Source code for cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.dairv2x

import copy
import glob
import math
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from cosense3d.utils import pclib, vislib, box_utils
from cosense3d.utils.misc import load_json, save_json
from cosense3d.utils.box_utils import corners_to_boxes_3d, transform_boxes_3d
from cosense3d.dataset.toolkit import register_pcds
from cosense3d.dataset.toolkit.cosense import CoSenseDataConverter as cs
from cosense3d.ops.utils import points_in_boxes_cpu
from cosense3d.utils.pcdio import point_cloud_from_path
from cosense3d.utils.vislib import o3d_draw_frame_data, \
    o3d_draw_agent_data, o3d_draw_pcds_bbxs

global_time_offset = 1.62616 * 1e9

[docs]def calib_to_tf_matrix(calib_file): calib = load_json(calib_file) if 'transform' in calib: tf = calib['transform'] else: tf = calib tf_matrix = np.eye(4) tf_matrix[:3, :3] = np.array(tf['rotation']) tf_matrix[:3, 3:] = np.array(tf['translation']) if 'relative_error' in calib: tf_matrix[0, 3] += calib['relative_error']['delta_x'] tf_matrix[1, 3] += calib['relative_error']['delta_y'] return tf_matrix
[docs]def load_label(label_file): labels = load_json(label_file) bbxs_center = [] bbxs_corner = [] for l in labels: obj_type = { 'car': '', 'van': 'vehicle.van', 'truck': 'vehicle.truck', 'bus': 'vehicle.bus', 'pedestrian': 'human.pedestrian', 'trafficcone': 'static.trafficcone', 'motorcyclist': 'vehicle.motorcycle', 'cyclist': 'vehicle.cyclist', 'tricyclist': 'vehicle.tricyclist', 'barrowlist': 'static.barrowlist', }[l.get('type', "car").lower()] track_id = l.get('track_id', -1) bbx = [ int(track_id), cs.OBJ_NAME2ID[obj_type], l['3d_location']['x'], l['3d_location']['y'], l['3d_location']['z'], l['3d_dimensions']['l'], l['3d_dimensions']['w'], l['3d_dimensions']['h'], 0, 0, l['rotation'] ] bbxs_center.append([float(x) for x in bbx]) if 'world_8_points' in l: bbx_corner = np.array(l['world_8_points']) bbx_corner = [bbx.tolist() for bbx in bbx_corner] bbxs_corner.append(bbx_corner) return bbxs_center, bbxs_corner
[docs]def load_info_to_dict(info_file): infos = load_json(info_file) info_dict = {} for info in infos: frame = os.path.basename(info['pointcloud_path'][:-4]) info_dict[frame] = info return info_dict
[docs]def convert_v2x_c(root_dir, meta_out_dir): cvi_path = "cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure" infra_path = "infrastructure-side" cav_path = "vehicle-side" coop_path = "cooperative" info_file = "data_info.json" inf_lidar_path = "cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure-infrastructure-side-velodyne" cav_lidar_path = "cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure-vehicle-side-velodyne" new_label_path = "DAIR-V2X-C_Complemented_Anno" inf_info_file = os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, infra_path, info_file) inf_info = load_info_to_dict(inf_info_file) veh_info_file = os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, cav_path, info_file) veh_info = load_info_to_dict(veh_info_file) frame_pairs = load_json(os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, coop_path, info_file)) meta_dict = {} veh_frames = [] inf_frames = [] offsets = [] for pair in frame_pairs: veh_frame = os.path.basename(pair['vehicle_pointcloud_path'][:-4]) inf_frame = os.path.basename(pair['infrastructure_pointcloud_path'][:-4]) label_frame = os.path.basename(pair['cooperative_label_path'][:-5]) assert veh_frame == label_frame veh_frames.append(veh_frame) inf_frames.append(inf_frame) offsets.append(pair['system_error_offset']) # load all re-annotated samples train = load_json(os.path.join(root_dir, new_label_path, 'train.json')) val = load_json(os.path.join(root_dir, new_label_path, 'val.json')) split = { 'train': train, # 'test': val } for sp, frames in split.items(): for frame in tqdm.tqdm(frames): cur_veh_info = veh_info[frame] scenario = cur_veh_info['batch_id'] # processing vehicle meta tf_novatel2world = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, cav_path, cur_veh_info['calib_novatel_to_world_path']) ) tf_lidar2novatel = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, cav_path, cur_veh_info['calib_lidar_to_novatel_path']) ) tf_lidar2world = tf_novatel2world @ tf_lidar2novatel veh_lidar_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_lidar2world) veh_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_novatel2world) veh_lidar_time = float(cur_veh_info['pointcloud_timestamp']) * 1e-6 veh_lidar_file = os.path.join(cav_lidar_path, frame + '.pcd') veh_bbxs_center, _ = load_label( os.path.join(root_dir, f"{new_label_path}/new_labels/vehicle-side_label/lidar", frame + '.json' ) ) # process infra info cur_inf_frame = inf_frames[veh_frames.index(frame)] cur_inf_info = inf_info[cur_inf_frame] tf_virtuallidar2world = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, cvi_path, infra_path, cur_inf_info['calib_virtuallidar_to_world_path']) ) inf_lidar_time = float(cur_inf_info['pointcloud_timestamp']) * 1e-6 inf_lidar_file = os.path.join(inf_lidar_path, cur_inf_frame + ".pcd") # inf_lidar_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_infra2ego) inf_lidar_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_virtuallidar2world) inf_label_path = os.path.join(root_dir, f"{cvi_path}/infrastructure-side/label/virtuallidar", cur_inf_frame + '.json') inf_bbxs_center, _ = load_label(inf_label_path) # process global meta coop_label_path = os.path.join(root_dir, f"{new_label_path}/new_labels/cooperative_label/label_world", frame + '.json' ) world_bbxs_center, world_bbxs_corner = load_label(coop_label_path) coop_bbxs_corner = pclib.rotate_box_corners_with_tf_np( np.array(world_bbxs_corner), np.linalg.inv(tf_lidar2world) ) coop_bbxs_center = np.concatenate( [np.array(world_bbxs_center)[:, :2], corners_to_boxes_3d(coop_bbxs_corner)], axis=1 ).tolist() # if not os.path.exists(inf_label_path): # print('infra label not found.') # inf_bbxs_center = pclib.rotate_box_corners_with_tf_np( # np.array(world_bbxs_corner), np.linalg.inv(tf_virtuallidar2world) # ) # inf_bbxs_center = np.concatenate( # [np.array(world_bbxs_center)[:, :2], # corners_to_boxes_3d(inf_bbxs_center)], # axis=1 # ).tolist() # pcd = point_cloud_from_path(os.path.join(root_dir, veh_lidar_file)) # points = np.stack([pcd.pc_data[x] for x in 'xyz'], axis=-1) # o3d_draw_pcds_bbxs([points], [np.array(veh_bbxs_center)]) # construct meta dict fdict = cs.fdict_template() # add cav lidar meta cs.update_agent(fdict, agent_id='0', agent_type='cav', agent_pose=veh_pose, gt_boxes=veh_bbxs_center) cs.update_agent_lidar(fdict, agent_id='0', lidar_id='0', lidar_pose=veh_lidar_pose, lidar_time=veh_lidar_time, lidar_file=veh_lidar_file) # add infra lidar meta