import math
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch_scatter
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from cosense3d.utils.box_utils import (bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh,
from cosense3d.utils.pclib import rotate_points_along_z_torch
from cosense3d.utils.iou2d_calculator import bbox_overlaps
from cosense3d.modules.utils.gaussian_utils import gaussian_2d
from cosense3d.modules.utils.gevbev_utils import draw_sample_evis, weighted_mahalanobis_dists
from cosense3d.modules.utils.me_utils import metric2indices, update_me_essentials
from cosense3d.modules.utils.box_coder import build_box_coder
from cosense3d.ops.iou3d_nms_utils import boxes_iou3d_gpu
from cosense3d.dataset.const import CoSenseBenchmarks as csb
from cosense3d.modules.utils.common import pad_r, pad_l, meshgrid
from cosense3d.ops.utils import points_in_boxes_gpu
from cosense3d.modules.losses import pred_to_conf_unc
from cosense3d.utils.misc import PI
[docs]def sample_mining(scores: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.Tensor,
When only limited numbers of negative targets are sampled for training,
and the majority of the negative samples are ignored, then there is a
high probability that hard negative targets are also ignored. This will
weaken the model to learn from these hard negative targets and generate
a lot of false positives.
Therefore, this function mines the samples that have high predictive
scores as training targets. This function should be used after 'pos_neg_sampling'.
:param scores: (N1, ...Nk) classification scores/confidences that the
sample belong to foreground.
:param labels: (N1..., Nk) class labels, -1 indicates ignore, 0 indicates negative,
positive numbers indicates classes.
:param dists: distances.
:param sample_mining_thr: score threshold for sampling
:param max_sample_ratio: `n_sample` / `n_pos_sample`
:param max_num_sample: maximum number of samples.
assert scores.ndim == labels.ndim
assert scores.shape == labels.shape
pred_pos = scores > sample_mining_thr
if dists is not None:
# only mine points that are not too close to the real positive samples
pred_pos[dists < 3] = False
not_cared = labels == -1
sample_inds = torch.where(torch.logical_and(pred_pos, not_cared))[0]
n_pos = (labels > 0).sum()
max_num_sample = int(n_pos * max_sample_ratio) if max_num_sample is None else max_num_sample
if len(sample_inds) > max_num_sample:
sample_inds = sample_inds[torch.randperm(len(sample_inds))[:max_num_sample]]
labels[sample_inds] = 0
return labels
[docs]def pos_neg_sampling(labels: torch.Tensor, pos_neg_ratio: float) -> torch.Tensor:
Downsample negative targets.
:param labels: class labels.
:param pos_neg_ratio: ratio = num_neg_samples / num_pos_samples.
:return: class labels with -1 labels to be ignored during training.
pos = labels > 0
neg = labels == 0
n_neg_sample = pos.sum(dim=0) * pos_neg_ratio
if neg.sum() > n_neg_sample:
neg_inds = torch.where(neg)[0]
perm = torch.randperm(len(neg_inds))[n_neg_sample:]
labels[neg_inds[perm]] = -1
return labels
[docs]class BaseAssigner(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base assigner."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def assign(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Assign preds to targets."""
[docs]class MatchCost:
"""This class is modified from mmdet."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def classification(cls_pred: torch.Tensor,
gt_labels: torch.Tensor,
weight: float=1.0) -> torch.Tensor:
:param cls_pred: Predicted classification logits, shape
(num_query, num_class).
:param gt_labels: Label of `gt_bboxes`, shape (num_gt,).
:param weight: loss_weight.
:return: cls_cost value with weight
# Following the official DETR repo, contrary to the loss that
# NLL is used, we approximate it in 1 - cls_score[gt_label].
# The 1 is a constant that doesn't change the matching,
# so it can be omitted.
cls_score = cls_pred.softmax(-1)
cls_cost = -cls_score[:, gt_labels]
return cls_cost * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def bboxl1(bbox_pred: torch.Tensor,
gt_bboxes: torch.Tensor,
weight: float=1.,
box_format: str='xyxy') -> torch.Tensor:
:param bbox_pred: Predicted boxes with normalized coordinates
(cx, cy, w, h), which are all in range [0, 1]. Shape
(num_query, 4).
:param gt_bboxes: Ground truth boxes with normalized
coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_gt, 4).
:param weight: loss_weight.
:param box_format: 'xyxy' for DETR, 'xywh' for Sparse_RCNN.
:return: bbox_cost value with weight
if box_format == 'xywh':
gt_bboxes = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(gt_bboxes)
elif box_format == 'xyxy':
bbox_pred = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_pred)
raise NotImplementedError
bbox_cost = torch.cdist(bbox_pred, gt_bboxes, p=1)
return bbox_cost * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def giou(bboxes: torch.Tensor,
gt_bboxes: torch.Tensor,
weight: float=1.0):
:param bboxes: Predicted boxes with unnormalized coordinates
(x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_query, 4).
:param gt_bboxes: Ground truth boxes with unnormalized
coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). Shape (num_gt, 4).
:param weight: loss weight.
:return: giou_cost value with weight
# overlaps: [num_bboxes, num_gt]
overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
bboxes, gt_bboxes, mode="giou", is_aligned=False)
# The 1 is a constant that doesn't change the matching, so omitted.
iou_cost = -overlaps
return iou_cost * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def iou(bboxes, gt_bboxes, weight=1.0):
"""See giou"""
# overlaps: [num_bboxes, num_gt]
overlaps = bbox_overlaps(
bboxes, gt_bboxes, mode="iou", is_aligned=False)
# The 1 is a constant that doesn't change the matching, so omitted.
iou_cost = -overlaps
return iou_cost * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def l1(pred, gt, weight=1.0):
"""L1 distance between pred and gt Tensors"""
cost = torch.cdist(pred, gt, p=1)
return cost * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def binary_focal_loss(cls_pred, gt_labels, weight=1., alpha=0.25, gamma=2, eps=1e-12,):
cls_pred = cls_pred.flatten(1)
gt_labels = gt_labels.flatten(1).float()
n = cls_pred.shape[1]
cls_pred = cls_pred.sigmoid()
neg_cost = -(1 - cls_pred + eps).log() * (
1 - alpha) * cls_pred.pow(gamma)
pos_cost = -(cls_pred + eps).log() * alpha * (
1 - cls_pred).pow(gamma)
cls_cost = torch.einsum('nc,mc->nm', pos_cost, gt_labels) + \
torch.einsum('nc,mc->nm', neg_cost, (1 - gt_labels))
return cls_cost / n * weight
[docs] @staticmethod
def focal_loss(cls_pred, gt_labels, weight=1., alpha=0.25, gamma=2, eps=1e-12,):
cls_pred = cls_pred.sigmoid()
neg_cost = -(1 - cls_pred + eps).log() * (
1 - alpha) * cls_pred.pow(gamma)
pos_cost = -(cls_pred + eps).log() * alpha * (
1 - cls_pred).pow(gamma)
cls_cost = pos_cost[:, gt_labels] - neg_cost[:, gt_labels]
return cls_cost * weight
[docs] def build(self, type, **kwargs):
return partial(getattr(self, type), **kwargs)
[docs]class HungarianAssigner2D(BaseAssigner):
"""Computes one-to-one matching between predictions and ground truth.
This class computes an assignment between the targets and the predictions
based on the costs. The costs are weighted sum of three components:
classification cost, regression L1 cost, regression iou cost and center2d l1 cost.
The assignment is done in the following steps, the order matters.
