cosense3d.modules.plugin package


cosense3d.modules.plugin.attn module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.attn.NeighborhoodAttention(data_info, stride, emb_dim=128)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(ref_pts, ctr_coor, ctr_feat)[source]


ref_pts LongTensor(Q, 3): 2d coordinates in metrics(batch_idx, x, y) ctr_coor LongTensor(V, 3): 2d coordinates in indices (batch_idx, x, y) ctr_feat FloatTensor(V, d): bev grid center point features


out_features FloatTensor(Q, d): attended features

get_nbr_mapping(query_pos, value_pos)[source]
training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.attn.ScaledDotProductAttention(dim: int)[source]

Bases: Module

Scaled Dot-Product Attention proposed in “Attention Is All You Need” Compute the dot products of the query with all keys, divide each by sqrt(dim), and apply a softmax function to obtain the weights on the values

forward(query, key, value)[source]
  • query – (batch, q_len, d_model) tensor containing projection vector for decoder.

  • key – (batch, k_len, d_model) tensor containing projection vector for encoder.

  • value – (batch, v_len, d_model) tensor containing features of the encoded input sequence.


context, attn - context: tensor containing the context vector from attention mechanism. - attn: tensor containing the attention (alignment) from the encoder outputs.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.bev_rpn module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.bev_rpn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, k, s, p, activation=True, batch_norm=True)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.bev_rpn.CustomRPN(strides=[2, 2, 2], down_sample=2, num_layers=3, in_channels=128, out_channels=256)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.bev_rpn.RPN(anchor_num=2)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.downsample_conv module

Class used to downsample features by 3*3 conv

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.downsample_conv.DoubleConv(in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int, padding: bool)[source]

Bases: Module

Double convoltuion


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.downsample_conv.DownsampleConv(in_channels, kernel_sizes=[1], dims=[256], strides=[1], paddings=[0])[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.flash_attn module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.flash_attn.FlashAttention(softmax_scale: float | None = None, attention_dropout: float = 0.0, return_attn_weights: float = False, device: str | None = None, dtype: type | None = None)[source]

Bases: Module

Implement the scaled dot product attention with softmax.

forward(q: Tensor, kv: Tensor, causal: bool = False, key_padding_mask: Tensor | None = None)[source]

Implements the multihead softmax attention.

  • q – The tensor containing the query. (B, T, H, D)

  • kv – The tensor containing the key, and value. (B, S, 2, H, D)

  • causal

  • key_padding_mask – a bool tensor of shape (B, S)


training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.flash_attn.FlashMHA(embed_dim, num_heads, bias=True, batch_first=True, attention_dropout=0.0, causal=False, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(q, k, v, key_padding_mask=None)[source]

x: (batch, seqlen, hidden_dim) (where hidden_dim = num heads * head dim) key_padding_mask: bool tensor of shape (batch, seqlen)

training: bool
cosense3d.modules.plugin.flash_attn.flash_attn_unpadded_kvpacked_test(q, kv, cu_seqlens_q, cu_seqlens_k, max_sq, max_sk, dropout_p, softmax_scale, causal, batch_size)[source]

cosense3d.modules.plugin.fpn module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.fpn.FPN(in_channels, out_channels, num_outs, start_level=0, end_level=-1, add_extra_convs=False, relu_before_extra_convs=False, no_norm_on_lateral=False, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=None, upsample_cfg={'mode': 'nearest'}, init_cfg={'distribution': 'uniform', 'layer': 'Conv2d', 'type': 'Xavier'})[source]

Bases: Module


Forward function.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.gevbev_decoder module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.gevbev_decoder.GevBEVDecoder(data_info, stride, kernel=3, var0=0.1)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(ref_pts, ctr_coor, ctr_reg)[source]
  • ref_pts – LongTensor(Q, 3) 2d coordinates in metrics(batch_idx, x, y)

  • ctr_coor – LongTensor(V, 3) 2d coordinates in indices (batch_idx, x, y)

  • ctr_reg – FloatTensor(V, d) bev grid center point regression result


out_evidence FloatTensor(Q, d): attended features

get_nbr_mapping(query_pos, value_pos)[source]
training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.mink_spconv module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.mink_spconv.Spconv(data_info, convs, d=2, dilation=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(stensor_dict, **kwargs)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

get_2d_stensor(stensor_dict, stride)[source]
training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.naive_compressor module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.naive_compressor.NaiveCompressor(input_dim, compress_ratio)[source]

Bases: Module

A very naive compression that only compress on the channel.