cs.update_agent(fdict, agent_id='1', agent_type='infra', agent_pose=inf_lidar_pose, gt_boxes=inf_bbxs_center) cs.update_agent_lidar(fdict, agent_id='1', lidar_id='0', lidar_pose=inf_lidar_pose, lidar_time=inf_lidar_time, lidar_file=inf_lidar_file) cs.update_frame_bbx(fdict, coop_bbxs_center )# in global coords fdict['meta']['ego_id'] = '0' fdict['meta']['ego_lidar_pose'] = veh_lidar_pose if scenario not in meta_dict: meta_dict[scenario] = {} meta_dict[scenario][frame] = fdict # save meta os.makedirs(meta_out_dir, exist_ok=True) for scenario, meta in meta_dict.items(): meta_file = os.path.join(meta_out_dir, f'{scenario}.json') save_json(meta, meta_file) with open(os.path.join(meta_out_dir, f'{sp}.txt'), 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join(list(meta_dict.keys())))
[docs]def convert_v2x_seq(root_dir, meta_out_dir): split = "test" inf_info_file = os.path.join(root_dir, "infrastructure-side/data_info.json") inf_info = load_info_to_dict(inf_info_file) veh_info_file = os.path.join(root_dir, "vehicle-side/data_info.json") veh_info = load_info_to_dict(veh_info_file) frame_pairs = load_json(os.path.join(root_dir, "cooperative/data_info.json")) meta_dict = {} for pdict in frame_pairs: scenario = pdict['vehicle_sequence'] ############################################################# # processing vehicle meta cur_veh_info = veh_info[pdict['vehicle_frame']] tf_novatel2world = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, "vehicle-side", cur_veh_info['calib_novatel_to_world_path']) ) tf_lidar2novatel = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, "vehicle-side", cur_veh_info['calib_lidar_to_novatel_path']) ) tf_lidar2world = tf_novatel2world @ tf_lidar2novatel veh_lidar_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_lidar2world) veh_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_novatel2world) veh_lidar_time = float(cur_veh_info['pointcloud_timestamp']) * 1e-6 veh_lidar_file = os.path.join("vehicle-side", cur_veh_info['pointcloud_path']) veh_bbxs_center, _ = load_label( os.path.join(root_dir, "vehicle-side", cur_veh_info['label_lidar_std_path']) ) ############################################################### # process infra info cur_inf_info = inf_info[pdict['infrastructure_frame']] tf_virtuallidar2world = calib_to_tf_matrix( os.path.join(root_dir, "infrastructure-side", cur_inf_info['calib_virtuallidar_to_world_path']) ) inf_lidar_pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_virtuallidar2world) inf_lidar_time = float(cur_inf_info['pointcloud_timestamp']) * 1e-6 inf_lidar_file = os.path.join("infrastructure-side", cur_inf_info['pointcloud_path']) inf_bbxs_center, _ = load_label( os.path.join(root_dir, "infrastructure-side", cur_inf_info['label_lidar_std_path']) ) inf_bbxs_center = [] ############################################################### # process global meta coop_bbxs_center, _ = load_label( os.path.join(root_dir, "cooperative", "label", f"{pdict['vehicle_frame']}.json") ) ############################################################### # construct meta dict fdict = cs.fdict_template() # add cav lidar meta cs.update_agent(fdict, agent_id='0', agent_type='cav', agent_pose=veh_pose, gt_boxes=veh_bbxs_center) cs.update_agent_lidar(fdict, agent_id='0', lidar_id='0', lidar_pose=veh_lidar_pose, lidar_time=veh_lidar_time, lidar_file=veh_lidar_file) # add infra lidar meta