Source code for cosense3d.utils.eval_detection_utils

import os

import numpy as np
import torch

from cosense3d.utils.misc import torch_tensor_to_numpy
from cosense3d.utils.box_utils import convert_box_to_polygon, compute_iou, boxes_to_corners_3d
from cosense3d.ops.iou3d_nms_utils import boxes_iou3d_gpu, boxes_iou_bev, boxes_iou3d_cpu, boxes_bev_iou_cpu

[docs]def voc_ap(rec, prec): """ VOC 2010 Average Precision. """ rec.insert(0, 0.0) rec.append(1.0) mrec = rec[:] prec.insert(0, 0.0) prec.append(0.0) mpre = prec[:] for i in range(len(mpre) - 2, -1, -1): mpre[i] = max(mpre[i], mpre[i + 1]) i_list = [] for i in range(1, len(mrec)): if mrec[i] != mrec[i - 1]: i_list.append(i) ap = 0.0 for i in i_list: ap += ((mrec[i] - mrec[i - 1]) * mpre[i]) return ap, mrec, mpre
[docs]def caluclate_tp_fp(det_boxes, det_score, gt_boxes, result_stat, iou_thresh, det_range=None): """ Calculate the true positive and false positive numbers of the current frames. Parameters ---------- det_boxes : torch.Tensor The detection bounding box, shape (N, 8, 3) or (N, 4, 2) or (N, 7). det_score :torch.Tensor The confidence score for each preditect bounding box. gt_boxes : torch.Tensor The groundtruth bounding box. result_stat: dict A dictionary contains fp, tp and gt number. iou_thresh : float The iou thresh. range : list, [left_range, right_range] The evaluation range left bound """ # fp, tp and gt in the current frame fp = [] tp = [] gt = gt_boxes.shape[0] if det_boxes is not None: # convert bounding boxes to numpy array det_boxes = torch_tensor_to_numpy(det_boxes) det_score = torch_tensor_to_numpy(det_score) gt_boxes = torch_tensor_to_numpy(gt_boxes) # convert center format to corners if det_boxes.ndim==2 and det_boxes.shape[1] == 7: det_boxes = boxes_to_corners_3d(det_boxes) if gt_boxes.ndim==2 and gt_boxes.shape[1] == 7: gt_boxes = boxes_to_corners_3d(gt_boxes) # remove the bbx out of range if det_range is not None: pass # sort the prediction bounding box by score score_order_descend = np.argsort(-det_score) det_score = det_score[score_order_descend] # from high to low det_polygon_list = list(convert_box_to_polygon(det_boxes)) gt_polygon_list = list(convert_box_to_polygon(gt_boxes)) # match prediction and gt bounding box for i in range(score_order_descend.shape[0]): det_polygon = det_polygon_list[score_order_descend[i]] ious = compute_iou(det_polygon, gt_polygon_list) if len(gt_polygon_list) == 0 or np.max(ious) < iou_thresh: fp.append(1) tp.append(0) continue fp.append(0) tp.append(1) gt_index = np.argmax(ious) gt_polygon_list.pop(gt_index) result_stat[iou_thresh]['scr'] += det_score.tolist() else: gt = gt_boxes.shape[0] result_stat[iou_thresh]['fp'] += fp result_stat[iou_thresh]['tp'] += tp result_stat[iou_thresh]['gt'] += gt
[docs]def calculate_ap(result_stat, iou, global_sort_detections): """ Calculate the average precision and recall, and save them into a txt. Parameters ---------- result_stat : dict A dictionary contains fp, tp and gt number. iou : float global_sort_detections : bool Whether to sort the detection results globally. """ iou_5 = result_stat[iou] if global_sort_detections: fp = np.array(iou_5['fp']) tp = np.array(iou_5['tp']) score = np.array(iou_5['scr']) assert len(fp) == len(tp) and len(tp) == len(score) sorted_index = np.argsort(-score) fp = fp[sorted_index].tolist() tp = tp[sorted_index].tolist() else: fp = iou_5['fp'] tp = iou_5['tp'] assert len(fp) == len(tp) gt_total = iou_5['gt'] cumsum = 0 for idx, val in enumerate(fp): fp[idx] += cumsum cumsum += val cumsum = 0 for idx, val in enumerate(tp): tp[idx] += cumsum cumsum += val rec = tp[:] for idx, val in enumerate(tp): rec[idx] = float(tp[idx]) / gt_total prec = tp[:] for idx, val in enumerate(tp): prec[idx] = float(tp[idx]) / (fp[idx] + tp[idx]) ap, mrec, mprec = voc_ap(rec[:], prec[:]) return ap, mrec, mprec
[docs]def eval_final_results(result_stat, iou_thrs, global_sort_detections=False): dump_dict = {} for iou in iou_thrs: ap, mrec, mpre = calculate_ap(result_stat, iou, global_sort_detections) iou_str = f"{int(iou * 100)}" dump_dict.update({f'ap_{iou_str}': ap, f'mpre_{iou_str}': mpre, f'mrec_{iou_str}': mrec, }) return dump_dict
[docs]def ops_cal_tp(pred_boxes, gt_boxes, iou_mode='3d', IoU_thr=0.7): if len(pred_boxes) == 0: return torch.zeros(pred_boxes.shape[0], device=pred_boxes.device) elif len(gt_boxes) == 0: return torch.zeros(len(pred_boxes), device=pred_boxes.device).bool() else: if pred_boxes.is_cuda: iou_func = boxes_iou3d_gpu if iou_mode == '3d' else boxes_iou_bev else: iou_func = boxes_iou3d_cpu if iou_mode == '3d' else boxes_bev_iou_cpu ious = iou_func(pred_boxes, gt_boxes) max_iou_pred_to_gts = ious.max(dim=1) max_iou_gt_to_preds = ious.max(dim=0) tp = max_iou_pred_to_gts[0] > IoU_thr is_best_match = max_iou_gt_to_preds[1][max_iou_pred_to_gts[1]] \ == torch.tensor([i for i in range(len(tp))], device=tp.device) tp[torch.logical_not(is_best_match)] = False return tp
[docs]def cal_precision_recall(scores, tps, n_pred, n_gt): order_inds = scores.argsort(descending=True) tp_all = tps[order_inds] list_accTP = tp_all.cumsum(dim=0) precision = list_accTP.float() / torch.arange(1, n_pred + 1) recall = list_accTP.float() / n_gt return precision, recall
[docs]def cal_ap_all_point(scores, tps, n_pred, n_gt): ''' source: ''' prec, rec = cal_precision_recall(scores, tps, n_pred, n_gt) mrec = [] mrec.append(0) [mrec.append(e.item()) for e in rec] mrec.append(1) mpre = [] mpre.append(0) [mpre.append(e.item()) for e in prec] mpre.append(0) for i in range(len(mpre) - 1, 0, -1): mpre[i - 1] = max(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i]) ii = [] for i in range(len(mrec) - 1): if mrec[1:][i] != mrec[0:-1][i]: ii.append(i + 1) ap = 0 for i in ii: ap = ap + np.sum((mrec[i] - mrec[i - 1]) * mpre[i]) # return [ap, mpre[1:len(mpre)-1], mrec[1:len(mpre)-1], ii] return [ap, mpre[0:len(mpre) - 1], mrec[0:len(mpre) - 1], ii]