1. assign every prediction to -1
2. compute the weighted costs
3. do Hungarian matching on CPU based on the costs
4. assign all to 0 (background) first, then for each matched pair
between predictions and gts, treat this prediction as foreground
and assign the corresponding gt index (plus 1) to it.
def __init__(self,
cls_cost=dict(type='classification', weight=1.),
reg_cost=dict(type='bboxl1', weight=1.0),
iou_cost=dict(type='giou', weight=1.0),
centers2d_cost=dict(type='l1', weight=1.0)):
cost_builder = MatchCost()
self.cls_cost =**cls_cost)
self.reg_cost =**reg_cost)
self.iou_cost =**iou_cost)
self.centers2d_cost =**centers2d_cost)
[docs] def assign(self,
eps: float = 1e-7
"""Computes one-to-one matching based on the weighted costs.
This method assign each query prediction to a ground truth or
background. The `assigned_gt_inds` with -1 means don't care,
0 means negative sample, and positive number is the index (1-based)
of assigned gt.
The assignment is done in the following steps, the order matters.
1. assign every prediction to -1
2. compute the weighted costs
3. do Hungarian matching on CPU based on the costs
4. assign all to 0 (background) first, then for each matched pair
between predictions and gts, treat this prediction as foreground
and assign the corresponding gt index (plus 1) to it.
:param bbox_pred: Predicted boxes with normalized coordinates
(cx, cy, w, h), which are all in range [0, 1]. Shape
[num_query, 4].
:param cls_pred: Predicted classification logits, shape
[num_query, num_class].
:param pred_centers2d: prediction 2d center points.
:param gt_bboxes: ground truth bboxes.
:param gt_labels: Label of `gt_bboxes`, shape (num_gt,).
img_size: input image size.
:param centers2d: 2d center points.
:param img_size: input image size.
:param eps: A value added to the denominator for
numerical stability. Default 1e-7.
num_gts, num_bboxes = gt_bboxes.size(0), bbox_pred.size(0)
# 1. assign -1 by default
assigned_gt_inds = bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes, ),
assigned_labels = bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes, ),
if num_gts == 0 or num_bboxes == 0:
# No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment
if num_gts == 0:
# No ground truth, assign all to background
assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
return num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, assigned_labels
img_h, img_w = img_size
factor = gt_bboxes.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w,
# 2. compute the weighted costs
# classification and bboxcost.
cls_cost = self.cls_cost(cls_pred, gt_labels)
# regression L1 cost
normalize_gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes / factor
reg_cost = self.reg_cost(bbox_pred, normalize_gt_bboxes)
# regression iou cost, defaultly giou is used in official DETR.
bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_pred) * factor
iou_cost = self.iou_cost(bboxes, gt_bboxes)
# center2d L1 cost
normalize_centers2d = centers2d / factor[:, 0:2]
centers2d_cost = self.centers2d_cost(pred_centers2d, normalize_centers2d)
# weighted sum of above four costs
cost = cls_cost + reg_cost + iou_cost + centers2d_cost
cost = torch.nan_to_num(cost, nan=100.0, posinf=100.0, neginf=-100.0)
# 3. do Hungarian matching on CPU using linear_sum_assignment
cost = cost.detach().cpu()
matched_row_inds, matched_col_inds = linear_sum_assignment(cost)
matched_row_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_row_inds).to(
matched_col_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_col_inds).to(
# 4. assign backgrounds and foregrounds
# assign all indices to backgrounds first
assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
# assign foregrounds based on matching results
assigned_gt_inds[matched_row_inds] = matched_col_inds + 1
assigned_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_labels[matched_col_inds]
return num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, assigned_labels
[docs]class HungarianAssigner3D(BaseAssigner):
def __init__(self,
cls_cost=dict(type='focal_loss', weight=1.0),
reg_cost=dict(type='l1', weight=1.0),
iou_cost=dict(type='iou', weight=1.0)):
cost_builder = MatchCost()
self.cls_cost =**cls_cost)
self.reg_cost =**reg_cost)
self.iou_cost =**iou_cost)
[docs] def assign(self,
num_gts, num_bboxes = gt_bboxes.size(0), bbox_pred.size(0)
# 1. assign -1 by default
assigned_gt_inds = bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes,),
assigned_labels = bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes,),
if num_gts == 0 or num_bboxes == 0:
# No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment
if num_gts == 0:
# No ground truth, assign all to background
assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
return num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, assigned_labels
# 2. compute the weighted costs
# classification and bboxcost.
cls_cost = self.cls_cost(cls_pred, gt_labels)
# regression L1 cost
normalized_gt_bboxes = normalize_bbox(gt_bboxes)
if code_weights is not None:
bbox_pred = bbox_pred * code_weights
normalized_gt_bboxes = normalized_gt_bboxes * code_weights
reg_cost = self.reg_cost(bbox_pred[:, :8], normalized_gt_bboxes[:, :8])
# weighted sum of above two costs
cost = cls_cost + reg_cost
# 3. do Hungarian matching on CPU using linear_sum_assignment
cost = cost.detach().cpu()
cost = torch.nan_to_num(cost, nan=100.0, posinf=100.0, neginf=-100.0)
matched_row_inds, matched_col_inds = linear_sum_assignment(cost)
matched_row_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_row_inds).to(
matched_col_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_col_inds).to(
# 4. assign backgrounds and foregrounds
# assign all indices to backgrounds first
assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
# assign foregrounds based on matching results
assigned_gt_inds[matched_row_inds] = matched_col_inds + 1
assigned_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_labels[matched_col_inds]
# # 5. align matched pred and gt
# aligned_tgt_boxes = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred)
# assign_mask = assigned_gt_inds > 0
# aligned_tgt_boxes[assign_mask] = normalized_gt_bboxes[assigned_gt_inds[assign_mask] - 1]
# from projects.utils.vislib import draw_points_boxes_plt
# vis_boxes_pred = denormalize_bbox(bbox_pred[assign_mask], self.pc_range)[:, :-2]
# vis_boxes_pred[:, :2] /= code_weights[:2]
# vis_boxes_gt = denormalize_bbox(aligned_tgt_boxes[assign_mask], self.pc_range)[:, :-2]
# vis_boxes_gt[:, :2] /= code_weights[:2]
# draw_points_boxes_plt(
# pc_range=51.2,
# boxes_pred=vis_boxes_pred.detach().cpu().numpy(),
# bbox_pred_label=[str(i) for i in range(vis_boxes_pred.shape[0])],
# boxes_gt=vis_boxes_gt.detach().cpu().numpy(),
# bbox_gt_label=[str(i) for i in range(vis_boxes_gt.shape[0])],
# filename='/home/yuan/Downloads/tmp.png'
# )
return num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, assigned_labels
[docs]class HeatmapAssigner(BaseAssigner):
[docs] @staticmethod
def draw_heatmap_gaussian(heatmap, center, radius, k=1):
"""Get gaussian masked heatmap.
heatmap (torch.Tensor): Heatmap to be masked.
center (torch.Tensor): Center coord of the heatmap.
radius (int): Radius of gaussian.
k (int, optional): Multiple of masked_gaussian. Defaults to 1.
torch.Tensor: Masked heatmap.
