Source code for cosense3d.utils.pclib

import os
import shutil

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import open3d as o3d
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from cosense3d.utils.misc import check_numpy_to_torch
from cosense3d.utils.pcdio import point_cloud_from_path

ply_fields = {'x': 'f4', 'y': 'f4', 'z': 'f4', 'ObjIdx': 'u4', 'ObjTag': 'u4', 'ring': 'u1', 'time': 'f4'}
np_types = {'f4': np.float32, 'u4': np.uint32, 'u1': np.uint8}

[docs]def pose_to_transformation(pose): """ :param pose: list, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] :return: transformation: np.ndarray, (4, 4) """ transformation = np.eye(4) r = R.from_euler('xyz', pose[3:]).as_matrix() transformation[:3, :3] = r transformation[:3, 3] = np.array(pose[:3]) return transformation
[docs]def read_ply(filename): ply = data = ply['vertex'] properties = [ for prop in] property_types = [prop.val_dtype for prop in] return {name: np.array(data[name]) for name in properties}, property_types
[docs]def save_cosense_ply(data, output_file_name): data = { 'x': data['x'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['x']]), 'y': data['y'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['y']]), 'z': data['z'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['z']]), 'ObjIdx': data['ObjIdx'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['ObjIdx']]), 'ObjTag': data['ObjTag'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['ObjTag']]), 'ring': data['ring'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['ring']]), 'time': data['time'].astype(np_types[ply_fields['time']]) } vertex_data = list(zip(*[data[k] for k, v in ply_fields.items()])) vertex_type = [(k, v) for k, v in ply_fields.items()] vertex = np.array(vertex_data, dtype=vertex_type) el = PlyElement.describe(vertex, 'vertex') PlyData([el]).write(output_file_name)
[docs]def lidar_ply2bin(ply_file, bin_file, fields=['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity'], replace=False): """ Read ply and save to the cosense3d binary format. :param ply_file: str, input file name :param bin_file: str, output file name :param fields: list of str, names that indicates 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'intensity' :param replace: replace the exisiting file if True """ if not replace and os.path.exists(bin_file): return pointcloud, property_types = read_ply(ply_file) pcd_out = np.stack([pointcloud[k] for k in fields], axis=1) pcd_out.tofile(bin_file)
[docs]def lidar_bin2pcd_o3d(bin_file, out_file, replace=False): if not replace and os.path.exists(out_file): return bin_pcd = np.fromfile(bin_file, dtype=np.float32) # reshape points = bin_pcd.reshape(-1, 4) # remove nan points mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(points[:, :3]).any(axis=1)) points = points[mask] o3d_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() o3d_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points[:, :-1]) point_intensity = np.zeros_like(points[:, :-1]) point_intensity[:, 0] = points[:, -1] / 255. o3d_pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(point_intensity) # write to pcd file, pointcloud=o3d_pcd, write_ascii=True)
[docs]def lidar_bin2pcd(bin_file, out_file, replace=False): if not replace and os.path.exists(out_file): return bin_pcd = np.fromfile(bin_file, dtype=np.float32) # reshape points = bin_pcd.reshape(-1, 4) points[:, 3] /= 255 mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(points[:, :3]).any(axis=1)) points = points[mask] header_str = header(points) with open(out_file, 'w') as fh: # fh.write() np.savetxt(fh, points, fmt='%f', header=header_str)
# shutil.copy(out_file.replace('pcd', 'txt'), out_file)
[docs]def lidar_bin2bin(bin_file, out_file): shutil.copy(bin_file, out_file)