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.pillar_encoder module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.pillar_encoder.PFNLayer(in_channels, out_channels, use_norm=True, last_layer=False)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.pillar_encoder.PillarEncoder(features, voxel_size, lidar_range, channels, use_norm=True)[source]

Bases: Module

property absolute_xyz_dim
property distance_dim
forward(voxel_features, coords, voxel_num_points)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

static get_paddings_indicator(actual_num, max_num, axis=0)[source]
property intensity_dim
training: bool
property xyz_dim

cosense3d.modules.plugin.ssfa module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.ssfa.SSFA(in_channels, out_channels=128, shrink_strides=None, shrink_channels=None)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
cosense3d.modules.plugin.ssfa.get_conv_layers(conv_name, in_channels, out_channels, n_layers, kernel_size, stride, padding, relu_last=True, sequential=True, **kwargs)[source]

Build convolutional layers. kernel_size, stride and padding should be a list with the lengths that match n_layers

cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BEVBoxAssigner(n_cls, pos_neg_ratio=5, mining_thr=0, max_mining_ratio=3, mining_start_epoch=5, merge_all_classes=False)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

Assign center points in the BEV maps to positve if the point is in the range ‘min_radius’ of any gt box center.

assign(centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, pred_scores=None, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

get_labels_single_head(centers, gt_boxes, pred_scores=None, **kwargs)[source]
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BEVCenternessAssigner(n_cls, min_radius=1.0, pos_neg_ratio=5, mining_thr=0, max_mining_ratio=3, mining_start_epoch=5, merge_all_classes=False, use_gaussian=False, sigma=1.0)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

Assign center points in the BEV maps to positve if the point is in the range ‘min_radius’ of any gt box center.

assign(centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, pred_scores=None, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

get_labels_single_head(centers, gt_boxes, pred_scores=None, **kwargs)[source]
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BEVPointAssigner(down_sample=True, sample_mining_thr=0.0, max_mining_ratio=3, annealing_step=None, topk_sampling=False, annealing_sampling=False)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

Assign target points to BEV boxes and down-sample the target points with buffered-based method.

assign(tgt_pts, gt_boxes, B, conf=None, down_sample=True, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

downsample_tgt_pts(tgt_label, max_sam)[source]
get_predictions(x, edl=True, activation='none')[source]
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BEVSemsegAssigner(data_info, stride, tgt_range=None, down_sample=False, annealing_step=None)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

static down_sample_pred_pts(ctr_pts)[source]
downsample_tgt_pts(tgt_label, max_sam)[source]
filter_range(ctr_pts, samples)[source]
get_obs_mask(inds, B)[source]
get_predictions(data_dict, B, edl=True, activation='none', **kwargs)[source]

Calculate indices of samples in the bev map

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BaseAssigner[source]

Bases: object

Base assigner.

abstract assign(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BoxAnchorAssigner(box_size, dirs, voxel_size, lidar_range, stride, box_coder, pos_threshold=0.6, neg_threshold=0.45, score_thrshold=0.25)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner, Module



gt_boxes Tensor(N, 7): [x, y, z, l, w, h, r, …]


reg Tensor(H, W, num_anchors, code_size): box regression targets

box_overlaps(boxes1, boxes2)[source]
get_anchor_template(box_size, dirs)[source]
training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BoxCenterAssigner(voxel_size, lidar_range, stride, detection_benchmark, class_names_each_head, center_threshold, box_coder, activation='relu', edl=True)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner, Module

assign(centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, gt_preds=None, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.


Decode the center and regression maps into BBoxes.



  • cls: list[Tensor], each tensor is the result from a cls head with shape (B or N, Ncls, …).

  • reg:
    • box: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 6, …).

    • dir: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 8, …).