diameter = 2 * radius + 1
gaussian = gaussian_2d((diameter, diameter), sigma=diameter / 6)
x, y = int(center[0]), int(center[1])
height, width = heatmap.shape[0:2]
left, right = min(x, radius), min(width - x, radius + 1)
top, bottom = min(y, radius), min(height - y, radius + 1)
masked_heatmap = heatmap[y - top:y + bottom, x - left:x + right]
masked_gaussian = torch.from_numpy(
gaussian[radius - top:radius + bottom,
radius - left:radius + right]).to(heatmap.device,
if min(masked_gaussian.shape) > 0 and min(masked_heatmap.shape) > 0:
torch.max(masked_heatmap, masked_gaussian * k, out=masked_heatmap)
return heatmap
[docs] def assign(self, obj_centers2d, obj_bboxes, img_shape, stride):
img_h, img_w = img_shape[:2]
heatmap = torch.zeros(img_h // stride, img_w // stride, device=obj_centers2d.device)
if len(obj_centers2d) != 0:
l = obj_centers2d[..., 0:1] - obj_bboxes[..., 0:1]
t = obj_centers2d[..., 1:2] - obj_bboxes[..., 1:2]
r = obj_bboxes[..., 2:3] - obj_centers2d[..., 0:1]
b = obj_bboxes[..., 3:4] - obj_centers2d[..., 1:2]
bound =[l, t, r, b], dim=-1)
radius = torch.ceil(torch.min(bound, dim=-1)[0] / 16)
radius = torch.clamp(radius, 1.0).cpu().numpy().tolist()
for center, r in zip(obj_centers2d, radius):
heatmap = self.draw_heatmap_gaussian(heatmap, center / 16, radius=int(r), k=1)
return heatmap
[docs]class BoxAnchorAssigner(BaseAssigner, torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
self.voxel_size = voxel_size
self.lidar_range = lidar_range
self.num_anchors = len(dirs)
self.stride = stride
self.pos_threshold = pos_threshold
self.neg_threshold = neg_threshold
self.score_thrshold = score_thrshold
self.box_coder = build_box_coder(**box_coder)
anchors, standup_anchors = self.get_anchor_template(box_size, dirs)
self.anchors = nn.Parameter(anchors, requires_grad=False)
self.standup_anchors = nn.Parameter(standup_anchors, requires_grad=False)
[docs] def get_anchor_template(self, box_size, dirs):
pix_x = self.voxel_size[0] * self.stride
pix_y = self.voxel_size[1] * self.stride
x = torch.arange(self.lidar_range[0], self.lidar_range[3], pix_x) + pix_x * 0.5
y = torch.arange(self.lidar_range[1], self.lidar_range[4], pix_y) + pix_y * 0.5
xys = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij'), dim=-1)
xys = xys.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.num_anchors, 1)
zs = - torch.ones_like(xys[..., :1])
h, w = xys.shape[:2]
lwh = torch.tensor(box_size).reshape(
1, 1, 1, -1).repeat(h, w, self.num_anchors, 1)
rs = torch.deg2rad(torch.tensor(dirs)).reshape(
1, 1, -1, 1).repeat(h, w, 1, 1)
# (w, h, num_anchor, 7) --> (whn, 7)
anchors =[xys, zs, lwh, rs], dim=-1)
self.anchor_shape = anchors.shape
anchors = anchors.view(-1, 7)
standup_anchors = boxes3d_to_standup_bboxes(anchors)
return anchors, standup_anchors
[docs] def assign(self, gt_boxes):
gt_boxes Tensor(N, 7): [x, y, z, l, w, h, r, ...]
reg Tensor(H, W, num_anchors, code_size): box regression targets
if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
labels = gt_boxes.new_full((self.standup_anchors.shape[0],), -1)
reg_tgt = gt_boxes.new_zeros((0, self.box_coder.code_size))
dir_scores = gt_boxes.new_zeros((0, 4))
# Todo dir_score, gt_boxes, correct shape
return labels, reg_tgt, dir_scores
standup_boxes = boxes3d_to_standup_bboxes(gt_boxes[:, :7])
ious = self.box_overlaps(self.standup_anchors, standup_boxes)
iou_max, max_inds = ious.max(dim=1)
top1_inds = torch.argmax(ious, dim=0)
pos = iou_max > self.pos_threshold
pos_inds =[top1_inds, torch.where(pos)[0]]).unique()
neg = iou_max < self.neg_threshold
neg[pos_inds] = False
labels = gt_boxes.new_full((ious.shape[0],), -1)
labels[neg] = 0
labels[pos_inds] = 1
aligned_gt_boxes = gt_boxes[max_inds[pos_inds], :7]
aligned_anchors = self.anchors[pos_inds]
reg_tgt, dir_score = self.box_coder.encode(aligned_anchors, aligned_gt_boxes)
return labels, reg_tgt, dir_score
[docs] def box_overlaps(self, boxes1, boxes2):
areas1 = (boxes1[:, 2] - boxes1[:, 0] + 1) * \
(boxes1[:, 3] - boxes1[:, 1] + 1)
areas2 = (boxes2[:, 2] - boxes2[:, 0] + 1) * \
(boxes2[:, 3] - boxes2[:, 1] + 1)
boxes1_mat = boxes1.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, boxes2.shape[0], 1)
boxes2_mat = boxes2.unsqueeze(0).repeat(boxes1.shape[0], 1, 1)
x_extend = torch.minimum(boxes1_mat[..., 2], boxes2_mat[..., 2]) - \
torch.maximum(boxes1_mat[..., 0], boxes2_mat[..., 0]) + 1
y_extend = torch.minimum(boxes1_mat[..., 3], boxes2_mat[..., 3]) - \
torch.maximum(boxes1_mat[..., 1], boxes2_mat[..., 1]) + 1
overlaps = torch.zeros_like(boxes1_mat[..., 0])
pos = torch.logical_and(x_extend > 0, y_extend > 0)
intersection = x_extend[pos] * y_extend[pos]
union = (areas1.unsqueeze(1) + areas2.unsqueeze(0))[pos] - intersection
overlaps[pos] = intersection / union
return overlaps
[docs] def get_predictions(self, preds):
# roi = {'box': [], 'scr': [], 'lbl': [], 'idx': []}
roi = {}
B = len(preds['cls'])
pred_cls = preds['cls'].sigmoid().permute(0, 3, 2, 1).reshape(B, -1)
pred_reg = preds['reg'].permute(0, 3, 2, 1).reshape(B, -1, 7)
indices = torch.stack([torch.ones_like(pred_cls[0]) * i for i in range(B)], dim=0)
anchors = self.anchors.unsqueeze(0).repeat(B, 1, 1)
pos = pred_cls > self.score_thrshold
boxes_dec = self.box_coder.decode(anchors, pred_reg)
# remove abnormal boxes
mask = (boxes_dec[..., 3:6] > 0.1) & (boxes_dec[..., 3:6] < 10)
pos = torch.logical_and(pos, mask.all(dim=-1))
pred_cls = pred_cls[pos]
pred_box = boxes_dec[pos]
roi['scr'] = pred_cls
roi['box'] = pred_box
# TODO currently only support class car
roi['lbl'] = torch.zeros_like(pred_cls)
roi['idx'] = indices[pos]
return roi
[docs]class BoxSparseAnchorAssigner(BaseAssigner, torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
self.voxel_size = voxel_size
self.lidar_range = lidar_range
self.num_anchors = len(dirs)
self.stride = stride
self.pos_threshold = pos_threshold
self.neg_threshold = neg_threshold
self.score_thrshold = score_thrshold
self.box_coder = build_box_coder(**box_coder)
anchors, standup_anchors = self.get_anchor_template(box_size, dirs)
self.anchors = nn.Parameter(anchors, requires_grad=False)
self.standup_anchors = nn.Parameter(standup_anchors, requires_grad=False)
if me_coor:
lr = lidar_range
res_x, res_y = stride * voxel_size[0], stride * voxel_size[1]
self.size_x = round((lr[3] - lr[0]) / res_x)
self.size_y = round((lr[4] - lr[1]) / res_y)
self.offset_sz_x = round(lr[0] / res_x)
self.offset_sz_y = round(lr[1] / res_y)
self.coor_to_inds = self.me_coor_to_grid_indices