[docs]def load_pcd(pcd_file: str, return_o3d: bool=False): """ Read pcd and return numpy array. :param pcd_file: The pcd file that contains the point cloud. :param return_o3d: Default returns numpy array, set True to return pcd as o3d PointCloud object :return: lidar_dict, xyz: (pcd_np | pcd : np.ndarray | o3d.geometry.PointCloud) the lidar xyz coordinates in numpy format, shape:(n, 3); intensity: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). label: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). time: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). ray: (optional) np.ndarray, (n,). """ lidar_dict = {} ext = os.path.splitext(pcd_file)[-1] if ext == '.pcd': if return_o3d: return else: pcd = point_cloud_from_path(pcd_file) lidar_dict['xyz'] = np.stack([pcd.pc_data[x] for x in 'xyz'], axis=-1).astype(float) # we save the intensity in the first channel if 'intensity' in pcd.fields: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd.pc_data['intensity'] if 'timestamp' in pcd.fields: lidar_dict['time'] = pcd.pc_data['timestamp'] elif ext == '.bin': pcd_np = np.fromfile(pcd_file, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4) if return_o3d: pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcd_np) return pcd lidar_dict['xyz'] = pcd_np[:, :3] # check attribute of last column, # num of unique labels for the datasets in this projects is less than 50, # unique intensities is normally larger then 50 if len(np.unique(pcd_np[:, -1])) < 50: lidar_dict['label'] = pcd_np[:, -1] elif pcd_np[:, -1].max() > 1: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd_np[:, -1] / 255 else: lidar_dict['intensity'] = pcd_np[:, -1] elif ext == '.ply': data = read_ply(pcd_file)[0] xyz = np.stack([data.pop(x) for x in 'xyz'], axis=1) lidar_dict['xyz'] = xyz lidar_dict.update(data) else: raise NotImplementedError return lidar_dict
[docs]def tf2pose(tf_matrix): euler = R.from_matrix(tf_matrix[:3, :3]).as_euler('xyz') translation = tf_matrix[:3, 3] return translation.tolist() + euler.tolist()
[docs]def pose2tf(pose): tf_matrix = np.eye(4) tf_matrix[:3, :3] = rotation_matrix(pose[3:]) tf_matrix[:3, 3] = np.array(pose[:3]) return tf_matrix
[docs]def rotation_matrix(euler, degrees=True): """ Construct rotation matrix with the given pose. :param euler: list or np.ndarray [roll, pitch, yaw] :return: rot: np.ndarray, 3x3 rotation matrix """ return R.from_euler('xyz', euler, degrees=degrees).as_matrix()
[docs]def rotate3d(points, euler): """ Rotate point cloud with the euler angles given in pose. :param points: np.ndarray, N x (3 + C) each point in the row has the format [x, y, z, ...] :param euler: list or np.ndarray [roll, pitch, yaw] :return: points: np.ndarray rotated point cloud """ assert len(euler) == 3 rot = rotation_matrix(euler) points[:, :3] = (rot @ points[:, :3].T).T return points
[docs]def cart2cyl(input_xyz): rho = np.sqrt(input_xyz[..., 0] ** 2 + input_xyz[..., 1] ** 2) phi = np.arctan2(input_xyz[..., 1], input_xyz[..., 0]) return np.concatenate((rho.reshape(-1, 1), phi.reshape(-1, 1), input_xyz[..., 2:]), axis=-1)
[docs]def cyl2cart(input_xyz_polar): x = input_xyz_polar[..., 0] * np.cos(input_xyz_polar[..., 1]) y = input_xyz_polar[..., 0] * np.sin(input_xyz_polar[..., 1]) return np.concatenate((x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), input_xyz_polar[..., 2:]), axis=-1)
[docs]def mat_yaw(cosa, sina, zeros=0, ones=1): return [ cosa, -sina, zeros, sina, cosa, zeros, zeros, zeros, ones ]
[docs]def mat_pitch(cosa, sina, zeros=0, ones=1): return [ cosa, zeros, sina, zeros, ones, zeros, -sina, zeros, cosa, ]
[docs]def mat_roll(cosa, sina, zeros=0, ones=1): return [ ones, zeros, zeros, zeros, cosa, -sina, zeros, sina, cosa, ]