cs.update_agent(fdict, agent_id='1', agent_type='infra', agent_pose=inf_lidar_pose, gt_boxes=inf_bbxs_center) cs.update_agent_lidar(fdict, agent_id='1', lidar_id='0', lidar_pose=inf_lidar_pose, lidar_time=inf_lidar_time, lidar_file=inf_lidar_file) cs.update_frame_bbx(fdict, coop_bbxs_center )# in global coords fdict['meta']['ego_id'] = '0' fdict['meta']['ego_lidar_pose'] = veh_lidar_pose if scenario not in meta_dict: meta_dict[scenario] = {} meta_dict[scenario][pdict['vehicle_frame']] = fdict # save meta os.makedirs(meta_out_dir, exist_ok=True) for scenario, meta in meta_dict.items(): meta_file = os.path.join(meta_out_dir, f'{scenario}.json') save_json(meta, meta_file) with open(os.path.join(meta_out_dir, f'{split}.txt'), 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join(list(meta_dict.keys())))
[docs]def parse_static_pcd(adict, root_dir): pose = pclib.pose_to_transformation(adict['lidar']['0']['pose']) pcd =, adict['lidar']['0']['filename'])) points = np.array(pcd.points) boxes = np.array(adict['gt_boxes'])[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]] in_box_mask = points_in_boxes_cpu(points, boxes).any(axis=0) pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points[np.logical_not(in_box_mask)]) return pcd, pose
[docs]def register_sequence(sdict, frames, root_dir, ignore_ids=[], vis=False): agents_reg = {} for f in tqdm.tqdm(frames): # print(f) fdict = sdict[f] for ai, adict in fdict['agents'].items(): if ai in ignore_ids: continue pcd, pose = parse_static_pcd(adict, root_dir) if ai not in agents_reg: agents_reg[ai] = { 'init_pose': pose, 'last_pose_old': pose, 'last_pose_new': pose, 'last_pcd': pcd, 'pcd_merged': copy.copy(pcd).transform(pose), 'last_frame': f, 'sequence_info': {f: {'lidar_pose': pose}}} else: source_pcd = pcd target_pcd = agents_reg[ai]['last_pcd'] tf_init = np.linalg.inv(agents_reg[ai]['last_pose_old']) @ pose tf_out = register_pcds(source_pcd, target_pcd, tf_init, [0.2], visualize=vis) pose_new = agents_reg[ai]['last_pose_new'] @ tf_out pcd_merged = agents_reg[ai]['pcd_merged'] pcd_transformed = copy.copy(source_pcd).transform(pose_new) # if vis: # pcd_transformed.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.706, 0]) # pcd_merged.paint_uniform_color([0, 0.651, 0.929]) # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_merged, pcd_transformed]) pcd_merged = pcd_merged + pcd_transformed pcd_merged = pcd_merged.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=0.1) agents_reg[ai]['last_pose_old'] = pose agents_reg[ai]['last_pose_new'] = pose_new agents_reg[ai]['last_pcd'] = pcd agents_reg[ai]['pcd_merged'] = pcd_merged agents_reg[ai]['sequence_info'][f] = {'lidar_pose': pose} return agents_reg
[docs]def register_pcds_to_blocks(seq, sdict, root_dir, idx=0): frames = sorted(sdict.keys()) sub_seq = frames[:1] cnt = 0 for i, f in enumerate(frames[1:]): if (i == len(frames) - 2 or int(f) - int(sub_seq[-1]) > 2): if i == len(frames) - 2: sub_seq.append(f) if len(sub_seq) >= 8: vis = False agents_reg = register_sequence(sdict, sub_seq, root_dir, ['1'], vis) pcd_merged = agents_reg['0']['pcd_merged'] o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_merged])"{root_dir}/agent0_seq{seq}_{cnt}.pcd", pcd_merged) info_file = f"{root_dir}/agent0_seq{seq}_{cnt}.npy", {k: v for k, v in agents_reg['0'].items() if 'pcd' not in k}, allow_pickle=True) cnt += 1 if not i == len(frames) - 2: sub_seq = [f] else: sub_seq.append(f)