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def me_coor_to_grid_indices(self, coor):
inds = coor / self.stride
inds[:, 0] -= self.offset_sz_x
inds[:, 1] -= self.offset_sz_y
in_range_mask = (inds >= 0).all(dim=-1) & (inds[:, 0] < self.size_x) & (inds[:, 1] < self.size_y)
return inds[in_range_mask].long(), in_range_mask
[docs] def get_anchor_template(self, box_size, dirs):
pix_x = self.voxel_size[0] * self.stride
pix_y = self.voxel_size[1] * self.stride
x = torch.arange(self.lidar_range[0], self.lidar_range[3], pix_x) + pix_x * 0.5
y = torch.arange(self.lidar_range[1], self.lidar_range[4], pix_y) + pix_y * 0.5
xys = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij'), dim=-1)
xys = xys.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.num_anchors, 1)
zs = - torch.ones_like(xys[..., :1])
h, w = xys.shape[:2]
lwh = torch.tensor(box_size).reshape(
1, 1, 1, -1).repeat(h, w, self.num_anchors, 1)
rs = torch.deg2rad(torch.tensor(dirs)).reshape(
1, 1, -1, 1).repeat(h, w, 1, 1)
# (w, h, num_anchor, 7) --> (whn, 7)
anchors =[xys, zs, lwh, rs], dim=-1)
standup_anchors = boxes3d_to_standup_bboxes(
anchors.view(-1, 7)).reshape(h, w, self.num_anchors, 4)
return anchors, standup_anchors
[docs] def assign(self, coors: torch.Tensor, gt_boxes: torch.Tensor):
:param coors: (N, 2) 2D mink coor [x, y]
:param gt_boxes: (M, 7) [x, y, z, l, w, h, r]
- labels Tensor(N, num_anchors): box regression targets
- reg_tgt Tensor(N, num_anchors, code_size): box regression targets
- ir_score Tensor(N, num_anchors, 4) or None: direction score target
gt_boxes = gt_boxes[:, :7]
if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
labels = gt_boxes.new_full((coors.shape[0] * self.num_anchors,), -1)
reg_tgt = gt_boxes.new_zeros((0, self.box_coder.code_size))
dir_scores = gt_boxes.new_zeros((0, 4))
# Todo dir_score, gt_boxes, correct shape
return labels, reg_tgt, dir_scores
inds, in_range_mask = self.coor_to_inds(coors)
gt_standup_boxes = boxes3d_to_standup_bboxes(gt_boxes)
standup_anchors = self.standup_anchors[inds[:, 0], inds[:, 1]].view(-1, 4)
ious = self.box_overlaps(standup_anchors, gt_standup_boxes)
iou_max, max_inds = ious.max(dim=1)
top1_inds = torch.argmax(ious, dim=0)
pos = iou_max > self.pos_threshold
pos_inds =[top1_inds, torch.where(pos)[0]]).unique()
neg = iou_max < self.neg_threshold
neg[pos_inds] = False
labels = gt_boxes.new_full((ious.shape[0],), -1)
labels[neg] = 0
labels[pos_inds] = 1
aligned_gt_boxes = gt_boxes[max_inds[pos_inds]]
aligned_anchors = self.anchors[inds[:, 0], inds[:, 1]].view(-1, self.box_coder.code_size)[pos_inds]
reg_tgt, dir_score = self.box_coder.encode(aligned_anchors, aligned_gt_boxes)
labels_final = gt_boxes.new_full((in_range_mask.shape[0], self.num_anchors), -1)
labels_final[in_range_mask] = labels.view(-1, self.num_anchors)
return labels_final.view(-1), reg_tgt, dir_score
[docs] def box_overlaps(self, boxes1, boxes2):
areas1 = (boxes1[:, 2] - boxes1[:, 0] + 1) * \
(boxes1[:, 3] - boxes1[:, 1] + 1)
areas2 = (boxes2[:, 2] - boxes2[:, 0] + 1) * \
(boxes2[:, 3] - boxes2[:, 1] + 1)
boxes1_mat = boxes1.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, boxes2.shape[0], 1)
boxes2_mat = boxes2.unsqueeze(0).repeat(boxes1.shape[0], 1, 1)
x_extend = torch.minimum(boxes1_mat[..., 2], boxes2_mat[..., 2]) - \
torch.maximum(boxes1_mat[..., 0], boxes2_mat[..., 0]) + 1
y_extend = torch.minimum(boxes1_mat[..., 3], boxes2_mat[..., 3]) - \
torch.maximum(boxes1_mat[..., 1], boxes2_mat[..., 1]) + 1
overlaps = torch.zeros_like(boxes1_mat[..., 0])
pos = torch.logical_and(x_extend > 0, y_extend > 0)
intersection = x_extend[pos] * y_extend[pos]
union = (areas1.unsqueeze(1) + areas2.unsqueeze(0))[pos] - intersection
overlaps[pos] = intersection / union
return overlaps
[docs] def get_predictions(self, coors, preds):
:param coors: Tensor(N, 3) mink coor [batch_idx, x, y]
:param preds:
# roi = {'box': [], 'scr': [], 'lbl': [], 'idx': []}
roi = {}
inds, in_range_mask = self.coor_to_inds(coors[:, 1:])
pred_cls = preds['cls'][in_range_mask].sigmoid().reshape(-1)
pred_reg = preds['reg'][in_range_mask].reshape(-1, 7)
indices = coors[:, 0:1][in_range_mask].repeat(1, self.num_anchors).reshape(-1)
anchors = self.anchors[inds[:, 0], inds[:, 1]].view(-1, self.box_coder.code_size)
pos = pred_cls > self.score_thrshold
anchors = anchors[pos]
pred_cls = pred_cls[pos]
pred_reg = pred_reg[pos]
indices = indices[pos]
boxes_dec = self.box_coder.decode(anchors, pred_reg)
# remove abnormal boxes
mask = (boxes_dec[..., 3:6] > 0.1) & (boxes_dec[..., 3:6] < 10)
mask = mask.all(dim=-1)
pred_cls = pred_cls[mask]
pred_box = boxes_dec[mask]
indices = indices[mask]
roi['scr'] = pred_cls
roi['box'] = pred_box
# TODO currently only support class car
roi['lbl'] = torch.zeros_like(pred_cls)
roi['idx'] = indices
return roi
[docs]class BoxCenterAssigner(BaseAssigner, torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
self.voxel_size = voxel_size
self.lidar_range = lidar_range
self.meter_per_pixel = (voxel_size[0] * stride, voxel_size[1] * stride)
self.csb = csb.get(detection_benchmark)
self.class_names_each_head = class_names_each_head
self.activation = activation
self.center_threshold = center_threshold
self.box_coder = build_box_coder(**box_coder)
self.edl = edl
[docs] def pts_to_indices(self, bev_pts: torch.Tensor):
:param bev_pts: (N, 3+), BEV points, 1st column should be batch index.
x = (bev_pts[:, 1] - self.meter_per_pixel[0] * 0.5 - self.lidar_range[0]) \
/ self.meter_per_pixel[0]
y = (bev_pts[:, 2] - self.meter_per_pixel[1] * 0.5 - self.lidar_range[1]) \
/ self.meter_per_pixel[1]
indices = torch.stack([bev_pts[:, 0].long(), x.long(), y.long()], dim=1)
return indices
[docs] @torch.no_grad()
def assign(self, centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, gt_preds=None, **kwargs):
box_names = [self.csb[c.item()][0] for c in gt_labels]
# cal regression targets
reg_tgt = {'box': [], 'dir': [], 'scr': [], 'idx': [], 'valid_mask': [], 'vel': [], 'pred': []}
for h, cur_cls_names in enumerate(self.class_names_each_head):
center_indices = self.pts_to_indices(centers).T
box_mask = [n in cur_cls_names for n in box_names]
cur_boxes = gt_boxes[box_mask]
res = self.box_coder.encode(centers, cur_boxes, self.meter_per_pixel, gt_preds)
reg_box, reg_dir, dir_score, valid = res[:4]
reg_tgt['idx'].append(center_indices[:, valid])
if getattr(self.box_coder, 'with_velo', False):
if getattr(self.box_coder, 'with_pred', False):
return reg_tgt
[docs] def get_predictions(self, preds):
"""Decode the center and regression maps into BBoxes.