[docs]def rotate_points_along_z_np(points, angle): """ :param points: (N, 3 + C or 2 + C) :param angle: float, angle along z-axis, angle increases x ==> y """ cosa = np.cos(angle) sina = np.sin(angle) rot_matrix = np.array([ [cosa, sina, 0], [-sina, cosa, 0], [0, 0, 1] ]).astype(np.float) if points.shape[1]==2: points_rot = np.matmul(points, rot_matrix[:2, :2]) elif points.shape[1]>2: points_rot = np.matmul(points[:, 0:3], rot_matrix) points_rot = np.concatenate((points_rot, points[:, 3:]), axis=-1) else: raise IOError('Input points should have the shape: (N, 3 + C or 2 + C).') return points_rot
[docs]def rotate_points_batch(points, angles, order='xyz'): """ :param points: (B, N, 3 + C) :param angles: (B, 1|3), radians rotation = R(3)R(2)R(1) if angles shape in (B, 3) :return: points_rot: (B, N, 3 + C) """ assert angles.shape[1] == len(order), \ "angles should has the shape (len(points), len(order))." points, is_numpy = check_numpy_to_torch(points) angles, _ = check_numpy_to_torch(angles) cosas = torch.cos(angles) sinas = torch.sin(angles) zeros = angles[:, 0].new_zeros(points.shape[0]) ones = angles[:, 0].new_ones(points.shape[0]) rot_matrix = torch.eye(3, dtype=points.dtype, device=points.device) rot_matrix = rot_matrix.reshape((1, 3, 3)).repeat(angles.shape[0], 1, 1) for cosa, sina, ax in zip(cosas.T, sinas.T, order): if ax == 'z': rot = torch.stack(mat_yaw( cosa, sina, zeros, ones ), dim=1).view(-1, 3, 3).float() elif ax == 'y': rot = torch.stack(mat_pitch( cosa, sina, zeros, ones ), dim=1).view(-1, 3, 3).float() elif ax == 'x': rot = torch.stack(mat_roll( cosa, sina, zeros, ones ), dim=1).view(-1, 3, 3).float() else: raise NotImplementedError rot_matrix = torch.bmm(rot, rot_matrix) points_rot = torch.bmm(rot_matrix, points[:, :, 0:3].float(). permute(0, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 1) points_rot =, points[:, :, 3:]), dim=-1) return points_rot.numpy() if is_numpy else points_rot
[docs]def rotate_points_along_z_torch(points, angle): """ :param points: (N, 2 + C) or (B, 2 + C) :param angle: float or tensor of shape (B), angle along z-axis, angle increases x ==> y """ if len(points.shape) == 2: points = points.unsqueeze(0) if isinstance(angle, float): angle = torch.tensor([angle], device=points.device) else: assert isinstance(angle, torch.Tensor) assert points.shape[0] == 1 or angle.shape[0] == points.shape[0] cosa = torch.cos(angle) sina = torch.sin(angle) rot_matrix = torch.stack([ torch.stack([cosa, sina], dim=-1), torch.stack([-sina, cosa], dim=-1) ], dim=1).float().to(points.device) if points.shape[0] == 1 and angle.shape[0] > 1: points = torch.tile(points, (len(rot_matrix), 1, 1)) points_rot = torch.bmm(points[..., 0:2], rot_matrix) points_rot =, points[..., 2:]), dim=-1) return points_rot
[docs]def rotate_points_with_tf_np(points: np.ndarray, tf_np: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotate points with transformation matrix. :param points (np.ndarray): Nx3 points array :param tf_np (np.ndarray): 4x4 transformation matrix :return: points (np.ndarray): Nx3 points array """ points_homo = np.concatenate([points, np.ones_like(points[:, :1])], axis=-1).T points = (tf_np @ points_homo)[:3].T return points
[docs]def rotate_box_corners_with_tf_np(corners: np.ndarray, tf_np: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotate points with transformation matrix :param corners: Nx8X3 points array :param tf_np: 4x4 transformation matrix :return: corners, Nx8X3 points array """ points = rotate_points_with_tf_np(corners.reshape(-1, 3), tf_np) corners = points.reshape(corners.shape) return corners
[docs]def mask_values_in_range(values, min, max): return np.logical_and(values>min, values<max)
