cosense3d.utils package
cosense3d.utils.box_utils module
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox)[source]
Convert bbox coordinates from (cx, cy, w, h) to (x1, y1, x2, y2).
- Parameters:
(Tensor) (bbox) – Shape (n, 4) for bboxes.
- Returns:
Tensor: Converted bboxes.
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(bbox)[source]
Convert bbox coordinates from (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (cx, cy, w, h).
- Parameters:
(Tensor) (bbox) – Shape (n, 4) for bboxes.
- Returns:
Tensor, Converted bboxes.
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.boxes3d_to_standup_bboxes(boxes)[source]
- Parameters:
boxes – Tensor(N, 7)
- Returns:
Tenosr(N, 4): [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.boxes_to_corners_2d(boxes_np)[source]
Convert boxes to 4 corners in xy plane :param boxes_np: np.ndarray [N, 7], cols - (x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,det_r) :return: corners: np.ndarray [N, 4, 2], corner order is back left, front left, front back, back left
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.boxes_to_corners_3d(boxes3d: ndarray | Tensor, order: str = 'lwh') ndarray | Tensor [source]
- Parameters:
boxes3d – (N, 7 + (2: optional)) [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, yaw]
or [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, roll, pitch, yaw], (x, y, z) is the box center. :param order: ‘lwh’ or ‘hwl’. :return: (N, 8, 3), the 8 corners of the bounding box.
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.compute_iou(box, boxes)[source]
Compute iou between box and boxes list
- Parameters:
box – shapely.geometry.Polygon Bounding box Polygon.
boxes – list List of shapely.geometry.Polygon.
- Returns:
iou : np.ndarray Array of iou between box and boxes.
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.convert_box_to_polygon(boxes_array)[source]
Convert boxes array to shapely.geometry.Polygon format.
- :param boxes_arraynp.ndarray
(N, 4, 2) or (N, 8, 3).
- Returns:
list of converted shapely.geometry.Polygon object.
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.corners_to_boxes_3d(corners: ndarray | Tensor, mode: int = 9) ndarray | Tensor [source]
- Parameters:
corners – (N, 8, 3)
mode – 9 | 7
- Returns:
boxes, (N, 9 | 7)
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.enlarge_box3d(boxes3d, extra_width=(0, 0, 0))[source]
- Parameters:
boxes3d – [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center
extra_width – [extra_x, extra_y, extra_z]
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.find_rigid_alignment(A, B)[source]
Find rotation and translation from A to B. Parameters
- Parameters:
A – (B, N, 3)
B – (B, N, 3)
- Returns:
- cosense3d.utils.box_utils.mask_boxes_outside_range_numpy(boxes: ndarray, limit_range: list, order: str, min_num_corners: int = 2) ndarray [source]
- Parameters:
boxes – (N, 7) [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center
limit_range – [minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz]
order – ‘lwh’ or ‘hwl’
min_num_corners – The required minimum number of corners to be considered as in range.
- Returns:
The filtered boxes.
cosense3d.utils.eval_detection_utils module
- cosense3d.utils.eval_detection_utils.calculate_ap(result_stat, iou, global_sort_detections)[source]
Calculate the average precision and recall, and save them into a txt.
- result_statdict
A dictionary contains fp, tp and gt number.
iou : float
- global_sort_detectionsbool
Whether to sort the detection results globally.
- cosense3d.utils.eval_detection_utils.caluclate_tp_fp(det_boxes, det_score, gt_boxes, result_stat, iou_thresh, det_range=None)[source]
Calculate the true positive and false positive numbers of the current frames.
- det_boxestorch.Tensor
The detection bounding box, shape (N, 8, 3) or (N, 4, 2) or (N, 7).
- det_score :torch.Tensor
The confidence score for each preditect bounding box.
- gt_boxestorch.Tensor
The groundtruth bounding box.
- result_stat: dict
A dictionary contains fp, tp and gt number.