    • scr: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 4, …).


roi: * box: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N, 8). * scr: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N,). * lbl: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N,). * idx: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (3, N), center map indices of the boxes.

pts_to_indices(bev_pts: Tensor)[source]

bev_pts – (N, 3+), BEV points, 1st column should be batch index.


training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.BoxSparseAnchorAssigner(box_size, dirs, voxel_size, lidar_range, stride, box_coder, me_coor=True, pos_threshold=0.6, neg_threshold=0.45, score_thrshold=0.25)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner, Module

assign(coors: Tensor, gt_boxes: Tensor)[source]
  • coors – (N, 2) 2D mink coor [x, y]

  • gt_boxes – (M, 7) [x, y, z, l, w, h, r]


  • labels Tensor(N, num_anchors): box regression targets

  • reg_tgt Tensor(N, num_anchors, code_size): box regression targets

  • ir_score Tensor(N, num_anchors, 4) or None: direction score target

box_overlaps(boxes1, boxes2)[source]
get_anchor_template(box_size, dirs)[source]
get_predictions(coors, preds)[source]
  • coors – Tensor(N, 3) mink coor [batch_idx, x, y]

  • preds


training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.ContiBEVAssigner(distr_r=2.0, var0=0.1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BEVSemsegAssigner

assign(ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs) dict[source]

Assign target.

  • ctr_pts – center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.

  • samples – BEV target point samples.

  • B – batch size.

  • gt_boxes – ground truth BBoxes.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments.


target_dict that contains the static or/and dynamic target points and their corresponding labels.

get_predictions(ctr_pts, B, tag, **kwargs)[source]

Given center points and its corresponding regressions, generate the dense bev semseg maps and its uncertainty and observation mask.

  • ctr_pts – center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.

  • B – batch size.

  • tag – tag for regression key “static | dynamic”.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments


  • conf: confidence bev map.

  • unc: uncertainty bev map.

  • obs_mask: observation mask of the bev map.

sample_dynamic_tgt_pts(ctr_pts: dict, gt_boxes: Tensor, B: int) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor][source]

Given the input coordinates of the center points and the ground truth BBoxes, sample the BEV target points for BEV semantic segmentation following the buffer-based sampling as illustrated in the following image:

Buffer-based sampling of the BEV target
  • ctr_pts – center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.

  • gt_boxes – ground truth BBoxes.

  • B – batch size.


  • tgt_pts: sampled target points.

  • tgt_lbl: labels of the sampled target points.

  • inds: map indices of the sampled target points.

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.DiscreteBEVAssigner(data_info, stride, down_sample=False, annealing_step=None)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

get_obs_mask(inds, B)[source]
get_predictions(data_dict, B, edl=True, activation='none', **kwargs)[source]

Calculate indices of samples in the bev map

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.HeatmapAssigner[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(obj_centers2d, obj_bboxes, img_shape, stride)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

static draw_heatmap_gaussian(heatmap, center, radius, k=1)[source]

Get gaussian masked heatmap.


heatmap (torch.Tensor): Heatmap to be masked. center (torch.Tensor): Center coord of the heatmap. radius (int): Radius of gaussian. k (int, optional): Multiple of masked_gaussian. Defaults to 1.


torch.Tensor: Masked heatmap.

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.HungarianAssigner2D(cls_cost={'type': 'classification', 'weight': 1.0}, reg_cost={'type': 'bboxl1', 'weight': 1.0}, iou_cost={'type': 'giou', 'weight': 1.0}, centers2d_cost={'type': 'l1', 'weight': 1.0})[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

Computes one-to-one matching between predictions and ground truth.

This class computes an assignment between the targets and the predictions based on the costs. The costs are weighted sum of three components: classification cost, regression L1 cost, regression iou cost and center2d l1 cost. The assignment is done in the following steps, the order matters.

  1. assign every prediction to -1

  2. compute the weighted costs

  3. do Hungarian matching on CPU based on the costs

  4. assign all to 0 (background) first, then for each matched pair between predictions and gts, treat this prediction as foreground and assign the corresponding gt index (plus 1) to it.

assign(bbox_pred, cls_pred, pred_centers2d, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, centers2d, img_size, eps: float = 1e-07)[source]

Computes one-to-one matching based on the weighted costs.

This method assign each query prediction to a ground truth or background. The assigned_gt_inds with -1 means don’t care, 0 means negative sample, and positive number is the index (1-based) of assigned gt. The assignment is done in the following steps, the order matters.

  1. assign every prediction to -1

  2. compute the weighted costs

  3. do Hungarian matching on CPU based on the costs

  4. assign all to 0 (background) first, then for each matched pair between predictions and gts, treat this prediction as foreground and assign the corresponding gt index (plus 1) to it.