[docs]def mask_points_in_box(points, pc_range): n_ranges = len(pc_range) // 2 list_mask = [mask_values_in_range(points[:, i], pc_range[i], pc_range[i+n_ranges]) for i in range(n_ranges)] return np.array(list_mask).all(axis=0)
[docs]def mask_points_in_range(points: np.array, dist: float) -> np.array: """ :rtype: np.array """ return np.linalg.norm(points[:, :2], axis=1) < dist
[docs]def get_tf_matrix_torch(vectors, inv=False): device = vectors.device n, _ = vectors.shape xs = vectors[:, 0] ys = vectors[:, 1] angles = vectors[:, 2] cosa = torch.cos(angles) sina = torch.sin(angles) ones = torch.ones_like(angles) zeros = torch.zeros_like(angles) rot_matrix = torch.zeros((n, 3, 3), device=device, requires_grad=True) rot_matrix[:, 0, 0] = cosa rot_matrix[:, 0, 1] = -sina rot_matrix[:, 1, 0] = sina rot_matrix[:, 1, 1] = cosa shift_matrix = torch.zeros_like(rot_matrix, requires_grad=True) shift_matrix[:, 0, 1] = xs shift_matrix[:, 1, 0] = ys shift_matrix[:, [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] = 1.0 if inv: mat = torch.einsum('...ij, ...jk', rot_matrix, shift_matrix) else: mat = torch.einsum('...ij, ...jk', shift_matrix, rot_matrix) return mat, rot_matrix, shift_matrix
[docs]def rotation_mat2euler_torch(mat): sy = torch.norm(mat[:, :2, 0], dim=1) singular = sy < 1e-6 not_singular = torch.logical_not(singular) euler = torch.zeros_like(mat[:, 0]) if not_singular.sum() > 0: euler[not_singular, 0] = torch.atan2(mat[not_singular, 2, 1], mat[not_singular, 2, 2]) euler[not_singular, 1] = torch.atan2(-mat[not_singular, 2, 0], sy) euler[not_singular, 2] = torch.atan2(mat[not_singular, 1, 0], mat[not_singular, 0, 0]) if singular.sum() > 0: euler[singular, 0] = torch.atan2(-mat[singular, 1, 2], mat[singular, 1, 1]) euler[singular, 1] = torch.atan2(-mat[singular, 2, 0], sy) return euler
[docs]def pose_err_global2relative_torch(poses, errs): """ Calculate relative pose transformation based on the errorneous global positioning :param poses: Nx2 or Nx3, first row is ego pose, other rows are the coop poses :param errs: Nx3, first row is ego pose error and other rows for coop pose errors :return: (N-1)x3, relative localization errors between ego and coop vehicles """ if poses.shape[-1]==2: poses =[poses, torch.zeros_like(poses[:, 0:1])], dim=-1) poses_err = poses + errs R01, _, _ = get_tf_matrix_torch(-poses[:1], inv=True) R10_hat, _, _ = get_tf_matrix_torch(poses_err[:1]) R20, _, _ = get_tf_matrix_torch(poses[1:]) R02_hat, _, _ = get_tf_matrix_torch(-poses_err[1:], inv=True) delta_R21 = torch.einsum('...ij, ...jk', R01, R20) delta_R21 = torch.einsum('...ij, ...jk', delta_R21, R02_hat) delta_R21 = torch.einsum('...ij, ...jk', delta_R21, R10_hat) x = delta_R21[0, 2] y = delta_R21[1, 2] theta = torch.atan2(delta_R21[1, 0], delta_R21[0, 0]) return torch.stack([x, y, theta], dim=-1)
[docs]def project_points_by_matrix_torch(points, transformation_matrix): """ Project the points to another coordinate system based on the transformation matrix. :param points: torch.Tensor, 3D points, (N, 3) :param transformation_matrix: torch.Tensor, Transformation matrix, (4, 4) :return: projected_points : torch.Tensor, The projected points, (N, 3) """ points, is_numpy = \ check_numpy_to_torch(points) transformation_matrix, _ = \ check_numpy_to_torch(transformation_matrix) # convert to homogeneous coordinates via padding 1 at the last dimension. # (N, 4) points_homogeneous = F.pad(points, (0, 1), mode="constant", value=1) # (N, 4) projected_points = torch.einsum("ik, jk->ij", points_homogeneous, transformation_matrix) return projected_points[:, :3] if not is_numpy \ else projected_points[:, :3].numpy()
if __name__=="__main__": for i in range(0, 300): frame = f"{i:06d}" ply_file = f"/koko/LUMPI/train/measurement5/lidar/{frame}.ply" bin_file = f"/media/hdd/projects/TAL/data/lumpi_m5/lidar0/{frame}.bin" lidar_ply2bin(ply_file, bin_file)