- iou_threshfloat
The iou thresh.
- rangelist, [left_range, right_range]
The evaluation range left bound
- cosense3d.utils.eval_detection_utils.eval_final_results(result_stat, iou_thrs, global_sort_detections=False)[source]
cosense3d.utils.iou2d_calculator module
- cosense3d.utils.iou2d_calculator.bbox_overlaps(bboxes1, bboxes2, mode='iou', is_aligned=False, eps=1e-06)[source]
Calculate overlap between two set of bboxes.
FP16 Contributed by Note: Assume bboxes1 is M x 4, bboxes2 is N x 4, when mode is ‘iou’, there are some new generated variable when calculating IOU using bbox_overlaps function:
- is_aligned is False
area1: M x 1 area2: N x 1 lt: M x N x 2 rb: M x N x 2 wh: M x N x 2 overlap: M x N x 1 union: M x N x 1 ious: M x N x 1
- Total memory:
S = (9 x N x M + N + M) * 4 Byte,
- When using FP16, we can reduce:
R = (9 x N x M + N + M) * 4 / 2 Byte R large than (N + M) * 4 * 2 is always true when N and M >= 1. Obviously, N + M <= N * M < 3 * N * M, when N >=2 and M >=2,
N + 1 < 3 * N, when N or M is 1.
Given M = 40 (ground truth), N = 400000 (three anchor boxes in per grid, FPN, R-CNNs),
R = 275 MB (one times)
- A special case (dense detection), M = 512 (ground truth),
R = 3516 MB = 3.43 GB
- When the batch size is B, reduce:
B x R
Therefore, CUDA memory runs out frequently.
Experiments on GeForce RTX 2080Ti (11019 MiB):
dtype | M | N | Use | Real | Ideal |
- is_aligned is True
area1: N x 1 area2: N x 1 lt: N x 2 rb: N x 2 wh: N x 2 overlap: N x 1 union: N x 1 ious: N x 1
- Total memory:
S = 11 x N * 4 Byte
- When using FP16, we can reduce:
R = 11 x N * 4 / 2 Byte
So do the ‘giou’ (large than ‘iou’).
Time-wise, FP16 is generally faster than FP32.
When gpu_assign_thr is not -1, it takes more time on cpu but not reduce memory. There, we can reduce half the memory and keep the speed.
, then calculate the overlaps between each bbox of bboxes1 and bboxes2, otherwise the overlaps between each aligned pair of bboxes1 and bboxes2.- Parameters:
bboxes1 – (Tensor) shape (B, m, 4) in <x1, y1, x2, y2> format or empty.
bboxes2 – (Tensor) shape (B, n, 4) in <x1, y1, x2, y2> format or empty.
B indicates the batch dim, in shape (B1, B2, …, Bn). If
, then m and n must be equal. :param mode: (str) “iou” (intersection over union), “iof” (intersection over foreground) or “giou” (generalized intersection over union). Default “iou”. :param is_aligned: (bool, optional) If True, then m and n must be equal. Default False. :param eps: (float, optional) A value added to the denominator for numericalstability. Default 1e-6.
- Returns:
Tensor: shape (m, n) if
is False else shape (m,)
- Example:
>>> bboxes1 = torch.FloatTensor([ >>> [0, 0, 10, 10], >>> [10, 10, 20, 20], >>> [32, 32, 38, 42], >>> ]) >>> bboxes2 = torch.FloatTensor([ >>> [0, 0, 10, 20], >>> [0, 10, 10, 19], >>> [10, 10, 20, 20], >>> ]) >>> overlaps = bbox_overlaps(bboxes1, bboxes2) >>> assert overlaps.shape == (3, 3) >>> overlaps = bbox_overlaps(bboxes1, bboxes2, is_aligned=True) >>> assert overlaps.shape == (3, )
- Example:
>>> empty = torch.empty(0, 4) >>> nonempty = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0, 10, 9]]) >>> assert tuple(bbox_overlaps(empty, nonempty).shape) == (0, 1) >>> assert tuple(bbox_overlaps(nonempty, empty).shape) == (1, 0) >>> assert tuple(bbox_overlaps(empty, empty).shape) == (0, 0)
cosense3d.utils.logger module
- class cosense3d.utils.logger.LogMeter(total_iter, logdir, delimiter='\t', log_every=20, wandb_project=None)[source]
cosense3d.utils.lr_scheduler module
- class cosense3d.utils.lr_scheduler.LRUpdater(optimizer, total_iter, policy, **kwargs)[source]
Unified API for updating LR with different LR schedulers.