[docs]def optimize_trajectory(seq, sdict, root_dir, out_meta_dir, ego_agent_id, idx, sub_idx): """ This function iterates over scenarios, for each scenario it does the following steps: 1. register point clouds sequentially for each agent to get accurate trajectory of agents. Before registration, the points belonging to the labeled objets with high dynamics are removed. After registration of each sequence pair, the merged point cloud is down-sampled to save space. 2. match the registered point clouds of different agents to get optimized relative poses. 3. recover the relative pose to the world pose. Parameters ---------- meta_path: directory of meta files root_dir: root dir of data Returns ------- meta: meta information with updated poses of agents """ info_file = f"{root_dir}/agent0_seq{seq}_{sub_idx}.npy" ego_info = np.load(info_file, allow_pickle=True).item() pcd_merged ="{root_dir}/agent0_seq{seq}_{sub_idx}.pcd") frames = sorted(ego_info['sequence_info'].keys()) sub_seq_dict = {} infra_info = sdict[frames[0]]['agents']['1'] pcd, pose = parse_static_pcd(infra_info, root_dir) tf_init = pose # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_merged]) tf_out = register_pcds(pcd, pcd_merged, tf_init, [1, 0.2], visualize=True) pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf_out) for f in tqdm.tqdm(frames): fdict = sdict[f] fdict['agents']['1']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = pose fdict['agents']['1']['pose'] = pose lidar_pose_new = ego_info['sequence_info'][f]['lidar_pose'] lidar_pose_old = pclib.pose_to_transformation(fdict['agents'][ego_agent_id]['lidar']['0']['pose']) # lidar_old2new = np.linalg.inv(lidar_pose_new) @ lidar_pose_old vpose_to_lpose = np.linalg.inv(lidar_pose_old) @ pclib.pose_to_transformation(fdict['agents'][ego_agent_id]['pose']) vpose_new = lidar_pose_new @ vpose_to_lpose fdict['agents'][ego_agent_id]['pose'] = pclib.tf2pose(vpose_new) fdict['agents'][ego_agent_id]['lidar']['0']['pose'] = pclib.tf2pose(lidar_pose_new) sub_seq_dict[f] = fdict if int(f) > 1002: vis_pcd, vis_pose = parse_static_pcd(fdict['agents'][ego_agent_id], root_dir) vis_pcd2, vis_pose2 = parse_static_pcd(fdict['agents']['1'], root_dir) vis_pcd = vis_pcd.transform(lidar_pose_new) vis_pcd2 = vis_pcd2.transform(vis_pose2) # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_merged]) corr = register_pcds(vis_pcd2, vis_pcd, np.eye(4), [1, 0.2], visualize=True) vis_pose2 = corr @ vis_pcd2 vis_pose2 = pclib.tf2pose(vis_pose2) fdict['agents']['1']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = vis_pose2 fdict['agents']['1']['pose'] = vis_pose2 # vis_pcd.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.706, 0]) # vis_pcd2.paint_uniform_color([0, 0.651, 0.929]) # o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([vis_pcd, vis_pcd2.transform(corr)]) save_json(sub_seq_dict, os.path.join(out_meta_dir, f"{seq}_{sub_idx}.json"))
[docs]def optimize_poses(meta_path): mfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(meta_path, '*.json'))[3:] mfiles = ["/koko/cosense3d/dairv2x/45.json"] for idx, mf in enumerate(mfiles): sdict = load_json(mf) seq = os.path.basename(mf)[:-5] print('###########################', seq, len(sdict)) # register_pcds_to_blocks( # seq, # sdict, # "/home/data/DAIR-V2X", # idx # ) files = glob.glob(f"/home/data/DAIR-V2X/agent0_seq{seq}_*.npy") for sub_idx in range(len(files)): optimize_trajectory(seq, sdict, "/home/data/DAIR-V2X", "/home/data/DAIR-V2X/meta", '0', idx, sub_idx=sub_idx )
