBJ_NAME2ID = {'human.pedestrian': 9, 'human.sitting': 11, 'human.wheelchair': 10, 'static.barrowlist': 13, 'static.trafficcone': 12, 'unknown': 15, 'vehicle.bus': 3, '': 0, 'vehicle.cyclist': 6, 'vehicle.motorcycle': 5, 'vehicle.other': 8, 'vehicle.scooter': 7, 'vehicle.tram': 4, 'vehicle.tricyclist': 14, 'vehicle.truck': 2, 'vehicle.van': 1}
- static add_cam_to_fdict(fdict, agent_id, cam_id, filenames, intrinsic, extrinsic, **kwargs)[source]
- static draw_sample_distributions(meta_path)[source]
Draw distribution of the number of observation points for each sample category.
- Parameters:
meta_path – path contains pickle files of object samples
- Returns:
- static supervison_full_to_sparse(meta_dict, out_path, lidar_range=None, det_r=None, num_box_per_frame=None, num_box_total=None, label_ratio=None)[source]
- static update_agent(fdict, agent_id, agent_type=None, agent_pose=None, agent_time=None, **kwargs)[source]
cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x module
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x.optimize_trajectory(seq, sdict, root_dir, out_meta_dir, ego_agent_id, idx, sub_idx)[source]
This function iterates over scenarios, for each scenario it does the following steps: 1. register point clouds sequentially for each agent to get accurate trajectory of agents. Before registration, the points belonging to the labeled objets with high dynamics are removed. After registration of each sequence pair, the merged point cloud is down-sampled to save space. 2. match the registered point clouds of different agents to get optimized relative poses. 3. recover the relative pose to the world pose.
meta_path: directory of meta files root_dir: root dir of data
meta: meta information with updated poses of agents
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x.parse_timestamped_boxes(adict, root_dir, four_wheel_only=True)[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x.register_sequence(sdict, frames, root_dir, ignore_ids=[], vis=False)[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x.register_step_one(mf)[source]
Find vehicle that is most close to infra
cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v module
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.convert_bev_semantic_map_to_road_height_map(map_dir, map_bounds_file, scenario_town_map_file, meta_dir)[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.corner_to_center(corner3d, order='lwh')[source]
Convert 8 corners to x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, yaw.
- corner3dnp.ndarray
(N, 8, 3)
- orderstr
‘lwh’ or ‘hwl’
- box3dnp.ndarray
(N, 7)
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.create_bbx(extent)[source]
Create bounding box with 8 corners under obstacle vehicle reference.
- extentlist
Width, height, length of the bbx.
- bbxnp.array
The bounding box with 8 corners, shape: (8, 3)
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.generate_roadline(map_dir, map_bounds_file)[source]
Convert global BEV semantic maps to 2d road line points.
- Parameters:
map_dir – directory for images of BEV semantic maps
map_bounds_file – json file that describe the world coordinates of the BEV map origin (image[0, 0])
- Returns:
Nx2 array, 2d world coordinates of road line points in meters.
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.opv2v_to_cosense(path_in, path_out, isSim=True, correct_transf=False, pcd_ext='pcd')[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.pose_to_transformation(pose)[source]
- Args:
pose: list, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
- Returns:
transformation: np.ndarray, (4, 4)
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.project_points(points, lidar2cam, I)[source]
Project 3d points to image planes
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.project_world_objects(object_dict, output_dict, lidar_pose, order)[source]
Project the objects under world coordinates into another coordinate based on the provided extrinsic.
- object_dictdict
The dictionary contains all objects surrounding a certain cav.
- output_dictdict
key: object id, value: object bbx (xyzlwhyaw).
- lidar_poselist
(6, ), lidar pose under world coordinate, [x, y, z, roll, yaw, pitch].
- orderstr
‘lwh’ or ‘hwl’
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.update_cam_params(opv2v_params, cosense_fdict, agent_id, scenario, frame)[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.update_local_boxes3d(fdict, objects_dict, ref_pose, order, data_dir, cav_id)[source]
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v.x1_to_x2(x1, x2)[source]
Transformation matrix from x1 to x2.
- x1list or np.ndarray
The pose of x1 under world coordinates or transformation matrix x1->world
- x2list or np.ndarray
- The pose of x2 under world coordinates or
transformation matrix x2->world
- transformation_matrixnp.ndarray
The transformation matrix.
cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v_t module
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v_t.load_vehicles_gframe(params)[source]
Load vehicles in global coordinate system.
- cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.opv2v_t.opv2vt_to_cosense(data_dir, split, data_out_dir, meta_out_dir)[source]