cosense3d.utils.metrics module
- class cosense3d.utils.metrics.MetricBev(cfg, run_path, logger, name='test')[source]
- add_samples(out_dict)[source]
- Args:
- out_dict:
- bev:
conf: Tensor, (B, H, W, C) or (N, C) unc: Tensor (optional), (B, H, W, C) or (N, C) gt: Tensor, (B, H, W, C) or (N, C)
cosense3d.utils.misc module
- cosense3d.utils.misc.load_yaml(filename, cloader=False)[source]
Load yaml file into dictionary.
- filenamestr
Full path of yaml file.
- paramsdict
A dictionary that contains defined parameters.
- cosense3d.utils.misc.multi_apply(func, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Apply function to a list of arguments.
- Note:
This function applies the
to multiple inputs and map the multiple outputs of thefunc
into different list. Each list contains the same type of outputs corresponding to different inputs.- Args:
- func (Function): A function that will be applied to a list of
- Returns:
tuple(list): A tuple containing multiple list, each list contains a kind of returned results by the function
- cosense3d.utils.misc.pad_list_to_array_np(data)[source]
Pad list of numpy data to one single numpy array :param data: list of np.ndarray :return: np.ndarray
cosense3d.utils.module_utils module
- cosense3d.utils.module_utils.digit_version(version_str: str, length: int = 4)[source]
Convert a version string into a tuple of integers.
This method is usually used for comparing two versions. For pre-release versions: alpha < beta < rc.
- Args:
version_str (str): The version string. length (int): The maximum number of version levels. Default: 4.
- Returns:
tuple[int]: The version info in digits (integers).
cosense3d.utils.pclib module
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.lidar_ply2bin(ply_file, bin_file, fields=['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity'], replace=False)[source]
Read ply and save to the cosense3d binary format.
- Parameters:
ply_file – str, input file name
bin_file – str, output file name
fields – list of str, names that indicates ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ and ‘intensity’
replace – replace the exisiting file if True
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.load_pcd(pcd_file: str, return_o3d: bool = False)[source]
Read pcd and return numpy array.
- Parameters:
pcd_file – The pcd file that contains the point cloud.
return_o3d – Default returns numpy array, set True to return pcd as o3d PointCloud object
- Returns:
lidar_dict, xyz: (pcd_np | pcd : np.ndarray | o3d.geometry.PointCloud) the lidar xyz coordinates in numpy format, shape:(n, 3); intensity: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). label: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). time: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). ray: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,).
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.mask_points_in_range(points: array, dist: float) array [source]
- Return type:
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.pose_err_global2relative_torch(poses, errs)[source]
Calculate relative pose transformation based on the errorneous global positioning :param poses: Nx2 or Nx3, first row is ego pose, other rows are the coop poses :param errs: Nx3, first row is ego pose error and other rows for coop pose errors :return: (N-1)x3, relative localization errors between ego and coop vehicles
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.pose_to_transformation(pose)[source]
- Parameters:
pose – list, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
- Returns:
transformation: np.ndarray, (4, 4)
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.project_points_by_matrix_torch(points, transformation_matrix)[source]
Project the points to another coordinate system based on the transformation matrix.