:param preds:
- cls: list[Tensor], each tensor is the result from a cls head with shape (B or N, Ncls, ...).
- reg:
* box: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 6, ...).
* dir: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 8, ...).
* scr: list[Tensor], one tensor per reg head with shape (B or N, 4, ...).
:return: roi:
* box: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N, 8).
* scr: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N,).
* lbl: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (N,).
* idx: list[Tensor], one tensor per head with shape (3, N), center map indices of the boxes.
roi = {'box': [], 'scr': [], 'lbl': [], 'idx': []}
lbl_cnt = torch.cumsum(torch.Tensor([0] + [m.shape[1] for m in preds['cls']]), dim=0)
confs = []
for h, center_cls in enumerate(preds['cls']):
if center_cls.ndim == 4:
conf, _ = pred_to_conf_unc(center_cls.permute(0, 2, 3, 1), self.activation)
center_mask = conf[..., 1:].max(dim=-1).values > self.center_threshold # b, h, w
center_indices = torch.stack(torch.where(center_mask), dim=0)
centers = self.indices_to_pts(center_indices[1:]).T
cur_centers =[center_indices[0].unsqueeze(-1), centers], dim=-1)
cur_reg = {k: preds['reg'][k][h].permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[center_mask]
for k in ['box', 'dir', 'scr']}
conf, _ = pred_to_conf_unc(center_cls, self.activation, self.edl)
centers = preds['ctr']
if self.edl:
center_mask = conf[..., 1:].max(dim=-1).values > self.center_threshold # b, h, w
center_mask = conf.max(dim=-1).values > self.center_threshold # b, h, w
if center_cls.ndim == 3:
indices = torch.stack([torch.zeros_like(centers[i, :, :1]) + i for i in range(centers.shape[0])], dim=0)
centers =[indices, centers], dim=-1)
cur_centers = centers[center_mask]
center_indices = self.pts_to_indices(cur_centers)
cur_reg = {k: preds['reg'][k][h][center_mask]
for k in preds['reg'].keys()}
# from cosense3d.utils import vislib
# mask = cur_centers[:, 0].int() == 0
# confs = conf[center_mask][mask, 1].detach().cpu().numpy()
# points = cur_centers[mask, 1:].detach().cpu().numpy()
# fig = vislib.plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
# vislib.plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], c=confs, s=1)
# vislib.plt.close()
cur_box = self.box_coder.decode(cur_centers, cur_reg)
cur_scr, cur_lbl = conf[center_mask].max(dim=-1)
cur_lbl = cur_lbl + lbl_cnt[h]
# from cosense3d.utils.vislib import draw_points_boxes_plt
# points = centers[:, 1:].detach().cpu().numpy()
# boxes = cur_box[:, 1:].detach().cpu().numpy()
# draw_points_boxes_plt(
# pc_range=self.lidar_range,
# boxes_pred=boxes,
# points=points,
# filename="/home/yuan/Pictures/tmp.png"
# )
# merge detections from all heads
roi['box'] =['box'], dim=0)
roi['scr'] =['scr'], dim=0)
roi['lbl'] =['lbl'], dim=0)
roi['idx'] =['idx'], dim=0)
confs = torch.stack(confs, dim=1)
return roi, confs
[docs]class BEVCenternessAssigner(BaseAssigner):
Assign center points in the BEV maps to positve if the point is in the range 'min_radius' of any gt box center.
def __init__(self,
self.n_cls = n_cls
self.min_radius = min_radius
self.pos_neg_ratio = pos_neg_ratio
self.sample_mining_thr = mining_thr
self.max_mining_ratio = max_mining_ratio
self.mining_start_epoch = mining_start_epoch
self.merge_all_classes = merge_all_classes
self.use_gaussian = use_gaussian
self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def get_labels_single_head(self, centers, gt_boxes, pred_scores=None, **kwargs):
diff = centers[:, :2].unsqueeze(1) - gt_boxes[:, :2].unsqueeze(0)
dists = torch.norm(diff, dim=-1)
dists_min, dists_min_arg = dists.min(dim=1)
if self.use_gaussian:
labels = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sqrt(dists_min) / self.sigma ** 2)
# sigmas = gt_boxes[:, 3:5][dists_min_arg] / 4 * self.sigma
# labels = weighted_mahalanobis_dists(
# sigmas ** 2, diff[torch.arange(len(diff)), dists_min_arg].abs().unsqueeze(1))
labels[labels < 1e-4] = 0
labels = (dists_min < self.min_radius).float()
if self.pos_neg_ratio:
labels = pos_neg_sampling(labels, self.pos_neg_ratio)
if self.sample_mining_thr > 0 and kwargs.get('epoch', 0) > self.mining_start_epoch:
assert pred_scores is not None
labels = sample_mining(pred_scores, labels,
return labels
[docs] @torch.no_grad()
def assign(self, centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, pred_scores=None, **kwargs):
if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
labels = torch.zeros_like(centers[:, :1])
return labels
if self.merge_all_classes:
labels = self.get_labels_single_head(centers, gt_boxes).unsqueeze(-1)
labels = []
for n in range(self.n_cls):
cur_boxes = gt_boxes[gt_labels == n]
cur_scores = None if pred_scores is None else pred_scores[n]
labels.append(self.get_labels_single_head(centers, cur_boxes, cur_scores, **kwargs))
labels = torch.stack(labels, dim=-1)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from cosense3d.utils import vislib
# pc_range = [-100, -41.6, -3.0, 100, 41.6, 3.0]
# label = labels.detach().cpu().numpy()
# label = label[:, 0]
# points = centers.detach().cpu().numpy()
# boxes = gt_boxes.cpu().numpy()
# ax = vislib.draw_points_boxes_plt(
# pc_range=pc_range,
# boxes_gt=boxes,
# return_ax=True
# )
# ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=label, s=1)
# plt.savefig("/home/yuan/Downloads/tmp.png")
# plt.close()
return labels
[docs]class BEVBoxAssigner(BaseAssigner):
Assign center points in the BEV maps to positve if the point is in the range 'min_radius' of any gt box center.