  • bbox_pred – Predicted boxes with normalized coordinates (cx, cy, w, h), which are all in range [0, 1]. Shape [num_query, 4].

  • cls_pred – Predicted classification logits, shape [num_query, num_class].

  • pred_centers2d – prediction 2d center points.

  • gt_bboxes – ground truth bboxes.

  • gt_labels – Label of gt_bboxes, shape (num_gt,). img_size: input image size.

  • centers2d – 2d center points.

  • img_size – input image size.

  • eps – A value added to the denominator for numerical stability. Default 1e-7.


class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.HungarianAssigner3D(cls_cost={'type': 'focal_loss', 'weight': 1.0}, reg_cost={'type': 'l1', 'weight': 1.0}, iou_cost={'type': 'iou', 'weight': 1.0})[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(bbox_pred, cls_pred, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, code_weights=None, eps=1e-07)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.MatchCost[source]

Bases: object

This class is modified from mmdet.

static bboxl1(bbox_pred: Tensor, gt_bboxes: Tensor, weight: float = 1.0, box_format: str = 'xyxy') Tensor[source]
  • bbox_pred – Predicted boxes with normalized coordinates (cx, cy, w, h), which are all in range [0, 1]. Shape (num_query, 4).

  • gt_bboxes – Ground truth boxes with normalized coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_gt, 4).

  • weight – loss_weight.

  • box_format – ‘xyxy’ for DETR, ‘xywh’ for Sparse_RCNN.


bbox_cost value with weight

static binary_focal_loss(cls_pred, gt_labels, weight=1.0, alpha=0.25, gamma=2, eps=1e-12)[source]
build(type, **kwargs)[source]
static classification(cls_pred: Tensor, gt_labels: Tensor, weight: float = 1.0) Tensor[source]
  • cls_pred – Predicted classification logits, shape (num_query, num_class).

  • gt_labels – Label of gt_bboxes, shape (num_gt,).

  • weight – loss_weight.


cls_cost value with weight

static focal_loss(cls_pred, gt_labels, weight=1.0, alpha=0.25, gamma=2, eps=1e-12)[source]
static giou(bboxes: Tensor, gt_bboxes: Tensor, weight: float = 1.0)[source]
  • bboxes – Predicted boxes with unnormalized coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_query, 4).

  • gt_bboxes – Ground truth boxes with unnormalized coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_gt, 4).

  • weight – loss weight.


giou_cost value with weight

static iou(bboxes, gt_bboxes, weight=1.0)[source]

See giou

static l1(pred, gt, weight=1.0)[source]

L1 distance between pred and gt Tensors

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.RoIBox3DAssigner(box_coder)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(pred_boxes, gt_boxes, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

get_predictions(rcnn_cls, rcnn_iou, rcnn_reg, rois)[source]
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.RoadLineAssigner(res, range, pos_neg_ratio=2)[source]

Bases: BaseAssigner

assign(coor, tgt_pts, B, **kwargs)[source]

Assign preds to targets.

cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.pos_neg_sampling(labels: Tensor, pos_neg_ratio: float) Tensor[source]

Downsample negative targets.

  • labels – class labels.

  • pos_neg_ratio – ratio = num_neg_samples / num_pos_samples.


class labels with -1 labels to be ignored during training.

cosense3d.modules.plugin.target_assigners.sample_mining(scores: Tensor, labels: Tensor, dists=None, sample_mining_thr=0.5, max_sample_ratio=5, max_num_sample=None)[source]

When only limited numbers of negative targets are sampled for training, and the majority of the negative samples are ignored, then there is a high probability that hard negative targets are also ignored. This will weaken the model to learn from these hard negative targets and generate a lot of false positives. Therefore, this function mines the samples that have high predictive scores as training targets. This function should be used after ‘pos_neg_sampling’.

  • scores – (N1, …Nk) classification scores/confidences that the sample belong to foreground.

  • labels – (N1…, Nk) class labels, -1 indicates ignore, 0 indicates negative, positive numbers indicates classes.

  • dists – distances.

