Source code for cosense3d.modules.plugin.mink_spconv

import functools
import torch

from cosense3d.modules import BaseModule, nn
from cosense3d.modules.utils.me_utils import mink_coor_limit, minkconv_conv_block, ME

[docs]class Spconv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, data_info, convs, d=2, dilation=False, **kwargs): super(Spconv, self).__init__() assert d == 2, 'only support dim=2' self.det_r = data_info.get('det_r', False) self.lidar_range = data_info.get('lidar_range', False) self.voxel_size = data_info['voxel_size'] self.d = d self.dilation = dilation self.convs = [] for k, conv_args in convs.items(): self.convs.append(k) setattr(self, f'convs_{k}', self.get_conv_layer(conv_args)) stride = int(k[1]) if self.det_r: lr = [-self.det_r, -self.det_r, 0, self.det_r, self.det_r, 0] elif self.lidar_range: lr = self.lidar_range else: raise NotImplementedError setattr(self, f'mink_xylim_{k}', mink_coor_limit(lr, self.voxel_size, stride)) # relevant to ME
[docs] def forward(self, stensor_dict, **kwargs): out_dict = {} for k in self.convs: stride = int(k[1]) stensor2d = self.get_2d_stensor(stensor_dict, stride) stensor2d = getattr(self, f'convs_{k}')(stensor2d) # after coordinate expansion, some coordinates will exceed the maximum detection # range, therefore they are removed here. xylim = getattr(self, f'mink_xylim_{k}') mask = (stensor2d.C[:, 1] > xylim[0]) & (stensor2d.C[:, 1] <= xylim[1]) & \ (stensor2d.C[:, 2] > xylim[2]) & (stensor2d.C[:, 2] <= xylim[3]) coor = stensor2d.C[mask] feat = stensor2d.F[mask] out_dict[k] = { 'coor': coor, 'feat': feat } return out_dict
[docs] def get_2d_stensor(self, stensor_dict, stride): stensor = stensor_dict[f'p{stride}'] if isinstance(stensor, ME.SparseTensor) and stensor.C.shape[-1] == 3: return stensor else: if isinstance(stensor, dict): coor, feat = stensor['coor'][:, :3], stensor['feat'] elif isinstance(stensor, ME.SparseTensor): coor, feat = stensor.C[:, :3], stensor.F return ME.SparseTensor( coordinates=coor[:, :3].contiguous(), features=feat, tensor_stride=[stride] * 2 )
[docs] def get_conv_layer(self, args): minkconv_layer = functools.partial( minkconv_conv_block, d=self.d, bn_momentum=0.1, ) in_dim = args['in_dim'] out_dim = args['out_dim'] layers = [minkconv_layer(in_dim, out_dim, args['kernels'][0], 1, expand_coordinates=self.dilation)] for ks in args['kernels'][1:]: layers.append(minkconv_layer(out_dim, out_dim, ks, 1, expand_coordinates=self.dilation)) return nn.Sequential(*layers)