def __init__(self,
self.n_cls = n_cls
self.pos_neg_ratio = pos_neg_ratio
self.sample_mining_thr = mining_thr
self.max_mining_ratio = max_mining_ratio
self.mining_start_epoch = mining_start_epoch
self.merge_all_classes = merge_all_classes
[docs] def get_labels_single_head(self, centers, gt_boxes, pred_scores=None, **kwargs):
boxes = pad_l(gt_boxes[:, :7]).clone()
boxes[:, 3] = 0
pts = pad_r(pad_l(centers[:, :2]))
_, box_idx_of_pts = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=1
labels = (box_idx_of_pts >= 0).float()
if self.pos_neg_ratio:
labels = pos_neg_sampling(labels, self.pos_neg_ratio)
return labels
[docs] @torch.no_grad()
def assign(self, centers, gt_boxes, gt_labels, pred_scores=None, **kwargs):
if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
labels = torch.zeros_like(centers[:, :1])
return labels
if self.merge_all_classes:
labels = self.get_labels_single_head(centers, gt_boxes).unsqueeze(-1)
labels = []
for n in range(self.n_cls):
cur_boxes = gt_boxes[gt_labels == n]
cur_scores = None if pred_scores is None else pred_scores[n]
labels.append(self.get_labels_single_head(centers, cur_boxes, cur_scores, **kwargs))
labels = torch.stack(labels, dim=-1)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from cosense3d.utils import vislib
# pc_range = [-100, -41.6, -3.0, 100, 41.6, 3.0]
# label = labels.detach().cpu().numpy()
# label = label[:, 0]
# points = centers.detach().cpu().numpy()
# boxes = gt_boxes.cpu().numpy()
# ax = vislib.draw_points_boxes_plt(
# pc_range=pc_range,
# boxes_gt=boxes,
# return_ax=True
# )
# ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=label, s=1)
# plt.savefig("/home/yuan/Downloads/tmp.png")
# plt.close()
return labels
[docs]class BEVPointAssigner(BaseAssigner):
Assign target points to BEV boxes and down-sample the target points with buffered-based method.
def __init__(self,
self.down_sample = down_sample
self.sample_mining_thr = sample_mining_thr
self.max_mining_ratio = max_mining_ratio
self.annealing_step = annealing_step
self.topk_sampling = topk_sampling
self.annealing_sampling = annealing_sampling
[docs] def downsample_tgt_pts(self, tgt_label, max_sam):
selected = torch.ones_like(tgt_label.bool())
pos = tgt_label == 1
if pos.sum() > max_sam:
mask = torch.rand_like(tgt_label[pos].float()) < max_sam / pos.sum()
selected[pos] = mask
buffer = tgt_label == 0
if buffer.sum() > max_sam:
mask = torch.rand_like(tgt_label[buffer].float()) < max_sam / buffer.sum()
selected[buffer] = mask
neg = tgt_label == -1
if neg.sum() > max_sam:
mask = torch.rand_like(tgt_label[neg].float()) < max_sam / neg.sum()
selected[neg] = mask
labels = - torch.ones_like(mask).long()
labels[mask] = 0
tgt_label[neg] = labels
return selected, tgt_label
[docs] def assign(self, tgt_pts, gt_boxes, B, conf=None, down_sample=True, **kwargs):
boxes = gt_boxes.clone()
boxes[:, 3] = 0
pts = pad_r(tgt_pts)
if not down_sample or not self.down_sample:
_, box_idx_of_pts = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=B
tgt_label = torch.zeros_like(box_idx_of_pts)
tgt_label[box_idx_of_pts >= 0] = 1
return tgt_pts, tgt_label, None
_, box_idx_of_pts = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=B
boxes[:, 4:6] *= 2
_, enlarged_box_idx_of_pts = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=B
pos_mask = box_idx_of_pts >= 0
buffer_mask = (box_idx_of_pts < 0) & (enlarged_box_idx_of_pts >= 0)
tgt_label = - torch.ones_like(box_idx_of_pts)
tgt_label[pos_mask] = 1
tgt_label[buffer_mask] = 0
n_sam = len(boxes) * 50
# add points that have high pred scores
if self.sample_mining_thr > 0:
scores = conf[..., 1:].sum(dim=-1)
tgt_label = sample_mining(scores, tgt_label, self.sample_mining_thr,
mask, tgt_label = self.downsample_tgt_pts(tgt_label, max_sam=n_sam)
# get final tgt
tgt_pts = tgt_pts[mask]
tgt_label = tgt_label[mask]
return tgt_pts, tgt_label, mask
[docs] def get_predictions(self, x, edl=True, activation='none'):
conf, unc = pred_to_conf_unc(x, activation, edl)
return conf, unc
[docs]class BEVSemsegAssigner(BaseAssigner):
def __init__(self,
update_me_essentials(self, data_info, stride)
self.tgt_range = tgt_range
self.downsample = down_sample
self.annealing_step = annealing_step
[docs] def pts_to_inds(self, pts):
"""Calculate indices of samples in the bev map"""
ixy = metric2indices(pts[:, :3], self.res).long()
ixy[:, 1] -= self.offset_sz_x
ixy[:, 2] -= self.offset_sz_y
maskx = torch.logical_and(ixy[:, 1] >= 0, ixy[:, 1] < self.size_x)
masky = torch.logical_and(ixy[:, 2] >= 0, ixy[:, 2] < self.size_y)
mask = torch.logical_and(maskx, masky)
indices = ixy[mask]
return indices.T, mask
[docs] def get_obs_mask(self, inds, B):
obs_mask = torch.zeros((B, self.size_x, self.size_y), device=inds.device)
inds = inds.clone().long().T
inds[1] -= self.offset_sz_x
inds[2] -= self.offset_sz_y
obs_mask[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]] = 1
return obs_mask.bool()
[docs] @staticmethod
def down_sample_pred_pts(ctr_pts):
keep = torch.rand_like(ctr_pts['ctr'][:, 0]) > 0.5
for k in ctr_pts.keys():
ctr_pts[k] = ctr_pts[k][keep]
return ctr_pts
[docs] @torch.no_grad()
def downsample_tgt_pts(self, tgt_label, max_sam):
selected = torch.ones_like(tgt_label.bool())
pos = tgt_label == 1
if pos.sum() > max_sam:
mask = torch.rand_like(tgt_label[pos].float()) < max_sam / pos.sum()
selected[pos] = mask
neg = tgt_label == 0
if neg.sum() > max_sam:
mask = torch.rand_like(tgt_label[neg].float()) < max_sam / neg.sum()
selected[neg] = mask
return selected
[docs] def filter_range(self, ctr_pts, samples):
mask = (ctr_pts['ctr'].abs() < self.tgt_range).all(1)
for k in ctr_pts.keys():
ctr_pts[k] = ctr_pts[k][mask]
mask = (samples[:, 1:3].abs() < self.tgt_range).all(1)
samples = samples[mask]
return ctr_pts, samples
[docs] def assign(self, ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_predictions(self, data_dict, B, edl=True, activation='none', **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ContiBEVAssigner(BEVSemsegAssigner):
def __init__(self,
self.distr_r = distr_r
self.var0 = var0
steps = int(self.distr_r / self.res[0]) * 2 + 1
offset = meshgrid(-self.distr_r, self.distr_r, 2,
n_steps=steps).cuda().view(-1, 2)
self.nbrs = offset[torch.norm(offset, dim=1) < 2].view(1, -1, 2)
[docs] def sample_dynamic_tgt_pts(self, ctr_pts: dict, gt_boxes: torch.Tensor, B: int) \
-> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Given the input coordinates of the center points and the ground truth BBoxes,
sample the BEV target points for BEV semantic segmentation following the buffer-based sampling as illustrated
in the following image:
.. image:: _static/imgs/buffer_based_sampling.png
:width: 400
:alt: Buffer-based sampling of the BEV target
:param ctr_pts: center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.
:param gt_boxes: ground truth BBoxes.
:param B: batch size.
- tgt_pts: sampled target points.
- tgt_lbl: labels of the sampled target points.