  • sample_mining_thr – score threshold for sampling

  • max_sample_ration_sample / n_pos_sample

  • max_num_sample – maximum number of samples.


cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.FFN(embed_dims: int, feedforward_channels: int, num_fcs: int = 2, act_cfg: dict = {'inplace': True, 'type': 'ReLU'}, dropout: float = 0.0, add_residual: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Module

Implements feed-forward networks (FFNs) with residual connection.

forward(x, residual=None)[source]

Forward function for FFN.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.MultiHeadAttentionWrapper(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MultiheadAttention

bias_k: Tensor | None
bias_v: Tensor | None
forward(*args, **kwargs)[source]
query: Query embeddings of shape \((L, E_q)\) for unbatched input, \((L, N, E_q)\) when batch_first=False

or \((N, L, E_q)\) when batch_first=True, where \(L\) is the target sequence length, \(N\) is the batch size, and \(E_q\) is the query embedding dimension embed_dim. Queries are compared against key-value pairs to produce the output. See “Attention Is All You Need” for more details.

key: Key embeddings of shape \((S, E_k)\) for unbatched input, \((S, N, E_k)\) when batch_first=False

or \((N, S, E_k)\) when batch_first=True, where \(S\) is the source sequence length, \(N\) is the batch size, and \(E_k\) is the key embedding dimension kdim. See “Attention Is All You Need” for more details.

value: Value embeddings of shape \((S, E_v)\) for unbatched input, \((S, N, E_v)\) when

batch_first=False or \((N, S, E_v)\) when batch_first=True, where \(S\) is the source sequence length, \(N\) is the batch size, and \(E_v\) is the value embedding dimension vdim. See “Attention Is All You Need” for more details.

key_padding_mask: If specified, a mask of shape \((N, S)\) indicating which elements within key

to ignore for the purpose of attention (i.e. treat as “padding”). For unbatched query, shape should be \((S)\). Binary and byte masks are supported. For a binary mask, a True value indicates that the corresponding key value will be ignored for the purpose of attention. For a byte mask, a non-zero value indicates that the corresponding key value will be ignored.

need_weights: If specified, returns attn_output_weights in addition to attn_outputs.

Default: True.

attn_mask: If specified, a 2D or 3D mask preventing attention to certain positions. Must be of shape

\((L, S)\) or \((N\cdot\text{num\_heads}, L, S)\), where \(N\) is the batch size, \(L\) is the target sequence length, and \(S\) is the source sequence length. A 2D mask will be broadcasted across the batch while a 3D mask allows for a different mask for each entry in the batch. Binary, byte, and float masks are supported. For a binary mask, a True value indicates that the corresponding position is not allowed to attend. For a byte mask, a non-zero value indicates that the corresponding position is not allowed to attend. For a float mask, the mask values will be added to the attention weight.

average_attn_weights: If true, indicates that the returned attn_weights should be averaged across

heads. Otherwise, attn_weights are provided separately per head. Note that this flag only has an effect when need_weights=True. Default: True (i.e. average weights across heads)

  • attn_output - Attention outputs of shape \((L, E)\) when input is unbatched, \((L, N, E)\) when batch_first=False or \((N, L, E)\) when batch_first=True, where \(L\) is the target sequence length, \(N\) is the batch size, and \(E\) is the embedding dimension embed_dim.

  • attn_output_weights - Only returned when need_weights=True. If average_attn_weights=True, returns attention weights averaged across heads of shape \((L, S)\) when input is unbatched or \((N, L, S)\), where \(N\) is the batch size, \(L\) is the target sequence length, and \(S\) is the source sequence length. If average_weights=False, returns attention weights per head of shape \((\text{num\_heads}, L, S)\) when input is unbatched or \((N, \text{num\_heads}, L, S)\).


batch_first argument is ignored for unbatched inputs.

forward_fp16(*args, **kwargs)[source]
forward_fp32(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.MultiheadAttention(embed_dims: int, num_heads: int, dropout: float = 0.1, batch_first: bool = False, cache_attn_weights: bool = False, fp16: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

A wrapper for torch.nn.MultiheadAttention. This module implements MultiheadAttention with identity connection, and positional encoding is also passed as input.

forward(query, key=None, value=None, identity=None, query_pos=None, key_pos=None, attn_mask=None, key_padding_mask=None, **kwargs)[source]

Forward function for MultiheadAttention.

  • query – The input query with shape [num_queries, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else [bs, num_queries embed_dims].

  • key – The key tensor with shape [num_keys, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else [bs, num_keys, embed_dims]. If None, the query will be used. Defaults to None.