[docs]def register_step_one(mf): """Find vehicle that is most close to infra""" sdict = load_json(mf) seq = os.path.basename(mf)[:-5] frames = sorted(sdict.keys()) min_dist = 1000 min_dist_frame = frames[0] for f in frames: fdict = sdict[f] veh_pose = fdict['agents']['0']['lidar']['0']['pose'] inf_pose = fdict['agents']['1']['lidar']['0']['pose'] dist = np.sqrt((veh_pose[0] - inf_pose[0]) ** 2 + (inf_pose[1] - veh_pose[1]) ** 2) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist min_dist_frame = f print(f"Step1: registration starts from frame {min_dist_frame}") return min_dist_frame, min_dist
[docs]def register_step_two(start_frame, mf, meta_out_dir): """Register point clouds""" sdict = load_json(mf) seq = os.path.basename(mf)[:-5] frames = sorted(sdict.keys()) total_frames = len(frames) start_idx = frames.index(start_frame) ref_pcd, ref_tf = parse_static_pcd(sdict[start_frame]['agents']['1'], root_dir) ref_pose = pclib.tf2pose(ref_tf) ref_pcd = ref_pcd.transform(ref_tf) idx_l = start_idx idx_r = start_idx + 1 vis = False cnt = 0 while True: if idx_l < 0 and idx_r >= len(frames): break if idx_l >= 0: cur_frame = frames[idx_l] pcd, tf = parse_static_pcd(sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0'], root_dir) if cnt == -1: # tf = registration.manual_registration(pcd.transform(tf), ref_pcd) tf_corr = np.array([ [ 9.98532892e-01, 5.34621722e-02, 8.59413959e-03, -1.22072297e+02], [-5.34946946e-02, 9.98561645e-01, 3.59984429e-03, 2.15912680e+02], [-8.38932267e-03, -4.05430380e-03, 9.99956590e-01, 4.32884527e+01], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]]) tf = tf_corr @ tf else: tf = register_pcds(pcd, ref_pcd, tf, [1.6, 0.5], vis, cur_frame) pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf) sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0']['pose'] = pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['1']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = ref_pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['1']['pose'] = ref_pose ref_pcd = ref_pcd + pcd.transform(tf) idx_l -= 1 cnt += 1 if idx_r < len(frames): cur_frame = frames[idx_r] pcd, tf = parse_static_pcd(sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0'], root_dir) tf = register_pcds(pcd, ref_pcd, tf, [1.6, 0.5], vis, cur_frame) pose = pclib.tf2pose(tf) sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['0']['pose'] = pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['1']['lidar']['0']['pose'] = ref_pose sdict[cur_frame]['agents']['1']['pose'] = ref_pose ref_pcd = ref_pcd + pcd.transform(tf) idx_r += 1 cnt += 1 ref_pcd = ref_pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=0.1) print(f"\rStep2: registered [{cnt}/{total_frames}] frames",end='',flush=True) save_json(sdict, os.path.join(meta_out_dir, f"{seq}.json")) print('\n')