- inds: map indices of the sampled target points.
tgt_pts = ctr_pts['ctr'].clone()
tgt_pts[:, :2] = tgt_pts[:, :2] + torch.randn_like(tgt_pts[:, :2]) * 3
tgt_pts =[ctr_pts['coor'][:, :1], tgt_pts], dim=-1)
obs_mask = self.get_obs_mask(ctr_pts['coor'], B)
inds, mask = self.pts_to_inds(tgt_pts)
tgt_pts = tgt_pts[mask]
mask = obs_mask[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]]
tgt_pts = tgt_pts[mask]
inds = inds.T[mask]
if len(gt_boxes) == 0 or len(tgt_pts) == 0:
tgt_label = torch.zeros_like(tgt_pts[:, 0]).int()
boxes = gt_boxes.clone()
boxes[:, 3] = 0
pts = pad_r(tgt_pts)
_, box_idx_of_pts = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=B
boxes[:, 4:6] *= 4
_, box_idx_of_pts2 = points_in_boxes_gpu(
pts, boxes, batch_size=B
tgt_label = - (box_idx_of_pts2 >= 0).int()
tgt_label[box_idx_of_pts >= 0] = 1
n_sam = len(gt_boxes) * 50
mask = self.downsample_tgt_pts(tgt_label, max_sam=n_sam)
tgt_label = tgt_label > 0
return tgt_pts[mask], tgt_label[mask], inds[mask].T
[docs] def assign(self, ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs) -> dict:
Assign target.
:param ctr_pts: center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.
:param samples: BEV target point samples.
:param B: batch size.
:param gt_boxes: ground truth BBoxes.
:param kwargs: keyword arguments.
:return: target_dict that contains the static or/and dynamic target points and their corresponding labels.
lr = self.lidar_range
if self.tgt_range is not None:
ctr_pts, samples = self.filter_range(ctr_pts, samples)
lr = [-self.tgt_range, -self.tgt_range, -3, self.tgt_range, self.tgt_range, 1]
if self.downsample:
ctr_pts = self.down_sample_pred_pts(ctr_pts)
tgt = {}
if 'reg_static' in ctr_pts:
tgt['evi_static'] = draw_sample_evis(
ctr_pts, samples, 'static', self.res[0], self.distr_r, lr, B, self.var0)
tgt['lbl_static'] = samples[:, -1]
if 'reg_dynamic' in ctr_pts:
assert gt_boxes is not None
tgt_pts, tgt_label, inds = self.sample_dynamic_tgt_pts(ctr_pts, gt_boxes, B)
tgt['evi_dynamic'] = draw_sample_evis(
ctr_pts, tgt_pts, 'dynamic', self.res[0], self.distr_r, lr, B, self.var0)
tgt['lbl_dynamic'] = tgt_label
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from cosense3d.modules.utils.edl_utils import logit_to_edl
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# coor = ctr_pts['coor']
# ctr = ctr_pts['ctr']
# sams = samples[samples[:, 0]==0][:, 1:].cpu().numpy()
# mask = coor[:, 0] == 0
# xy = ctr[mask].cpu().numpy()
# conf, unc = logit_to_edl(ctr_pts['reg_static'][mask, :2])
# colors = conf[:, 1].detach().cpu().numpy()
# plt.scatter(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=colors, edgecolors=None, marker='.', s=2, vmin=0, vmax=1)
# plt.close()
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# pos = sams[:, -1] == 1
# plt.scatter(sams[:, 0], sams[:, 1], c='k', facecolors=None, marker='o', s=5)
# plt.scatter(sams[pos, 0], sams[pos, 1], c='r', facecolors=None, marker='o', s=5)
# plt.close()
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# mask = tgt_pts[:, 0] == 0
# sams = tgt_pts[mask][:, 1:].cpu().numpy()
# pos = tgt_label[mask].cpu().numpy() == 1
# mask = coor[:, 0] == 0
# xy = ctr[mask].cpu().numpy()
# conf, unc = logit_to_edl(ctr_pts['reg_dynamic'][mask, :2])
# colors = conf[:, 1].detach().cpu().numpy()
# plt.scatter(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], cmap='jet', c=colors, edgecolors=None, marker='.', s=2, vmin=0, vmax=1)
# plt.close()
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# plt.scatter(sams[:, 0], sams[:, 1], c='k', facecolors=None, marker='o', s=5)
# plt.scatter(sams[pos, 0], sams[pos, 1], c='r', facecolors=None, marker='o', s=5)
# plt.close()
return tgt
[docs] def get_predictions(self, ctr_pts, B, tag, **kwargs):
Given center points and its corresponding regressions, generate the dense bev semseg maps
and its uncertainty and observation mask.
:param ctr_pts: center points of bev maps, including indices, metric centers and regression results.
:param B: batch size.
:param tag: tag for regression key "static | dynamic".
:param kwargs: keyword arguments
- conf: confidence bev map.
- unc: uncertainty bev map.
- obs_mask: observation mask of the bev map.
reg = ctr_pts[f'reg_{tag}'].relu()
reg_evi = reg[:, :2]
reg_var = reg[:, 2:].view(-1, 2, 2)
ctr = ctr_pts['ctr']
coor = ctr_pts['coor']
nbrs =
dists = torch.zeros_like(ctr.view(-1, 1, 2)) + nbrs
vars0 = [self.var0, self.var0]
probs_weighted = weighted_mahalanobis_dists(reg_evi, reg_var, dists, vars0)
voxel_new = ctr.view(-1, 1, 2) + nbrs
# convert metric voxel points to map indices
x = (torch.floor(voxel_new[..., 0] / self.res[0]) - self.offset_sz_x).long()
y = (torch.floor(voxel_new[..., 1] / self.res[1]) - self.offset_sz_y).long()
batch_indices = (torch.ones_like(probs_weighted[:, :, 0]) * coor[:, :1]).long()
mask = (x >= 0) & (x < self.size_x) & (y >= 0) & (y < self.size_y)
x, y = x[mask], y[mask]
batch_indices = batch_indices[mask]
# copy sparse probs to the dense evidence map
indices = batch_indices * self.size_x * self.size_y + x * self.size_y + y
batch_size = coor[:, 0].max().int().item() + 1
probs_weighted = probs_weighted[mask].view(-1, 2)
evidence = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.size_x, self.size_y, 2),
device=probs_weighted.device).view(-1, 2)
torch_scatter.scatter(probs_weighted, indices,
dim=0, out=evidence, reduce='sum')
evidence = evidence.view(batch_size, self.size_x, self.size_y, 2)
# create observation mask
obs_mask = torch.zeros_like(evidence[..., 0]).view(-1)
obs = indices.unique().long()
obs_mask[obs] = 1
obs_mask = obs_mask.view(batch_size, self.size_x, self.size_y).bool()
conf, unc = pred_to_conf_unc(evidence)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(conf[0, :, :, 1].T.detach().cpu().numpy())
# plt.close()
return {f'conf_map_{tag}': conf, f'unc_map_{tag}': unc, f'obs_mask_{tag}': obs_mask}
[docs]class DiscreteBEVAssigner(BaseAssigner):
def __init__(self,
update_me_essentials(self, data_info, stride)
self.down_sample = down_sample