  • value – The value tensor with same shape as key. Same in nn.MultiheadAttention.forward. Defaults to None. If None, the key will be used.

  • identity – This tensor, with the same shape as x, will be used for the identity link. If None, x will be used. Defaults to None.

  • query_pos – The positional encoding for query, with the same shape as x. If not None, it will be added to x before forward function. Defaults to None.

  • key_pos – The positional encoding for key, with the same shape as key. Defaults to None. If not None, it will be added to key before query_pos has the same shape as key, then query_pos will be used for key_pos. Defaults to None.

  • attn_mask – ByteTensor mask with shape [num_queries, num_keys]. Same in nn.MultiheadAttention.forward. Defaults to None.

  • key_padding_mask – ByteTensor with shape [bs, num_keys]. Defaults to None.

  • kwargs – allow passing a more general data flow when combining with other operations in transformerlayer.


forwarded results with shape [num_queries, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else[bs, num_queries embed_dims].

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.MultiheadFlashAttention(embed_dims: int, num_heads: int, attn_drop: float = 0.0, proj_drop: float = 0.0, dropout: float | None = None, batch_first: bool = True, cache_attn_weights: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

A wrapper for torch.nn.MultiheadAttention. This module implements MultiheadAttention with identity connection, and positional encoding is also passed as input.

forward(query, key=None, value=None, identity=None, query_pos=None, key_pos=None, attn_mask=None, key_padding_mask=None, **kwargs)[source]

Forward function for MultiheadAttention.

  • query – The input query with shape [num_queries, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else [bs, num_queries embed_dims].

  • key – The key tensor with shape [num_keys, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else [bs, num_keys, embed_dims]. If None, the query will be used. Defaults to None.

  • value – The value tensor with same shape as key. Same in nn.MultiheadAttention.forward. Defaults to None. If None, the key will be used.

  • identity – This tensor, with the same shape as x, will be used for the identity link. If None, x will be used. Defaults to None.

  • query_pos – The positional encoding for query, with the same shape as x. If not None, it will be added to x before forward function. Defaults to None.

  • key_pos – The positional encoding for key, with the same shape as key. Defaults to None. If not None, it will be added to key before forward function. If None, and query_pos has the same shape as key, then query_pos will be used for key_pos. Defaults to None.

  • attn_mask – ByteTensor mask with shape [num_queries, num_keys]. Same in nn.MultiheadAttention.forward. Defaults to None.

  • key_padding_mask – ByteTensor with shape [bs, num_keys]. Defaults to None.

  • kwargs – allow passing a more general data flow when combining with other operations in transformerlayer.


forwarded results with shape [num_queries, bs, embed_dims] if self.batch_first is False, else [bs, num_queries embed_dims].

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.PETRTemporalTransformer(encoder=None, decoder=None, cross=False)[source]

Bases: Module

Implements the DETR transformer. Following the official DETR implementation, this module copy-paste from torch.nn.Transformer with modifications: * positional encodings are passed in MultiheadAttention * extra LN at the end of encoder is removed * decoder returns a stack of activations from all decoding layers See paper: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers for details.

forward(memory, tgt, query_pos, pos_embed, attn_masks, temp_memory=None, temp_pos=None, mask=None, query_mask=None, reg_branch=None)[source]

Forward function for Transformer.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.PETRTransformer(encoder=None, decoder=None, cross=False)[source]

Bases: Module

Implements the DETR transformer. Following the official DETR implementation, this module copy-paste from torch.nn.Transformer with modifications: * positional encodings are passed in MultiheadAttention * extra LN at the end of encoder is removed * decoder returns a stack of activations from all decoding layers See paper: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers for details.

forward(memory, tgt, query_pos, pos_embed, attn_masks=None, mask=None, query_mask=None)[source]

Forward function for Transformer.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.TransformerDecoder(*args, post_norm_cfg={'type': 'LN'}, return_intermediate=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: TransformerLayerSequence

Implements the decoder in DETR transformer.

forward(query, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Forward function for TransformerDecoder.


query – (Tensor) Input query with shape (num_query, bs, embed_dims).


Results with shape [1, num_query, bs, embed_dims] when return_intermediate is False, otherwise it has shape [num_layers, num_query, bs, embed_dims].