[docs]def select_sub_scenes(meta_in, root_dir, meta_out, split): with open(os.path.join(meta_in, f"{split}.txt"), 'r') as f: scenes = sorted( sub_scenes = [] for s in tqdm.tqdm(scenes): sdict = load_json(os.path.join(meta_in, f"{s}.json")) frames = sorted(sdict.keys()) sub_seq = frames[:1] cnt = 0 for i, f in enumerate(frames[1:]): if (i == len(frames) - 2 or int(f) - int(sub_seq[-1]) > 1): if i == len(frames) - 2: # reach the end sub_seq.append(f) if len(sub_seq) >= 6: # find one valid sub sequence new_sdict = parse_global_bboxes(sdict, sub_seq, root_dir) save_json(new_sdict, os.path.join(meta_out, f"{s}_{cnt}.json")) sub_scenes.append(f"{s}_{cnt}") cnt += 1 if not i == len(frames) - 2: # sequence breaks, add the current frame to the new seq sub_seq = [f] else: sub_seq.append(f) with open(os.path.join(meta_out, f"{split}.txt"), 'w') as f: f.writelines('\n'.join(sub_scenes))
[docs]def parse_timestamped_boxes(adict, root_dir, four_wheel_only=True): lf = os.path.join(root_dir, adict['lidar']['0']['filename']) pcd = point_cloud_from_path(lf) boxes = np.array(adict['gt_boxes']) if four_wheel_only: boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 1] < 4] if 'timestamp' in pcd.fields: points = np.stack([pcd.pc_data[x] for x in 'xyz'], axis=-1) points_inds = points_in_boxes_cpu(points, boxes[:, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]]).astype(bool) times = pcd.pc_data['timestamp'] timestamps = [] for i, inds in enumerate(points_inds): if inds.sum() == 0: nearst_angle_idx = np.abs(np.arctan2(boxes[i, 3], boxes[i, 2]) - np.arctan2(points[:, 1], points[:, 0])).argmin() timestamps.append(times[nearst_angle_idx]) else: ts = times[inds] timestamps.append(ts.mean()) timestamps = np.array(timestamps) else: timestamps = np.zeros_like(boxes[:, 0]) + adict['lidar']['0']['time'] return timestamps, boxes
[docs]def parse_global_bboxes(sdict, frames, root_dir): """Step three""" new_sdict = {} tracklets = {} id_counter = 1 last_track_ids = set() for fi, f in enumerate(frames): fdict = sdict[f] new_fdict = copy.deepcopy(fdict) matched_track_ids = set() matched_inds = [] for ai, adict in fdict['agents'].items(): timestamps, boxes = parse_timestamped_boxes(adict, root_dir) tf = pclib.pose_to_transformation(adict['lidar']['0']['pose']) boxes_global = transform_boxes_3d(boxes, tf, mode=11) if len(tracklets) == 0: for i, (t, box) in enumerate(zip(timestamps, boxes_global)): tracklets[id_counter] = [[t] + box[1:].tolist()] boxes[i, 0] = id_counter id_counter += 1 else: tracked_boxes = [] tracked_ids = [] for k, v in tracklets.items(): tracked_ids.append(k) tracked_boxes.append(v[-1]) tracked_boxes = np.array(tracked_boxes) tracked_ids = np.array(tracked_ids) dist_cost = np.linalg.norm(tracked_boxes[:, [2, 3]][:, None] - boxes_global[:, [2, 3]][None], axis=-1) thr = 3 min_dist = dist_cost.min(axis=0) min_idx = dist_cost.argmin(axis=0) match_inds = [] for i, box in enumerate(boxes_global): cur_box = [timestamps[i]] + box[1:].tolist() if min_dist[i] < thr: tracklets[tracked_ids[min_idx[i]]].append(cur_box) match_inds.append([tracked_ids[min_idx[i]], i]) boxes[i, 0] = tracked_ids[min_idx[i]] else: tracklets[id_counter] = [cur_box] boxes[i, 0] = id_counter id_counter += 1 matched_inds.extend(match_inds) new_fdict['agents'][ai]['gt_boxes'] = boxes.tolist() new_sdict[f] = new_fdict object_size_type = {} for ti, tracklet in tracklets.items(): tracklets[ti] = np.array(sorted(tracklet)) object_size_type[ti] = { 'size': np.median(tracklets[ti][:, 5:8], axis=0), 'type': np.median(tracklets[ti][:, 1], axis=0), } # remove last two frames new_sdict.pop(frames[-1]) new_sdict.pop(frames[-2]) for f, fdict in new_sdict.items(): object_ids = [] for ai, adict in fdict['agents'].items(): object_ids.extend([int(box[0]) for