- Parameters:
points – torch.Tensor, 3D points, (N, 3)
transformation_matrix – torch.Tensor, Transformation matrix, (4, 4)
- Returns:
projected_points : torch.Tensor, The projected points, (N, 3)
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate3d(points, euler)[source]
Rotate point cloud with the euler angles given in pose.
- Parameters:
points – np.ndarray, N x (3 + C) each point in the row has the format [x, y, z, …]
euler – list or np.ndarray [roll, pitch, yaw]
- Returns:
points: np.ndarray rotated point cloud
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate_box_corners_with_tf_np(corners: ndarray, tf_np: ndarray) ndarray [source]
Rotate points with transformation matrix :param corners: Nx8X3 points array :param tf_np: 4x4 transformation matrix :return: corners, Nx8X3 points array
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate_points_along_z_np(points, angle)[source]
- Parameters:
points – (N, 3 + C or 2 + C)
angle – float, angle along z-axis, angle increases x ==> y
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate_points_along_z_torch(points, angle)[source]
- Parameters:
points – (N, 2 + C) or (B, 2 + C)
angle – float or tensor of shape (B), angle along z-axis, angle increases x ==> y
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate_points_batch(points, angles, order='xyz')[source]
- Parameters:
points – (B, N, 3 + C)
angles – (B, 1|3), radians rotation = R(3)R(2)R(1) if angles shape in (B, 3)
- Returns:
points_rot: (B, N, 3 + C)
- cosense3d.utils.pclib.rotate_points_with_tf_np(points: ndarray, tf_np: ndarray) ndarray [source]
Rotate points with transformation matrix.
- Parameters:
(np.ndarray) (tf_np) – Nx3 points array
(np.ndarray) – 4x4 transformation matrix
- Returns:
points (np.ndarray): Nx3 points array
cosense3d.utils.tensor_utils module
cosense3d.utils.train_utils module
cosense3d.utils.vislib module
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.bbx2linset(bbx, color=(0, 1, 0))[source]
Convert the bounding box to o3d lineset for visualization.
- :param bbxnp.ndarray
shape: (n, 7) or (n, 11) or (n, 8, 3).
- :param colortuple
The bounding box color.
- Returns:
line_set : open3d.LineSet
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.draw_2d_bboxes_on_img(img, boxes2d, ax_in=None)[source]
- Parameters:
img – np.ndarray
boxes2d – np.ndarray, (N, 4, 2) for 4 corners or (N, 2, 2) for left top and right bottom corners inn pixel metric
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.draw_3d_points_boxes_on_img(ax, img, lidar2img, points=None, boxes=None)[source]
- Parameters:
ax – plt plot axis
img – np.ndarray, (H, W, 3)
lidar2img – np.ndarray, (4, 4), transformation matrix from lidar to camera coordinates
points – np.ndarray, (N, 3+C)
boxes – np.ndarray, (N, 8, 3) or (N, 7), in lidar coordinates
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.draw_box_plt(boxes_dec, ax, color=None, linewidth_scale=2.0, linestyle='solid')[source]
draw boxes in a given plt ax :param boxes_dec: (N, 5) or (N, 7) in metric :param ax: :return: ax with drawn boxes
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.draw_points_boxes_plt(pc_range=None, points=None, boxes_pred=None, boxes_gt=None, wandb_name=None, points_c='gray', bbox_gt_c='green', bbox_pred_c='red', linewidth_scale=0.75, bbox_pred_label=None, bbox_gt_label=None, return_ax=False, ax=None, marker_size=2.0, filename=None)[source]
- cosense3d.utils.vislib.o3d_draw_pcds_bbxs(pcds: list, bbxs: list, bbxs_colors: list | None = None, pcds_colors: list | None = None)[source]
- Parameters:
pcds – list of np array
bbxs – list of np array, bounding boxes in corner format
bbxs_colors – list of tuples
pcds_colors – list of np array, shape same as pcds