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.TransformerDecoderLayer(attn_cfgs=None, ffn_cfgs=None, operation_order=None, norm_cfg={'type': 'LN'}, batch_first=False, with_cp=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(query, key=None, value=None, query_pos=None, key_pos=None, temp_memory=None, temp_pos=None, attn_masks=None, query_key_padding_mask=None, key_padding_mask=None, **kwargs)[source]

Forward function for TransformerCoder. :returns: Tensor: forwarded results with shape [num_query, bs, embed_dims].

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.transformer.TransformerLayerSequence(transformerlayers=None, num_layers=None)[source]

Bases: Module

Base class for TransformerEncoder and TransformerDecoder in vision transformer.

As base-class of Encoder and Decoder in vision transformer. Support customization such as specifying different kind of transformer_layer in transformer_coder.

forward(query, key, value, query_pos=None, key_pos=None, attn_masks=None, query_key_padding_mask=None, key_padding_mask=None, **kwargs)[source]

Forward function for TransformerCoder.

  • query – (Tensor) Input query with shape (num_queries, bs, embed_dims).

  • key – (Tensor) The key tensor with shape (num_keys, bs, embed_dims).

  • value – (Tensor) The value tensor with shape (num_keys, bs, embed_dims).

  • query_pos – (Tensor) The positional encoding for query. Default: None.

  • key_pos – (Tensor) The positional encoding for key. Default: None.

  • attn_masks – (List[Tensor], optional) Each element is 2D Tensor which is used in calculation of corresponding attention in operation_order. Default: None.

  • query_key_padding_mask – (Tensor) ByteTensor for query, with shape [bs, num_queries]. Only used in self-attention Default: None.

  • key_padding_mask – (Tensor) ByteTensor for query, with shape [bs, num_keys]. Default: None.


results with shape [num_queries, bs, embed_dims].

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxel_encoder module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxel_encoder.MeanVFE(num_point_features, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(voxel_features, voxel_num_points)[source]

voxels: (num_voxels, max_points_per_voxel, C) voxel_num_points: optional (num_voxels)


vfe_features: (num_voxels, C)

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxel_generator module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxel_generator.VoxelGenerator(voxel_size, lidar_range, max_points_per_voxel, empty_mean=True, mode='train', device='cuda', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxnet_utils module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxnet_utils.CML(in_channels)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxnet_utils.CMLSparse(in_channels)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(feats, coords)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool
class cosense3d.modules.plugin.voxnet_utils.Conv3d(in_channels, out_channels, k, s, p, batch_norm=True)[source]

Bases: Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training: bool

cosense3d.modules.plugin.vsa module

class cosense3d.modules.plugin.vsa.VoxelSetAbstraction(voxel_size, point_cloud_range, num_keypoints=4096, num_out_features=32, point_source='raw_points', features_source=None, num_bev_features=128, bev_stride=8, num_rawpoint_features=3, enlarge_selection_boxes=True, sa_layer=None, min_selected_kpts=128, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(det_out, bev_feat, voxel_feat, points)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

get_sampled_points(points, voxel_coords)[source]
interpolate_from_bev_features(keypoints_list, bev_features)[source]
training: bool
cosense3d.modules.plugin.vsa.bilinear_interpolate_torch(im, x, y)[source]

im: (H, W, C) [y, x] x: (N) y: (N)


Module contents

cosense3d.modules.plugin.build_plugin_layer(cfg: Dict, postfix: int | str = '', **kwargs) Tuple[str, Module][source]

Build plugin layer.

  • cfg

    cfg should contain:

    • type (str): identify plugin layer type.

    • layer args: args needed to instantiate a plugin layer.

  • postfix – appended into norm abbreviation to create named layer. Default: ‘’.

  • kwargs


The first one is the concatenation of abbreviation and postfix. The second is the created plugin layer.

cosense3d.modules.plugin.build_plugin_module(cfg: Dict)[source]
cosense3d.modules.plugin.infer_abbr(class_type: type) str[source]

Infer abbreviation from the class name.

This method will infer the abbreviation to map class types to abbreviations.

Rule 1: If the class has the property “abbr”, return the property. Rule 2: Otherwise, the abbreviation falls back to snake case of class name, e.g. the abbreviation of FancyBlock will be fancy_block.


class_type – The norm layer type.


The inferred abbreviation.