box in adict['gt_boxes']]) object_ids = set(object_ids) aligned_time = math.ceil(fdict['agents']['0']['lidar']['0']['time'] * 10) / 10 aligned_boxes = [[], [], []] for object_id in object_ids: if object_id in tracklets: tracklet = tracklets[object_id] if len(tracklet) == 0: continue for i in range(3): cur_time = aligned_time + 0.1 * i time_diff = tracklet[:, 0] - cur_time try: prev_idx = np.where(time_diff < 0)[0].max() next_idx = np.where(time_diff > 0)[0].min() prev_t = tracklet[prev_idx][0] next_t = tracklet[next_idx][0] dxyz = tracklet[next_idx][[2, 3, 4]] - tracklet[prev_idx][[2, 3, 4]] xyz = tracklet[prev_idx][[2, 3, 4]] + dxyz * (cur_time - prev_t) / (next_t - prev_t) prev_rot = tracklet[next_idx][10] object_param = [object_id , object_size_type[object_id]['type']] + xyz.tolist() + \ object_size_type[object_id]['size'].tolist() + [0, 0, prev_rot] aligned_boxes[i].append(object_param) except: aligned_boxes[i].append([0] * 11) else: print('d') aligned_boxes = np.array(aligned_boxes) tf = pclib.pose_to_transformation(fdict['agents']['0']['lidar']['0']['pose']) aligned_boxes = box_utils.transform_boxes_3d( aligned_boxes.reshape(-1, 11), np.linalg.inv(tf), mode=11).reshape(aligned_boxes.shape) fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = aligned_boxes[0].tolist() fdict['meta']['boxes_pred'] = {f"{int(f) + i + 1:06d}": x[:, [2, 3, 4, 10]].tolist() \ for i, x in enumerate(aligned_boxes[1:])} return new_sdict
[docs]def remove_ego_boxes(meta_in): mfs = glob.glob(os.path.join(meta_in, '*.json')) for mf in mfs: sdict = load_json(mf) for f, fdict in sdict.items(): gt_boxes = np.array(fdict['agents']['0']['gt_boxes']) depth = np.linalg.norm(gt_boxes[:, 2:4], axis=-1) gt_boxes = gt_boxes[depth > 2] fdict['agents']['0']['gt_boxes'] = gt_boxes.tolist() global_boxes = np.array(fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global']) mask = np.linalg.norm(global_boxes[:, 2:4], axis=-1) > 2 fdict['meta']['bbx_center_global'] = global_boxes[mask].tolist() boxes_pred = fdict['meta']['boxes_pred'] fdict['meta']['boxes_pred'] = {k: np.array(v)[mask].tolist() for k, v in boxes_pred.items()} save_json(sdict, mf)
if __name__=="__main__": root_dir = "/home/data/DAIR-V2X" meta_out_dir = "/home/data/DAIR-V2X/meta-sub-scenes" meta_path = "/home/data/cosense3d/dairv2x" # root_dir = "/home/data/DAIR-V2X-Seq/SPD-Example" # meta_out_dir = "/home/data/cosense3d/dairv2x_seq" # convert_v2x_c(root_dir, meta_path) # meta_dict = load_meta(os.path.join(meta_out_dir, 'dairv2x')) # o3d_play_sequence(meta_dict, root_dir) # optimize_poses(meta_path) # with open("/home/data/DAIR-V2X/meta/test.txt", 'w') as fh: # files = glob.glob("/home/data/DAIR-V2X/meta/*.json") # for f in files: # fh.writelines(os.path.basename(f)[:-5] + '\n') # mfs = sorted(glob.glob("/home/yuan/data/DAIR-V2X/meta-loc-correct/*.json"))[:1] # # mf = "/home/data/cosense3d/dairv2x/11.json" # for mf in mfs: # if int(os.path.basename(mf)[:-5]) <= 10: # continue # min_dist_frame, min_dist = register_step_one(mf) # sdict = register_step_two(min_dist_frame, mf, meta_out_dir) # parse_global_bboxes(mf, meta_out_dir, root_dir) # select_sub_scenes( # "/home/yuan/data/DAIR-V2X/meta-loc-correct", # "/home/yuan/data/DAIR-V2X", # "/home/yuan/data/DAIR-V2X/meta-sub-scenes", # "test" # ) remove_ego_boxes("/home/yuan/data/DAIR-V2X/meta_with_pred")