self.annealing_step = annealing_step
[docs] def pts_to_inds(self, samples):
"""Calculate indices of samples in the bev map"""
ixy = metric2indices(samples[:, :3], self.res).long()
ixy[:, 1] -= self.offset_sz_x
ixy[:, 2] -= self.offset_sz_y
maskx = torch.logical_and(ixy[:, 1] >= 0, ixy[:, 1] < self.size_x)
masky = torch.logical_and(ixy[:, 2] >= 0, ixy[:, 2] < self.size_y)
mask = torch.logical_and(maskx, masky)
indices = ixy[mask]
return indices.T, mask
[docs] def get_obs_mask(self, inds, B):
obs_mask = torch.zeros((B, self.size_x, self.size_y), device=inds.device)
inds = inds.T
inds[1] -= self.offset_sz_x
inds[2] -= self.offset_sz_y
obs_mask[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]] = 1
return obs_mask.bool()
[docs] def assign(self, ctr_pts, samples, B, gt_boxes=None, **kwargs):
bevmap = self.get_predictions(ctr_pts, B)
inds, mask = self.pts_to_inds(samples)
labels = samples[mask][:, -1]
preds = bevmap[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]]
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# img = pred_to_conf_unc(bevmap)[0][..., 1].detach().cpu().numpy()
# plt.imshow(img[0].T)
# plt.close()
return preds, labels
[docs] def get_predictions(self, data_dict, B, edl=True, activation='none', **kwargs):
reg = data_dict['reg']
inds = data_dict['coor']
reg_evi = reg.relu()
bevmap = torch.zeros((B, self.size_x, self.size_y, reg_evi.shape[-1]),
inds = inds.T
inds[1] -= self.offset_sz_x
inds[2] -= self.offset_sz_y
# obs_mask = evidence[..., 0].bool()
# obs_mask[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]] = True
bevmap[inds[0], inds[1], inds[2]] = reg_evi
return bevmap
[docs]class RoIBox3DAssigner(BaseAssigner):
def __init__(self,
self.box_coder = build_box_coder(**box_coder)
self.code_size = self.box_coder.code_size
[docs] def assign(self, pred_boxes, gt_boxes, **kwargs):
tgt_dict = {
'rois': [],
'gt_of_rois': [],
'gt_of_rois_src': [],
'cls_tgt': [],
'reg_tgt': [],
'iou_tgt': [],
'rois_anchor': [],
'record_len': []
for rois, gts in zip(pred_boxes, gt_boxes):
gts[:, -1] *= 1
ious = boxes_iou3d_gpu(rois, gts)
max_ious, gt_inds = ious.max(dim=1)
gt_of_rois = gts[gt_inds]
rcnn_labels = (max_ious > 0.3).float()
mask = torch.logical_not(rcnn_labels.bool())
# set negative samples back to rois, no correction in stage2 for them
gt_of_rois[mask] = rois[mask]
gt_of_rois_src = gt_of_rois.clone().detach()
# canoical transformation
roi_center = rois[:, 0:3]
# TODO: roi_ry > 0 in pcdet
roi_ry = rois[:, 6] % (2 * PI)
gt_of_rois[:, 0:3] = gt_of_rois[:, 0:3] - roi_center
gt_of_rois[:, 6] = gt_of_rois[:, 6] - roi_ry
# transfer LiDAR coords to local coords
gt_of_rois = rotate_points_along_z_torch(
points=gt_of_rois.view(-1, 1, gt_of_rois.shape[-1]),
).view(-1, gt_of_rois.shape[-1])
# flip orientation if rois have opposite orientation
heading_label = (gt_of_rois[:, 6] + (
torch.div(torch.abs(gt_of_rois[:, 6].min()),
(2 * PI), rounding_mode='trunc')
+ 1) * 2 * PI) % (2 * PI) # 0 ~ 2pi
opposite_flag = (heading_label > PI * 0.5) & (
heading_label < PI * 1.5)
# (0 ~ pi/2, 3pi/2 ~ 2pi)
heading_label[opposite_flag] = (heading_label[
opposite_flag] + PI) % (
2 * PI)
flag = heading_label > PI
heading_label[flag] = heading_label[
flag] - PI * 2 # (-pi/2, pi/2)
heading_label = torch.clamp(heading_label, min=-PI / 2,
max=PI / 2)
gt_of_rois[:, 6] = heading_label
# generate regression target
rois_anchor = rois.clone().detach().view(-1, self.code_size)
rois_anchor[:, 0:3] = 0
rois_anchor[:, 6] = 0
reg_targets, _ = self.box_coder.encode(
rois_anchor, gt_of_rois.view(-1, self.code_size)
# cat list to tensor
for k, v in tgt_dict.items():
if k == 'record_len':
tgt_dict[k] =, dim=0)
return tgt_dict
[docs] def get_predictions(self, rcnn_cls, rcnn_iou, rcnn_reg, rois):
rcnn_cls = rcnn_cls.sigmoid().view(-1)
rcnn_iou = rcnn_iou.view(-1)
rcnn_score = rcnn_cls * rcnn_iou**4
rcnn_reg = rcnn_reg.view(-1, 7)
rois_anchor = rois.clone().detach().view(-1, self.code_size)
rois_anchor[:, 0:3] = 0
rois_anchor[:, 6] = 0
roi_center = rois[:, 0:3]
roi_ry = rois[:, 6] % (2 * PI)
boxes_local = self.box_coder.decode(rois_anchor, rcnn_reg)
# boxes_local = rcnn_reg + rois_anchor
detections = rotate_points_along_z_torch(
points=boxes_local.view(-1, 1, boxes_local.shape[-1]), angle=roi_ry.view(-1)
).view(-1, boxes_local.shape[-1])
detections[:, :3] = detections[:, :3] + roi_center
detections[:, 6] = detections[:, 6] + roi_ry
mask = rcnn_score >= 0.01
detections = detections[mask]
scores = rcnn_score[mask]
return {
'box': detections,
'scr': scores,
# Todo currently only support cars
'lbl': torch.zeros_like(scores),
# map indices to be aligned with sparse detection head format
'idx': torch.zeros_like(scores),
[docs]class RoadLineAssigner(BaseAssigner):
def __init__(self,
self.res = res
self.range = range
self.size = int(round(range / res * 2))
self.pos_neg_ratio = pos_neg_ratio
[docs] def assign(self, coor, tgt_pts, B, **kwargs):
ctr_coor = coor.clone()
ctr_coor[:, 1:] = ctr_coor[:, 1:] + self.size / 2
ctr_coor = ctr_coor.long()
roadline_maps = torch.zeros((B, self.size, self.size), device=tgt_pts.device)
mask = (tgt_pts[:, 1:3].abs() < self.range).all(dim=-1)
tgt_pts = tgt_pts[mask]
tgt_coor = torch.floor((tgt_pts[:, 1:3] + self.range) / self.res).long()
mask = torch.logical_and((tgt_coor >= 0).all(dim=-1), (tgt_coor < self.size).all(dim=-1))
roadline_maps[tgt_pts[mask, 0].long(), tgt_coor[mask, 0], tgt_coor[mask, 1]] = tgt_pts[mask, -1]
valid = torch.logical_and((ctr_coor[:, 1:3] >= 0).all(dim=-1), (ctr_coor[:, 1:3] < self.size).all(dim=-1))
labels = roadline_maps[ctr_coor[valid, 0], ctr_coor[valid, 1], ctr_coor[valid, 2]]
if self.pos_neg_ratio:
labels = pos_neg_sampling(labels, self.pos_neg_ratio)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# pts_vis = ctr_coor[ctr_coor[:, 0] == 0, 1:].detach().cpu().numpy()
# lbl_vis = labels.detach().cpu().numpy()
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
# ax = fig.add_subplot()
# ax.scatter(pts_vis[:, 0], pts_vis[:, 1], c=lbl_vis, marker='.')
# plt.close()
return labels, valid